Will do. Send me a FR - Mr-Stephen on PSN. We're still looking for 1 more if anybody's interested in a Hard Crota run
We lost because someone in our team got dropped.
We lost because someone in our team got dropped.
I've been playing ever since launch and my bitching finally ends!!!!! ABOUT FUCKING TIME!
I've been playing ever since launch and my bitching finally ends!!!!! ABOUT FUCKING TIME!
Congrats man!I've been playing ever since launch and my bitching finally ends!!!!! ABOUT FUCKING TIME!
I've been playing ever since launch and my bitching finally ends!!!!! ABOUT FUCKING TIME!
Seconded! Bungie forums?That's hilarious, where can I read these?
Seconded! Bungie forums?
My experience and that of most people I've read is of having a generally easy time during the first 5 rounds then hiring a huge difficulty spike against Skolas.Does anyone actually find POE 35 fun? I Fucking hate it. We got to round 4 today, spent an hour trying to kill stuff and just gave up. just wanted to actually do something fun, and not soul destroying.
I don't think POE is going to keep me playing Destiny, and that sucksI've tried so hard to like it, i just don't. It has been one of my favourite games ever, but there are so many issues with the game, it feels like they don't actually play the same game we do. Who would put something in a game like that and not have check points? It's either an over-site or a giant fuck you. And each is worrying for the future of the game.
I have been playing Iron Banner, and despite it's faults, i found myself actually having dare i say it... fun...
Only for the etheric light though..
Does anyone actually find POE 35 fun? I Fucking hate it. We got to round 4 today, spent an hour trying to kill stuff and just gave up. just wanted to actually do something fun, and not soul destroying.
I don't think POE is going to keep me playing Destiny, and that sucksI've tried so hard to like it, i just don't. It has been one of my favourite games ever, but there are so many issues with the game, it feels like they don't actually play the same game we do. Who would put something in a game like that and not have check points? It's either an over-site or a giant fuck you. And each is worrying for the future of the game.
I have been playing Iron Banner, and despite it's faults, i found myself actually having dare i say it... fun...
Only for the etheric light though..
Actually...Void burn is as good as it gets. It is so much easier to survive! You can run the fight semi legit. As in, burn Skolas with snipers and if mines spawn before he does it's no problem. You can actually go forth with the mechanics without EVERYTHING being insta kills. Arc burn is horrible really. And Solar depends on very good Horning because otherwise Skolas will also insta kill you.I haven't done PoE, and I only plan on doing it once when I feel like the burn will be on my side (solar). I just need the grimoire, I don't care for anything else. Some of the best armor in the game are not from PoE
Looking for ToO team
Seconded! Bungie forums?
9-0 got on my Hunter and Warlock last night.
Long story about the scrubs of LFG incoming.
Encountered my first true douchebag on LFG. I'm not gonna lie, I write kinda dick-sounding LFG posts when I'm looking for a Trials group, mostly in an attempt to deter guys looking for the carry before I can get my wins out of the way. Once they are in though I'm really not a jerk, I'll never kick anyone for using certain guns or having a KD of less than 1 as long as they are trying and are nice about the losses.
Anyway this guy joins in and he immediately set off flags. He's whiny, asks me what do I want him to run, and I tell him I'm not that kind of guy and he should run what he does best and feels most comfortable with. Obviously I'd feel better playing with a try hard running Thorn or TLW with a perfect rolled sniper or shotty but whatever, dude was adamant that his Invective was doing work earlier (uhhhh). He claims he is very adaptive and can run any armor/gun combo because he has everything and "has no life".
Anyway, right after asking me to basically boss him around, he states he just had a bad time with a group because apparently the leader had problems ordering him in "the right way". Now I get LFG is like playing roulette and it's pretty easy to get on a bad team for content and get burned, but in most cases when I join up with people who are quick to complain like this about their last group they are often complicit in the crap that went down.
We find a third, guy is sort of bad but he's well intentioned and is trying. First match is murdaaaaaaa. 2 warlocks and a hunter vs our 2 Titans and my hunter. All 3 on the other team are blink shotgun rushing. I'm the only one staying alive more than 30 seconds because of my blink as well, despite not knowing how the map plays in ToO yet. We lose 1-5. Straight rekt. I'm not upset, it's kinda cheap but it's way riskier to sprint at a team full force like they did instead of thorn and sniping across the map and I knew these guys on my team wouldn't know what to do with blink shotgunners, and no way I can consistently handle 3v1s on that shit. We all end up negative but the whiny guy is on top because he went 4 in 5 kill trading and I went 4 in 7 trying to play the not die immediately game. "All I ask is that people go positive. I CAN'T KEEP WASTING COINS!" he screeches. I tell him to chill out and point out that he was also negative by 1. "Yeah but that was better than your 4 in 7 you fucker!" He sounds like John C Reilly in Stepbrothers when Will Ferrell teabags his drumset at this point. I kinda laugh and I'm just like "dude you're really whiny and you weren't playing well either. Old asshole ways from years of Gears, CoD, and Halo make me point out he has a overall KD of 1.15 and I have a 2.3 and I could have been a tool and booted him as soon as I saw his stats. "That's cuz multiple people play on this account dumbass!" Okayyyyy. He quits out lol.
Don't understand why people don't grind out the coins if they care about Trials. Every time I hear, "I don't have enough for the boons", I don't have much sympathy because the coins take less than 30 minutes to grind a day for at least 21 guranteed coins a week across 3 characters, enough for a couple full sets of boons. Feel like people would be a lot less stressed if they had a surplus of them. Sitting on 80+ myself. Also, who rages after one match?
Went on to play a 6-7 matches with the other guy and his kid friend he brought in. We lose one, and the matches are way sweatier than they need to be because we aren't gelling as a team and the guys don't have much "don't die for a kill" discipline but I hit 6-0 before I find another group because the guys wanna take a 20 minute break to do IRL stuff and I'm trying to go to bed lol.
My last group was a dream tho omg. I'm not some PVP juggernaut but I'm confident in saying I'm decent to gud, but this is the first ToO group I think I can say that I was playing with dudes on my level or better actually. Dudes where master snipers, on top of call outs, watching for flanks, never got angry, always played safe and chose the revive over chasing a kill. Gawd. We added eachother so quick lmao. Finished my Hunter's 9-0 with them and then went 9-0 on my Warlock with them even though I was soooo tired just because I knew our group could straight smash most of our competition that night. Got the Jewel in Solar (ehhhh I wanted Arc or Void but I'll take it) along with the shotty which sucks despite looking cool. Just missing the sniper and I'll have one of all the ToO guns, along with multiple dupes in different elements hah. Still got reward packages to open on my Lock since I got like only 100 glimmer and my Titan to get through. Hoping next week I can just chill at 5 wins and play for the helms.
Actually...Void burn is as good as it gets. It is so much easier to survive! You can run the fight semi legit. As in, burn Skolas with snipers and if mines spawn before he does it's no problem. You can actually go forth with the mechanics without EVERYTHING being insta kills. Arc burn is horrible really. And Solar depends on very good Horning because otherwise Skolas will also insta kill you.
If you haven't done 35, I would suggest you do it this week because it probably won't be this easy for a while.
On the other hand, Heavy Weapon Loader on ToO gloves will make Horning him a little easier next Solar burn..
Seconded! Bungie forums?
I know someone mentioned a poster from Reddit crying about being banned and they couldn't equip and ToO items they got from previous weeks.
I've been playing ever since launch and my bitching finally ends!!!!! ABOUT FUCKING TIME!
Space for 1 doing hard Crota. Mr-Stephen on PSN if you're down
Not even being able to use gear? I like it.
If they are proven cheaters they have no business using the ToO gear.
If you want "sympathy", you can find it in the dictionary somewhere between "shit" and "syphilis"
I won't speak to the encounter's fun value. I've ranted enough about how ridiculous the loot table is in a post-Crota/ToO Destiny scheme. Incredibly Skolas drops weapons even less often than Atheon did, which is utter insanity.If I get a team and get a treasure key I might take your advice and try to do it this week. . just don't want to push myself to do something that is not fun.
Well people quitting when intimidated deserve that temporary lockout but they didn't harm anyone. Lag switchers do deserve perma bans imo. Deleting weapons because your Fireteam leader changed characters when he saw he'd be up against a good team would seem excessive. Lock them out for a week or two and they'll learn.So Bungie just restricted people ToO gear instead of deleting it. . I kind of want them to delete the gear just for drama but that's just me.
Looking for ToO team. I went 12-0 yesterday, and 8-2 today.
Good luck! It took me at least 80 motes, hope you'll spend less.
Looking for one more for ToO.
I wouldn't suggest buying the booms at the start. We can just get a feel of how we all play together. If we get 2 losses before 3 wins then I think we would just start our card over. And if we get a loss at the start we probably would start it over if we were considering that card to be our serious run.
Best advice I received was to buy the boons in the middle of trials and don't focus on buying the free win boon.
This map for Trials is worse than a few others would be but better than most. I quite like it.Looking back I was such a fool: Widow's Court is one of the best Skirmish maps in the game. Absolutely love it. Also, it's fun to have a shootout in the church - makes it more epic.
I'm not that good at PvP, but if you still need one I'm up for it. PSN id is the same as GAF name.
Haha yeah I found some as well now, some people think up the craziest stories to hide that they are trying to duck good teams.Here's one, where the player said he did nothing but he has a bunch of 0-0 games on his record.
lookin for some vog or IB train love!
Wow just took a look at the Bungie forums, so many players banned/restricted it's insane.
Lots of saltiness!