Twilight Gap
When you hopping on?
What's this bounty everyone's talking about?
i've been on. my body is ready.
When you hopping on?
What's this bounty everyone's talking about?
Did anyone succeed at Solo'ing Skolas? How would it work with the hot potato mechanic? Wasn't HM05 trying to Solo Skolas for a while?
Yep, have many of those to run.
I wouldn't mind after I finish this iron banner match.
I can run a 35. psn kortez1981
I can do either of the 3.
Nevermind to me. I do have a 365 longbow that hits like a truck, but I don't think I have a good void heavy.Gahhh so many!
I would love to knock out 35 right now if possible. Anyone have the void gear to do it?
I'll be running bounties. Just join when ready.
Good luck. For better or for worse, the game is now easier than ever to reach the level cap. The only hard part is finding people to do the PoE stuff with, but you can find people here fairly easily.Thank you, guys.
I'm on PS4 and will be playing tonight after 11 PM EST. If anyone wants to add me, let me know!
PSN ID: Instant__Vintage (two underscores)
I sadly only got the shitty impact vog sniper. Somehow managed twice, but still shitty lolGahhh so many!
I would love to knock out 35 right now if possible. Anyone have the void gear to do it?
I'll be running bounties. Just join when ready.
Nevermind to me. I do have a 365 longbow that hits like a truck, but I don't think I have a good void heavy.
It's impossible to solo skolas due to the devouring essence. Even a cheeselock can only get rid of the essence only once by self-res, won't have enough time to build super by the time the essence comes back.
Gahhh so many!
I would love to knock out 35 right now if possible. Anyone have the void gear to do it?
I'll be running bounties. Just join when ready.
Anyone up for some IB shennanigans? I might use the thorn, though, so you'll have to play with someone who sucks.
I'm fully voided up. just sent a request. psn kortez1981
Looks like we're starting an IB train.
Join SnakeCL on PSN
This is still my favourite contribution to Destiny:how do you guys know bungie is reading this thread?
how do you guys know bungie is reading this thread?
With Ghorn and Solar burn you can do him solo.
Tfue already killed him once but couldn't defuse the mines. It's basically RNG because the first mine needs to come up near you so you can defuse it while burning him.
It is possible and I think if next week is going to be solar again either Tfue, HM05 or Slayerage will do it.
If you go two elder ciphers does that mean you'll get two weapons? If not can you delete one without it glitching and deleting both?
With Ghorn and Solar burn you can do him solo.
Tfue already killed him once but couldn't defuse the mines. It's basically RNG because the first mine needs to come up near you so you can defuse it while burning him.
It is possible and I think if next week is going to be solar again either Tfue, HM05 or Slayerage will do it.
also i was searching for old posts and found this thread
oh my what could have been
I don't think anyone has had theirs come in yet, so no one knows.Anyone?
If the first spawns by you and you kill the boss, you can finish the encounter yourself since all the adds despawn and all you have to do is disarm the other mines.I was talking about beating the encounter successfully, not just killing the boss.
So someone can solo Skolas encounter if it's solar burn and if he/she gets lucky with the first mine spawn. So, like once a month it's possible to solo it? lol
Certainly don't want it to go there (hate that mode). I think the TTK is nice now, but some weapons need a boost. Weapons that require most skill should have the shortest TTK, like Zoba said.
Black Hammer must eat all the crits on Skolas solar burn. I can't wait.How did Tfue do it? Solar Spear with FS and Final Round + 14 Ghorn rockets and then switch a primary?
I don't think anyone has had theirs come in yet, so no one knows.
If the first spawns by you and you kill the boss, you can finish the encounter yourself since all the adds despawn and all you have to do is disarm the other mines.
Are there destiny e3 announcements coming or...
how do you guys know bungie is reading this thread?
Well they seems to read all the other things like Reddit. However due to the large amount of LFG stuff on here, probably not as much.
Your opening up old wounds, Zobs. Tread carefully.
Need one more for PoE 35. PSN is greyblade.
Are there destiny e3 announcements coming or...
also i was searching for old posts and found this thread
oh my what could have been
How did Tfue do it? Solar Spear with FS and Final Round + 14 Ghorn rockets and then switch a primary?
I was talking about beating the encounter successfully, not just killing the boss.
So someone can solo Skolas encounter if it's solar burn and if he/she gets lucky with the first mine spawn. So, like once a month it's possible to solo it? lol
Black Hammer must eat all the crits on Skolas solar burn. I can't wait.
I'm still hoping that they change it up completely and have next week be Small Arms or Airborne or something silly like that. I mean, I won't be doing it if it happens, but I think it'd be funny to watch people react to that.Yeah but you can't do enough dps without solar burn, so...only once in 3 weeks will it be possible.
I'd like to see someone solo it with arc or void burn.
The problem is that you'll have to stop either once the adds start hitting you or the mines appear. But with the Horn, that won't be a problem I suppose.Oh so if you perfectly crit Skolas over and over again hell just go down and you never run out of ammo with BH? And Skolas will stay staggered the whole time? Anybody know how many shots he takes? That sounds like it takes a lot of shots and a lot of skill.
more like bungie wont change it
nerf thorn
fix the last word
slightly rebalance the vex mythoclast
increase pulse rifle spread
tighten fusion rifle spread but keep range dropoff
buff auto rifle damage
buff scout rifle accuracy
increase shotgun range dropoff
increase blink cooldown
there. games perfect.
Oh so if you perfectly crit Skolas over and over again hell just go down and you never run out of ammo with BH? And Skolas will stay staggered the whole time? Anybody know how many shots he takes? That sounds like it takes a lot of shots and a lot of skill.
No you said it is impossible to do even with a Warlock which simply isn't true. If he got the mine at the C spawn right where he is heavy ammo glitching he would have done it already. Who cares what the circumstances must be. You can solo him.
The OP has some good guides as to how to level up efficiently and Hawkian runs 'newbie' raids every Thursday if that's of interest to you. Overall I'd just say get stuck in with the community here if there's anything you want to do: Nightfalls, PoE, raids, crucible etc.*looks around nervously*
...okay. I'm getting the itch to play again.
Last I left off, I was stuck at 27 and burnt out. This was right before the first expansion.
I stopped playing. The Dark Below AND House Of Wolves dropped.
But I picked it back up this past weekend and I'm now 29. I haven't done VoG or PoE or anything like that.
As someone who played a lot in the beginning and is now coming back to it, any tips or suggestions for me?
Your best wasn't good enoughThe taken king
Yeah I was thinking about void burn being impossible to solo.
Heavy ammo glitch still works? How do you even do that in skolas where wiping removes all the ammo drops?