Here's a list of stuff I want.
Keyboard support and text chat channels. USB keyboards, PlayStation App, Vita, they all would work fine. We need an easier way to look for groups for specific things. I need to be able to ask for help if I'm in a hard spot in a story mission or tell everyone in the zone there is a public event ready to go. This is basic stuff that should be in every online RPG. I know Bungie has thought of it, it's the giant blue whale in the room. They left it out on purpose and it pisses me off.
Clans need to be represented in-game by more than just a tag. I want clan chat and a list of people online and who has a game I can join in the game.
Fully customizable buttons. Why do I have to choose from these layouts? None of them are exactly like Halo and I would like to try a layout like that.
A map. Sure, I'm starting to learn the layout of the planets from doing Patrol, but I could really use a map.
Individual strike difficulty settings. Basicallly, I want to be able to do Devil's Lair on Heroic if that's specifically what I want to do.
Patrol difficulty settings. I feel like we should be able to set the Moon to level 20 and do a Patrol if that's what we want to do. Going back to Old Russia at level 20 feels, well, like going back to the first area of an MMO after you've reached max level. There's not much challenge there. I still need to go there to do daily quests, though.
Less grind and more loot. I think most of the rep vendor items' price needs to be knocked down 25-50%. I think I should be able to buy a few pieces of gear per week, not save for 2 weeks to buy one piece.
Bosses should drop loot. That gushing stream of glimmer and loot that you get from normal enemies it totally missing from bosses. Look at how Diablo 3 does it. They even play a guitar solo for you as loot gushes out of Diablo.
That piano song in the Tower needs to play for longer and more often.