How do you obtain the prison of elders primary weapons with elemental damage?
By killing the level 35 Prison boss, Skolas.
How do you obtain the prison of elders primary weapons with elemental damage?
It is amazing due the ammo regen and kills at one shot at close range... some situations where you need to kill two or three guys near you it shows how a fast RoF destroy... you can kill a lot of guys without them shot you.How does Invective compare to Fellwinters, Matador, etc in PvP? I have one half leveled and may break it out tonight.
Yeap... they fixed.Can you only open the Wolves chest once now? No more leaving the area and returning?
YepCan you only open the Wolves chest once now? No more leaving the area and returning?
Can you only open the Wolves chest once now? No more leaving the area and returning?
Yup. Leave blink for warlocks.
YepCan you only open the Wolves chest once now? No more leaving the area and returning?
How does Invective compare to Fellwinters, Matador, etc in PvP? I have one half leveled and may break it out tonight.
There was some awesome Titan Smash skills too.![]()
I'm not sure how to articulate it, but I just don't think Destiny is built for it.
I wouldn't be opposed to trying it, but as the sentiment goes you start moving away from "Destiny" when those changes come into play.
Everything checks and balances each other.
Gjallarhorn is like dating a porn star. You can only dream about it.![]()
Yep, patched out in RIP in peace, sparrow races.
There's two of us ready. Already sent fr some time agoAnyone looking to do Prison of Elders on PS4 send me an invite. 31 Warlock, PSN: Squadon
My point is that "perfect shotguns" are so easy to get that basically everyone here as a perfect Matador/Fellwinters. That's probably the case for all people playing the "end game" PVP. There is basically no reason to use any other shotgun with any other set of perks.Thorn's worse.
And the Thorn bounty process is irrelevant.
Yeah, they made the drops less frequent, but it doesn't really seem to have changed the flow too much.Im trying out my newly leveled 365 matador now. Its all im using. Just take a few detours every now and then, and you wont have to fire anything but your shotgun.
Shouldn't be like that.
Spray and pray is a very apt description of my don't find it as effective due to lower impact and range. The auto fire perk is useful, however, if you're a "spray and pray" close quarters combatant like myself.
How does Invective compare to Fellwinters, Matador, etc in PvP? I have one half leveled and may break it out tonight.
I don't think the Thorn bounty is relevant to balance, but blink shotgunning is everywhere in IB and it's much worse than the Thorn in my experience. The more nerfs to primaries, the more we are going to see blink shotgunning. It's obnoxious and the biggest issue with (6v6) PvP in this game.
If your point is that Thorn users have skill because they completed the bounty as opposed to shotgun must be ignoring the fact that most people will use a Void shotgun to get the bounty. Cmon. It's not a challenge at all for anyone remotely interested in PvP, it'll just take longer for below average players.doubt anyone here hasn't been able to.
*looks around nervously*
...okay. I'm getting the itch to play again.
Last I left off, I was stuck at 27 and burnt out. This was right before the first expansion.
I stopped playing. The Dark Below AND House Of Wolves dropped.
But I picked it back up this past weekend and I'm now 29. I haven't done VoG or PoE or anything like that.
As someone who played a lot in the beginning and is now coming back to it, any tips or suggestions for me?
Work 10:30-7:30pm. Then work 7am-4pm same on Sunday. :/Maaathhhhh play Osiris with me tomorrow.
I view thorn as weapon that you use if you can't use anything else cause you suck. Plan and simple you suck balls. Mad? Deal with it.
Strike on a vita? Damn.. Mine would be flying through the window.I need to do this activity when I get my TV back...
1x PoE 35 (Warlock Master)
While that I will do these on my Vita....
3x Weekly Strike
3x Daily Crucible for Coins
And I need to start the IB HYPE TRAIN to get all the items I need for my three chars![]()
nerf thorn dot so it can't kill, only the impact can
i'll take my check bungie
Work 10:30-7:30pm. Then work 7am-4pm same on Sunday. :/
But I want toWhich means no ToO ever
Destiny |OT24| Nerf Herders
I've always thought a good way to deal with Thorn would be to reduce its raw damage but increase how long the poison stays on you considerably. Makes it more like a way to keep people damaged and unable to recover over a period of time instead of just another strong handcannon.
I agree. The DoT is what makes it unique. To make that more useful, let the dot hang out longer OR make the dot stronger and have the initial damage be weaker. Then it becomes an HC that you use to dot up enemies leaving them to be weak for your teamates or a follow up from your special weapon.
But I want to
Just games aren't very fun after working long hours like this.
I need to do this activity when I get my TV back...
1x PoE 35 (Warlock Master)
While that I will do these on my Vita....
3x Weekly Strike
3x Daily Crucible for Coins
And I need to start the IB HYPE TRAIN to get all the items I need for my three chars![]()
You might want to check the first page of the OT as there are a lot of good links and such. At 29 you're really close to running the Crota's End raid, but really you could be doing vanguard and/or crucible rank up to buy vendor gear which would get you to 32.
Do those bounties, do those weeklies/nightfalls, and see if you can sneak into a Crota's End normal maybe for gear without having to buy it.
could go both ways. if you do it this way, itll be a great suppression and team shot weapon but not something youd be terribly effective with in a 1v1I've always thought a good way to deal with Thorn would be to reduce its raw damage but increase how long the poison stays on you considerably. Makes it more like a way to keep people damaged and unable to recover over a period of time instead of just another strong handcannon.
If you are just looking to get to the end game as soon as possible, you want to get enough marks to buy armor that lets you get to 32, then run PoE 32 to get to get armor cores to get to 34. If you have one character, this can take a couple of weeks.*looks around nervously*
...okay. I'm getting the itch to play again.
Last I left off, I was stuck at 27 and burnt out. This was right before the first expansion.
I stopped playing. The Dark Below AND House Of Wolves dropped.
But I picked it back up this past weekend and I'm now 29. I haven't done VoG or PoE or anything like that.
As someone who played a lot in the beginning and is now coming back to it, any tips or suggestions for me?
Tuesdays are the best days to ask help for any event. That's when the most people are looking to clear stuff. Right now many are trying to grind out Iron Banner :]*looks around nervously*
...okay. I'm getting the itch to play again.
Last I left off, I was stuck at 27 and burnt out. This was right before the first expansion.
I stopped playing. The Dark Below AND House Of Wolves dropped.
But I picked it back up this past weekend and I'm now 29. I haven't done VoG or PoE or anything like that.
As someone who played a lot in the beginning and is now coming back to it, any tips or suggestions for me?
I need to do this activity when I get my TV back...
1x PoE 35 (Warlock Master)
While that I will do these on my Vita....
3x Weekly Strike
3x Daily Crucible for Coins
And I need to start the IB HYPE TRAIN to get all the items I need for my three chars![]()
Destiny |OT24| Nerf Herders
I've gotten so good in using Blink + ShotgunYup. Leave blink for warlocks.
I'm down psn blunoise1, just doing a bounty real quickPS4. Looking for 1 more for Level 34 PoE. Preferably with a Gjallhorn.
PSN ID: Dynedom
I'm down psn blunoise1, just doing a bounty real quick
I view thorn as weapon that you use if you can't use anything else cause you suck. Plan and simple you suck balls. Mad? Deal with it.