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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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No need for PMs, guys. This isn't an exploit.

I blame Yoshi.

I expect Yoshi asked for a PM as he's going offline and finding a single post in this sea of engram anger is fairly impossible, that's all.

I'm kinda wanting a sparrow horn now, especially if they're comical. Your fault SymbiantXenos! That'd be well funny, just driving up behind unsuspecting players/bad guys and honking at them lol


PS4 GAF I need someone's assistance.

Tonight in about 3-4 hours my friend and I will be doing the weekly nightfall to get an Exotic weapon reward. He and I are both level 26.

We need 1 more who is 26(or higher) to help complete. I am Warlock, he is Hunter, and we'll take anything for a third, but a Titan would be great for bubbleshield or another Warlock Sunsinger who can also revive himself in case things get hairy.

We have gotten to the tank before, but that was just duo.

PSN ID: OutlawOcelot

Add me and add in the message you are with GAF for the nightfall.

I may be able to help. I'm a Level 26 Titan with Defender leveled up well enough for Blessing of Light. Weapons of Light I think is only a tiny bit of XP for me to unlock.

Though if you guys start more towards the 4 hours from now it may be too late. 8:30 PM EST would be perfect.

PSN: X-Frame


Hit 20, not finished story and probably never will as it is just so obvious on every level of how little they gave a shit about it, so why should I care?

What do I do now...what do I do now?!?!?


Can someone please link the list of codes for bungie.net. Thanks
01: YKA-RJG-MH9 (Class: Warlock)
02: MVD-4N3-NKH (Class: Titan)
03: 3DA-P4X-F6A (Class: Hunter)
04: TCN-HCD-TGY (Fallen: Rixis, Devil Archon)
05: HDX-ALM-V4K (Destination: Cosmodrome)
06: 473-MXR-3X9 (Enemy: Hive)
07: JMR-LFN-4A3 (Destination: The Ocean Of Storms, Moon)
08: HC3-H44-DKC (Exotic: Gjallarhorn)
09: 69P-KRM-JJA (Destination: The Tower)
10: 69P-VCH-337 (Exotic: The Last Word)
11: 69R-CKD-X7L (Hive: Ogre)
12: 69R-DDD-FCP (Destination: Valley of Kings, Mars)
13: 69R-F99-AXG (Enemy: The Fallen)
14: 69R-VL7-J6A (Exotic: Red Death)
15: 69X-DJN-74V (Enemy: Cabal)
16: 6A7-7NP-3X7 (Destination: Shattered Coast, Venus)
17: 6A9-DTG-YGN (Vex: Minotaur)
18: 7F9-767-F74 (Emblem: Sign Of The Finite)
19: FJ9-LAM-67F (Emblem: Binding Focus)
20: JDT-NLC-JKM (Emblem: Ab Aeterno)
21: JNX-DMH-XLA (Emblem: Field of Light)
22: 7CP-94V-LFP (Emblem: Lone Focus, Jagged Edge)
23: JD7-4CM-HJG (Emblem: Illusion of Light)
24: X4C-FGX-MX3 (Emblem: Note of Conquest)
25: X9F-GMA-H6D (Emblem: The Unimagined Plane)
26: N3L-XN6-PXF (Emblem: The Reflective Proof)
27: A7L-FYC-44X (Emblem: Flames of Forgotten Truth)
28: 7MM-VPD-MHP (Shader: Double Banshee)
29: RXC-9XJ-4MH (Shader: Oracle 99)



This game is bugging out like crazy now. Doing the daily mission.

Started the mission to locate the hive ritual chamber. I scan the two rifts, and get sent into the crypt. Somehow the waypoint sent me through a completely different entrance, so the game presented me with all sorts of locked doors even though the game wanted me to continue. I actually managed to double jump my way over some fences thinking the heroic missions actually had some variety to it. After a 10 minute drag through the boring dungeon, I find myself at another entrance on the other side of the map. The game suddenly teleports me outside, loads, and then presents the cutscene where the strange warns me about the dangers that lurk out in the universe. I then get teleported into the area with the big Ogre that you need to fight before you head down the stairway.

What the fuck.


Where are you guys getting these shaders that actually look good at? All the ones you can buy at the tower look like shit. I'm level 24 and I've yet to find any shaders in the wild or anything.

Sad to say, I've received all my shaders (excluding the crappy ones from the dress lady and the two bungie.net code ones) from PvP rewards.


Can’t stump the diablos
PS4 GAF I need someone's assistance.

Tonight in about 3-4 hours my friend and I will be doing the weekly nightfall to get an Exotic weapon reward. He and I are both level 26.

We need 1 more who is 26(or higher) to help complete. I am Warlock, he is Hunter, and we'll take anything for a third, but a Titan would be great for bubbleshield or another Warlock Sunsinger who can also revive himself in case things get hairy.

We have gotten to the tank before, but that was just duo.

PSN ID: OutlawOcelot

Add me and add in the message you are with GAF for the nightfall.

I hope you don't get disappointed when none of you get an exotic.
I completed the lv 28 nightfall and none of us got exotics. One guy got nothing, the other got a couple blues and I got something like 5 strange coins.


Okay, quick question re strikes.

My friend and I just did the first two, and both took quite a lot of time. The second one on the moon took a LOT of time as we kept dying to the waves of wizards and knights.

Are you supposed to be doing them at the level they list (8 and 12)? Are the bosses meant to have that much health, and for there to be soooooooo many adds?

Really enjoyed them both but they felt too long, the rewards didn't seem great and the difficulty / pacing seemd a bit off. I'm sure at one point we had 6 wizards up on the moon strike, and they were far more deadly than the boss.


You made the exact same post 6 minutes ago!

Derp. I was using my Wii U gamepad and when I glanced at it it was still on the post creation page so I pressed Post again :L

Might be best to save your Motes for actual gear, but the class items from the Speaker do look pretty sweet.

Well the only other thing I can spend it on is the engram from Xur right? I'd rather use my Strange Coins on the Exotic I want instead of gambling, this game doesn't reward gamblers xD


I may be able to help. I'm a Level 26 Titan with Defender leveled up well enough for Blessing of Light. Weapons of Light I think is only a tiny bit of XP for me to unlock.

Though if you guys start more towards the 4 hours from now it may be too late. 8:30 PM EST would be perfect.

PSN: X-Frame

Shucks. I'm at work but will aim to show up sooner. Out of work in 1.5 hours. Traffic permitting I may be able to get there sooner, but I want to give fluff time.

I'll send a PSN invite anyway. If not today, then tomorrow's, but this week's we finally are in the right range for and my buddy and I figured out a great way to do each section by doing lower level ones to see what works.


slept with Malkin
Thank you based RNG, 3 target patrol missions in the rocket yard lol. 75 vanguard rep in 10 minutes. It would take 3 lvl 24 strikes to get that...


Okay, quick question re strikes.

My friend and I just did the first two, and both took quite a lot of time. The second one on the moon took a LOT of time as we kept dying to the waves of wizards and knights.

Are you supposed to be doing them at the level they list (8 and 12)? Are the bosses meant to have that much health, and for there to be soooooooo many adds?

Really enjoyed them both but they felt too long, the rewards didn't seem great and the difficulty / pacing seemd a bit off. I'm sure at one point we had 6 wizards up on the moon strike, and they were far more deadly than the boss.
I think it's better to be a few lvls higher. Did the first one with a buddy, me lvl 11 and him 12. Challenge felt just right and didn't take very long.


The game's been out less than a week. If they patched everything up to maximize advancement speed/efficiency, folks would be done within a day or two.

I'm sure they'll tweak things and make adjustments (they already have in a couple of cases) but they're probably going to look at a longer time frame than one week.

If it's too awful to contemplate playing under the current circumstances, just put the game down for a bit and wait for to see if it's patched. If anything, a large decline in the online community will probably push Bungie to think about changes more seriously than just bitching while still playing.

This game really only works with a vibrant online community, any indication that it is dying an early death will certainly spur them into action.

This is pretty much exactly what I did after my first vanilla D3 play through. Didn't even max level my first character because the loot was shit. Couldn't be happier with what it's turned in to. Reaper of Souls is magnificent.

I think I'll probably hit 20 on Destiny and dive in on and off when I want to experience the sweet, sweet shooting. I'm not going to grind my guts out for gear until they fix the loot system though.


Oh shit, casually on a farming route on earth and grab a chest with 12 spinmetal, 2 special ammo packs and a legendary engram. Good fucking times.


Probably a dumb question, but what is the list of things (objectives?) on the left side of the Orbit map? It seems like its suggesting things in the crucible for me to do but I'm not sure why or if there's actually another purpose.
Well, farmed Nexus for nearly an hour and a half with two other gaffers and I got a mere 3 blue drops. At least they all decrypted blue. But I'm now at 30 hours played and I've only gotten a single legendary drop and it decrypted to blue. Getting really annoyed now.
Yeah, it kinda sucks now, but just throw that sucker into the vault and use it when you eventually roll a Titan.

This shit still bothers me though.


LMAO!!!! OMG!!! This post wins the thread.

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