Formerly Gizmowned
Man just pulled in 11k glimmer in 30 minutes. Guaranteed glimmer farm spot. Really fast
PM me location? I need a new spot.
Man just pulled in 11k glimmer in 30 minutes. Guaranteed glimmer farm spot. Really fast
Man just pulled in 11k glimmer in 30 minutes. Guaranteed glimmer farm spot. Really fast
The light stat on gear.
It disappears because you technically don't level up with XP anymore. Instead, XP gives you a mote of light every so often. To check your progress to that, open your inventory and move the cursor over the number of your level and it will show you a progress bar to the next mote of light. When you get it, it pops up on the right side of the screen like a loot drop.
I don't know why they don't just leave the XP bar at the bottom. I'd like to see the progress toward the motes of light.
Light stats on gear will raise your level from 20 on, and upgrading the defense on the gear with light stats increases that level even more.
Level 20 is the soft cap. This was relayed to you by the gigantic "Maximum Level" notification when you hit 20. You can level beyond 20 by getting armor with the "Light Attribute". The more light attribute your armor has, the higher your overall level. The attributes themselves don't mean as much at this point with the exception of light. Higher Light levels allow you to access a wider range of content/challenges.
I have strong beliefs in not purchasing weapons from shops when it comes to shops in RPGs. I'll eventually get a legendary in the wild.
You know level up with armor that has "light stat".
For your next level there will be a bar under your emblem that will show how much Light you have/need to level up when you get gear with the Light stat. If you hover over the Level 20 area in the inventory screen and it will show your progress to a Mote of Light which is increased with XP.
The Vault of Glass could end up being the best raid ever, but at this rate few will be able to even play it when it opens tomorrow. I've seen maybe two level 26s in my entire time playing the game and neither was on my friends list. By DestinyDB's stats, there are only 177 level 25s currently. I can't imagine getting 6 level 26s together to raid at the same time will be easy tomorrow.
I know its not going anywhere, but it would have been nice to at least peek my head in and see what it's all about (level 22 currently)
I've hit the cap myself a few times. If only glimmer was actually good for something :/
I'll be home later Cra5h! (it's a me, todahawk)
I've hit the cap myself a few times. If only glimmer was actually good for something :/
Yes, but let's not be picky
I even found a few the video didn't
People just wanted a farming route, now they have the knowledge and know how, that's all
If you want to upload a vid of your route or loop and show it, go ahead, im just helping, I'm taking credit for coming up with this, but I'll damn sure be the aggregate to spread itt out
Does anybody know what's the vex minotaur weak spot?
Great. The best reward I got after 30 pvp matches was a strange coin.God damn it GAF. There was a game of Clash and someone joined 60 seconds before the end. He just stood there afk for most of it, killed one enemy, got one assist, and died. He then got the legendary emblem. The team lost 5000:2000, he joined right at the end, and shot one person. This loot system is BROKEN.
Plot twist: That person... was me.
Man just pulled in 11k glimmer in 30 minutes. Guaranteed glimmer farm spot. Really fast
What time were you thinking? I'm available tomorrow during normal hours EST. Level 25 Warlock at the moment. PSN: Oozer3993
Don't see anything. Did you send it to my PSN?
The game after 20 has been significantly less enjoyable for me than it was beforehand. Getting to 24 was kind of a pain, since a lot of the blue drops I got were duplicate armor slots or weapons, but it took about two days of solid playing to reach 24. I've barely reached 25 since then, thanks to the single legendary item I bought from faction reputation. I'll be able to get one more legendary today from Vanguard reputation, which hopefully will be enough to push me to 26 after some upgrades.
The raid is the thing I was most excited to try out in this game, but it seems unlikely now that I'll get to do it when it opens thanks to the terrible drop rates of legendary items. I have over 45 hours played, spent several hours every day playing crucible, ran dozens of strikes at 24, with not a single legendary drop to show for it. My Cryptarch is almost rank 9, I've given him probably 20 legendary engrams by now, again without a single legendary item received from them.
Meanwhile people with 1/5 the number of kills in a strike or the bottom of the PVP scoreboard get legendary items left and right it seems. I'm going to keep playing until the raid opens in the hope that my luck will change and I'll get a drop that gets me to 26 if the second reputation item doesn't. But if the raid opens and I'm still stuck at 25, I might be done with the game until they do something about the drop rates. Since I can't even earn marks anymore this week, it's just not worth my time to play with nothing to show for it.
I've hit the cap myself a few times. If only glimmer was actually good for something :/
Did I just beat the game...?
Is it true the two expansions are exclusive to PS4 for 12 months? I would never have bought the deluxe version if I knew this. Holy lame..
i was killed by many shingen-e rifles, but I nevertheless assure you hand cannons remain highly effective in pvp.
PvP is getting worse everyday.
The point is to have Bungie have a good laugh at you (us).
I've decripted several purple engrams and was lucky to get 1 of them to be an actul legendary item I could use.
I don't understand the drop rate for purples, they drop rarely but always get a blue with awful stats, if you're making them give blue useless gear make them drop faster, or keep the current drop rate and make them ACTUAL LEGENDARIES.
Just played some competitive MP at a low level... that was a slog.
Also is there still a lag between when you get a kill and the "you killed ___" text shows up? I was noticing it.
This melee bounty, ugh. Even with titan's shoulder charge it blows. 8/20 kills in 2 matches.
Thanks guys
Another stupid question. If I shift to the sub-class now is it too late to level it up?
PvP is getting worse everyday.
Check PMsSomeone PLEASE PM me the 11k glimmer spot. Heading to bed so would love to read about it tomorrow morning.
I can't believe we live in 2014 and there are games with unskippable cut-scenes.
Check PMs
And the opposite is arriving and seeing you have to kill a VIP with an instantly respawning shield and you're the only one who showed up.
Even with a group, those are near impossible.
Check PMs
Anyone know the easiest and fastest strike to do for the do 5 strikes without dying exotic bounty?
OK, thanks.Not true.
There is exclusive content for Playstation owners within the expansion but the expansion itself is not exclusive.
Check PMs
Take to long , respwan system sucks, no flow, No reason to do good,Some map are way to big, so are way to small. Yep it no very good.
Thinking about starting a new class. What would be the most useful for raids, Defender Titan or sunsinger warlock?
Also how do you get exotic bounties?
Yo sharing is caring!Check PMs
Check PMs
And the opposite is arriving and seeing you have to kill a VIP with an instantly respawning shield and you're the only one who showed up.
Even with a group, those are near impossible.
PvP is getting worse everyday.
I don't know if its been corrected with the update but best to use all the glimmer at the Cryptarch on blue engrams. This ranks you up every 3000xp and you get rewarded with "Legendary" items at the postmaster. I only got Rare but some people have gotten Legendary gear.
Yo sharing is caring!