2 seats available on the Stabie IB Train? Anyone interested?
Another enjoyable iron banner train has reached its final stop(no sprinkles were on board)
So this weekend I truly will get to Meecury lol. Is there a signup sheet again?
Got Low Grade Humility from the daily crucible match (loss) and got Shortgaze + Triple Tap + Injection Mold + Unflinching on the third roll. Also it's in void which is great. I guess I should keep it this way? How usable is Hidden Hand?
Why go for LGH over for instance the (new) The Chosen sniper from FWC? I got that exact roll for my The Chosen and it looks like that has a faster fire-rate too, which is what you want for PvP, no? Or does the LGH have some sort of insane aim assistance built in?
Edit: I'm lying, mine doesn't have shortgaze, but Hawkeye, Longview & Tacsys. What would be the best sight out of those 3?
So what is everybody's one thing they hope Xur sells in 2 hours.
I'm hoping for Lucky Raspberry so I can stop wearing Symbiote on Bladedancer.
I'll probably be greeted by tears though.
Hope he sells some chicken wings because I'm hungry.
If you're using Low Grade Humility I'm assuming you want to use it for PvP. Assuming you are, depending on how many motes you have I would recommending rerolling until you hit Shortgaze/Longview SLR10, with Hidden Hand and Unflinching. Middle perk has a couple good options, quickdraw/injection mold, few others. Triple tap is largely worthless for PvP though.
LGH does indeed have more aim assist
Chosen is okay. If i wanted a sniper like Chosen id probably just hope for another Hieracon with unflinching. Im kinda moving away from yhe fast RoF ones though. Ill always love the Hieracon but the LDR's aim assist on top of being able to kill sunsingers and bladedancers is hard to give up. LGH is the closest rerollable sniper you can get to an LDR.
LGH does indeed have more aim assist
Chosen is okay. If i wanted a sniper like Chosen id probably just hope for another Hieracon with unflinching. Im kinda moving away from yhe fast RoF ones though. Ill always love the Hieracon but the LDR's aim assist on top of being able to kill sunsingers and bladedancers is hard to give up. LGH is the closest rerollable sniper you can get to an LDR.
Using anything other than one of the exotic HCs puts you at a disadvantage. Unfortunately, that's just a fact.
Wot. Anyone else? I might rage quit if mine disappear.Is there a bug in the game, but somehow my treasure keys are disappearing?
Red Death seems to do pretty well.QFT. What other exotic are you gonna use?
This is why we should push for ascending all tiers of gear including white.i really wish this game had weapon shaders or some form of transmog. all my favorite looking gear are the white weapons. none lf the high level stuff is white![]()
IB Train 5-0
I get so much fun playing that wayThanks for the runs, Etho, Sars, & TheNal. We kicked some serious ass!!!
i really wish this game had weapon shaders or some form of transmog. all my favorite looking gear are the white weapons. none lf the high level stuff is white![]()
This is why we should push for ascending all tiers of gear including white.
Red Death seems to do pretty well.
Xur better have the new hunter exotic boots today.
Xur better have the new hunter exotic boots today.
If you don't mind my wildly fluctuating skill I would like a spot.IB Train 3 spots
PSN: ethomaz
I get so much fun playing that wayit is crazy... thanks and good night.
Happy Birthday Marvel!It's my birthday today
I would like a Herkmune.
Awesome, give me like 5 min to get my shit together and I'll be there, afk for a few.
Bitsurugi you still here? I know you wanted to get this done today as well...
i really wish this game had weapon shaders or some form of transmog. all my favorite looking gear are the white weapons. none lf the high level stuff is white![]()
It's my birthday today
This above all. Also I would like to mess around with the Peregrine Greaves. Chest engrams so I can get lucky on a Purifier Robes please.
Happy birthday Alex!It's my birthday today
I would like a Herkmune.
Down for another IB GAF Train a bit later on today. Thomas the tank engine theme must be included.
Xur better have the new hunter exotic boots today.
No Hawkmoon for j00!
IB Train 5-1
We couldn't go to Mercury![]()
happy day of birth marvel!
Happy Birthday!It's my birthday today
I would like a Herkmune.
Down for another IB GAF Train a bit later on today. Thomas the tank engine theme must be included.
I feel you, man.
Part of the reason I sharded Low Grade Humility was because I thought it was butt ugly. That blue camo! No!
Same with the Spear. I don't want logos all over my guns.
I pick my gear based on aesthetics as much as anything, even if I know I've sharded valuable gear because I just couldn't live with the way it looked.