No, it's 23 motes of light for a random exotic chest engram.
But this could happen to you:
This is evil. You have to be a complete fucking asshole to do this to people. :|
No, it's 23 motes of light for a random exotic chest engram.
But this could happen to you:
Correct, confirmed. You have to do what it says in the video (i.e. difficulty level 12).Confirmed it wasn't patched?
No need for PMs, guys. This isn't an exploit.
I blame Yoshi.
PS4 GAF I need someone's assistance.
Tonight in about 3-4 hours my friend and I will be doing the weekly nightfall to get an Exotic weapon reward. He and I are both level 26.
We need 1 more who is 26(or higher) to help complete. I am Warlock, he is Hunter, and we'll take anything for a third, but a Titan would be great for bubbleshield or another Warlock Sunsinger who can also revive himself in case things get hairy.
We have gotten to the tank before, but that was just duo.
PSN ID: OutlawOcelot
Add me and add in the message you are with GAF for the nightfall.
01: YKA-RJG-MH9 (Class: Warlock)Can someone please link the list of codes for Thanks
what's this PM secret you guys are going on about
Where are you guys getting these shaders that actually look good at? All the ones you can buy at the tower look like shit. I'm level 24 and I've yet to find any shaders in the wild or anything.
PS4 GAF I need someone's assistance.
Tonight in about 3-4 hours my friend and I will be doing the weekly nightfall to get an Exotic weapon reward. He and I are both level 26.
We need 1 more who is 26(or higher) to help complete. I am Warlock, he is Hunter, and we'll take anything for a third, but a Titan would be great for bubbleshield or another Warlock Sunsinger who can also revive himself in case things get hairy.
We have gotten to the tank before, but that was just duo.
PSN ID: OutlawOcelot
Add me and add in the message you are with GAF for the nightfall.
They didn't patch the farm spots. I just did the Shrine of Oryx spot on the Moon with no trouble.
You made the exact same post 6 minutes ago!
Might be best to save your Motes for actual gear, but the class items from the Speaker do look pretty sweet.
Can you use the decoding items to rep up the 3 other factions?
I may be able to help. I'm a Level 26 Titan with Defender leveled up well enough for Blessing of Light. Weapons of Light I think is only a tiny bit of XP for me to unlock.
Though if you guys start more towards the 4 hours from now it may be too late. 8:30 PM EST would be perfect.
PSN: X-Frame
I'm up for some Nexus farming on PS4.Gonna start a Nexus farm group if anyone wants to go on PS4. Have 1 spot open
Gonna start a Nexus farm group if anyone wants to go on PS4. Have 1 spot open
What is the purpose of doing higher level strikes? Is the loot better?
I think it's better to be a few lvls higher. Did the first one with a buddy, me lvl 11 and him 12. Challenge felt just right and didn't take very long.Okay, quick question re strikes.
My friend and I just did the first two, and both took quite a lot of time. The second one on the moon took a LOT of time as we kept dying to the waves of wizards and knights.
Are you supposed to be doing them at the level they list (8 and 12)? Are the bosses meant to have that much health, and for there to be soooooooo many adds?
Really enjoyed them both but they felt too long, the rewards didn't seem great and the difficulty / pacing seemd a bit off. I'm sure at one point we had 6 wizards up on the moon strike, and they were far more deadly than the boss.
Can you use the decoding items to rep up the 3 other factions?
The game's been out less than a week. If they patched everything up to maximize advancement speed/efficiency, folks would be done within a day or two.
I'm sure they'll tweak things and make adjustments (they already have in a couple of cases) but they're probably going to look at a longer time frame than one week.
If it's too awful to contemplate playing under the current circumstances, just put the game down for a bit and wait for to see if it's patched. If anything, a large decline in the online community will probably push Bungie to think about changes more seriously than just bitching while still playing.
This game really only works with a vibrant online community, any indication that it is dying an early death will certainly spur them into action.
They did patch the Venus one though. Moon farmspot will be only a matter of time.
Doubt anyone will care here but:
I posted this in the lore thread. Any thoughts on it? Anyone enjoy it?![]()
Yeah, it kinda sucks now, but just throw that sucker into the vault and use it when you eventually roll a Titan.
This shit still bothers me though.
Oh I'd like a PM as well :>