right, I put that ther becuase my saturday is your sunday lol
How many hours are we prepared to give this attempt? Do we have alts in case someone has to leave?
right, I put that ther becuase my saturday is your sunday lol
At the last world in Demons Souls, I might attempt to finish it this weekend or work on Dark Souls PC. But gotta slice Scrota up haha...Nice nice. I've done DS 3x on the same character, through NG++ and DS2... I lost track. One character through NG5+ or something. Made the DLC reaaalll interesting.
Demons Souls twice on fresh characters: once as Sorcerer but magic is completely broken so it was too easy(maybe 18 hours to beat on a mostly blind play through). Then again as melee character. Amazing game, definitely give it another whirl. Supposedly Tower of Latria is a big reference point for BB style/feeling.
Much love to everyone in this thread and any of you guys I've had a chance to play with. I'm trading in my copy and getting rid of a lot of my gaming stuff. I've been separated from my fiancé and kids for the past week and it has been a real eye opener in a lot of aspects of my life. Time to put this shit down! Be good ladies and gents. the7thAssassin signing off
What if hes lying! D:doesnt count, I made the post.
and no thats not me
The fuck is that?
How many hours are we prepared to give this attempt? Do we have alts in case someone has to leave?
lmao it's what we all associate you with clearly
Hits close to home. Went through something similar at Christmas. Good luck, keep communicating with your fiance and spend some quality time with your kids.Much love to everyone in this thread and any of you guys I've had a chance to play with. I'm trading in my copy and getting rid of a lot of my gaming stuff. I've been separated from my fiancé and kids for the past week and it has been a real eye opener in a lot of aspects of my life. Time to put this shit down! Be good ladies and gents. the7thAssassin signing off
I've never played a Souls game before and can't decide if I should get Bloodborne or not. I use to play Monster Hunter a lot but didn't get MH4 due to it being handheld only so far and now there is that MH clone game coming out around the same time as Bloodborne. So I can't decide on which one to get. sigh.
Will that other game satisfy my MH itch? Will Bloodborne be as fun as you all say it will be for someone who's never played that series? Will that other game be a good enough quality clone of MH? I'm not a fan of the horror genre and I hear Bloodborne is down that path, will that mean I won't like it?
So many questions. I can't decide.
I'm up for it all day long.How many hours are we prepared to give this attempt? Do we have alts in case someone has to leave?
I wanna turn my Hunter into a dude and my Warlock into a Robot without green joker hair. I hope the next expansion allows for such advanced technology
Well if you would like to do any NF's and I'm on, hit me up. We'll fight over Gjallarhorns.
Glad to see you're still around.
I'm in it to win it.or until I pass out
I am not a sea uterus.
Does anyone have the gorgon chest checkpoint they could share?
image changed, sorry. thuoght it was funny
How many hours are we prepared to give this attempt? Do we have alts in case someone has to leave?
Much love to everyone in this thread and any of you guys I've had a chance to play with. I'm trading in my copy and getting rid of a lot of my gaming stuff. I've been separated from my fiancé and kids for the past week and it has been a real eye opener in a lot of aspects of my life. Time to put this shit down! Be good ladies and gents. the7thAssassin signing off
PS4: iRAWRasaurusDoes anyone have the gorgon chest checkpoint they could share?
Welp you got a few obsessive weirdos on hereSpeaking of Bloodborne, is DGAF doing a watchword?
I love coop with Souls games.
How many hours are we prepared to give this attempt? Do we have alts in case someone has to leave?
What if hes lying! D:
PS4: iRAWRasaurus
edit Looks like Navid gotcha
Welp you got a few obsessive weirdos on heresoo yes
Ok but don't you see a difference between going AFK or hiding in a corner on one hand, and bringing a working as intended exotic weapon that was given to us by Bungie into a weekly heroic activity and actively playing your best to try and beat it?
If I had to guess I would put money on Nami and Lnkn52 having a lot more kills than the random even with NLB.
Much love to everyone in this thread and any of you guys I've had a chance to play with. I'm trading in my copy and getting rid of a lot of my gaming stuff. I've been separated from my fiancé and kids for the past week and it has been a real eye opener in a lot of aspects of my life. Time to put this shit down! Be good ladies and gents. the7thAssassin signing off
Speaking of Bloodborne, is DGAF doing a watchword?
I love coop with Souls games.
Mind you, I switched weapons once we got to Aksor. Got sick of dying.
Ok but don't you see a difference between going AFK or hiding in a corner on one hand, and bringing a working as intended exotic weapon that was given to us by Bungie into a weekly heroic activity and actively playing your best to try and beat it?
If I had to guess I would put money on Nami and Lnkn52 having a lot more kills than the random even with NLB.
Watchword is an 8 letter word you can share with people to make co-op so much easier. It's for people who want to play with friends instead of some randoms.Is watch word a Bb thing to make co-op easier with specific people/friends list? Been on black out like I said, haha.
I want to finish my first play through totally solo but then I'll do co-op all day erryday. VoG is the only coop experience I've played that compares or even eclipses Souls.
You could wait until it's out to hear more Gaffer impressions but anyone who's already a Souls convert will be gushing about it regardless, so look for newbies to the series. Although the big issue will likely be how accessible it is to newbies, which veterans will be well equipped to tell you, relative to any other entry point. Keep in mind there is co-op so there will be plenty of obsessive weirdos like myself who'll be happy to help you through tough spots.
The tone is clearly horror but the feeling of the actual gameplay looks to be very action oriented. More of a badass action adventure RPG with scary monsters to f up than a true horror genre title. Kinda like a mature Zelda mixed with an actually good 3D castlevania game.
Random joined in while we were still dealing with the Vex waves.What's this post prove besides you got a Gjallarhorn from Crota?
Edit: Oh, I see. Tbf that random wasn't there from the start.
www.destinystatus.comSomeone made a new site where you can check all the weekly completion status. It's great!
Watchword is an 8 letter word you can share with people to make co-op so much easier. It's for people who want to play with friends instead of some randoms.
It's gonna really useful for GAF team-ups.Awesome, sounds perfect. Thanks!
Really diggin' my Titan's new ride. I just imagine those things on top of the wings are speakers.
Really diggin' my Titan's new ride. I just imagine those things on top of the wings are speakers.
None tell you which checkpoints you have completed (raids) however... which I'm still jonesing for.
Watchword is an 8 letter word you can share with people to make co-op so much easier. It's for people who want to play with friends instead of some randoms.
Mind you, I switched weapons once we got to Aksor. Got sick of dying.
Exactly. Haven't read much about it but I guess that watchword makes it so you only coop with players with the same watchword.Is watch word a Bb thing to make co-op easier with specific people/friends list? Been on black out like I said, haha.
I want to finish my first play through totally solo but then I'll do co-op all day erryday. VoG is the only coop experience I've played that compares or even eclipses Souls.
That sucks dude. Just remember you still have a family here too.
For the guys that ran through HM VoG last night, I swear one of the guys we played with was Brad Shoemaker. I meant to ask the guy because he sounded exactly like him over chat.
ErnieMcCracken (aka Brad Shoemaker), reveal yourself!
Real life calls, man. Totally understandable. Good luck with everything.
At the last world in Demons Souls, I might attempt to finish it this weekend or work on Dark Souls PC. But gotta slice Scrota up haha...
Take care and good luck to you!
What if hes lying! D:
Damn, so sorry to hear that but glad to know you're taking steps to mend things. Always had a great time raiding and laughingwith you fine Phaethon
Nothing's more important than family.
Best of luck
Hope everything works out
I'm in it to win it.or until I pass out
I'm up for it all day long.
until wife enrage!
I should be good for the long haul.
Well next week, Best Buy is having a 30% trade bonus on all video games plus the 10% bonus for those who have the GCU.
I ran out of primary synthesis! And the Major Fallen Captains were being a huge pain in the ass. They needed a Gjallarhorn rocket or two.
I am going with my Titan cause that's what class I prefer the most.Good to know, I reckon 3 hours should be enough to knock it out.
Shall we discuss class loadout? I reckon 2 of each class is a good combo?
Personally I'd go with 3 titans, 2 warlocks and 1 hunter.
Someone made a new site where you can check all the weekly completion status. It's great!
None tell you which checkpoints you have completed (raids) however... which I'm still jonesing for.
Hits close to home. Went through something similar at Christmas. Good luck, keep communicating with your fiance and spend some quality time with your kids.