Maxed my vanguard marks, got 50 crucible. Will probably play a few more matches later before bed, but I'm not overly fussed about maxing them before the reset.
Shame the only thing the "patched" with the update was a useful farm route that wouldn't even be necessary if the engram thing wasn't fucked to begin with.
Shame they didn't patch the fucking legendary engram = useless thing.
What a surprise that my two reward engrams for levelling Rahool up 1) turned into blue engrams when I collected them and 2) turned into useless blue and green gear when I decrypted them. Bungle pls, I'm just shy of level 24 and about to hit a wall, let me get some damn legendaries from my purple engrams!
So the exclusive gear is a random drop or mission reward for Dust Palace?
I'm curious about this. I've done Dust Palace plenty of times on the tiger playlist and not seen a damn thing.
On another note, I don't see why letting us do matchmaking in nightfall strikes is such a problem. You can matchmake in the playlist on high difficulties, and almost every time I've done so we've kicked ass hard.
Just fix it Bungle.