The more I play this the more I love it and become increasingly convinced the poor reviews are a case of reviewers grinding through the game in a very short time, most likely solo, instead of actually taking time to get a feel for what is special about it.
Jumping between a few story missions, some PvP, a bit of patrol, maybe a strike.. I haven't played another game that does what this game does. The PvP alone is worth owning this game for. Also playing with friends is almost a must as everything is so brilliantly designed around doing that, and they failed so much in making it a social experience when you're solo.
To me this game really hits the mark in terms of the loot as well. Maybe that'll change later on when nothing but legendaries are good enough, but I'm glad your character doesn't have to be ugly and useless unless you have uber-gear like it is in some other loot games.