Perfect Cha0s
First Legendary Engram!
Legendary Chest Engram
Exotic Chest!
Hunter Chest...
I'm a Titan.
Legendary Chest Engram
Exotic Chest!
Hunter Chest...
I'm a Titan.
For those that are Level 26 and hover over the Vault of Glass does it say "Requirements not met" for you?
Is that doing it for me because it is not up yet or bc I am Level 25?
It will be stupid if Level 25s can't do it since we can do the Level 28 nightfall strike.
Try some coke with your pcp to perk you upI am so tired that between pcp rounds I am falling asleep.
lol people who come into this OT are going to think we're all doing drugs
I'm really getting tired of these posts from people getting extremely good gear for a class other than the one they're playing.First Legendary Engram!
Legendary Chest Engram
Exotic Chest!
Hunter Chest...
I'm a Titan.
Buy some legendaries?
Dude...if your doing Vanguard rep, your doing it wrong if your focusing on pvp. Vanguard gets most rep from pve.
I am so tired that between pcp rounds I am falling asleep.
Levelling faction rep is a pain in the backside. I might just spend the whole of tomorrow doing patrols missions because, along with bounties, that seems to be the fastest way to level rep up.
Yeah, I just did this too. Managed to get a purple level up item from the Cryptarch. Turned into a blue set of boots that were way worse.God damn, I always read GAF after switching off Destiny for bed time.
Now I wanna go back on and farm the Moon. Haven't found a single legendary piece, it's fricking frustrating.
I find very few blue engrams even turn into blues, so gods knows how I'll ever get a purple.
I'm really getting tired of these posts from people getting extremely good gear for a class other than the one they're playing.
Are you guys only ever going to play the class you're playing right now?
I plan on making a Hunter as soon as I hit around 26 with my Warlock.
Can I still get loot even if I'm at max vg marks in strikes? Or am I loot locked too?
Me too, I did it DCUO and will do it in FFxiv when I get it. Screw multiple toons, ain't nobody got time for thatI'm one of these guys. I hate leveling and gearing, so I concentrate on one character and min/max it to the max.
P.S. My first legendary was a headpice for Hunter, too bad my character is a Warlock.
sane as my username, Give me an hour?
Anyone for Xbox One nightfall strikkeeeeeee?
;_;;Anyone? You know you wanna
We have 3 spots open for a raid team starting Tuesday at 8pm central time.
2 locks and a Titan so far.
We have 3 spots open for a raid team starting Tuesday at 8pm central time.
2 locks and a Titan so far.
Destiny got an update today. I hadn't had a chance to check it to see what it is yet
How do you get these exotic bounties?
We have 3 spots open for a raid team starting Tuesday at 8pm central time.
2 locks and a Titan so far.
Got my 13th strange coin. Can it be the weekend already? >.>
I've been holding off leaving a comment because I don't really have anything positive to say. I'm glad people are enjoying it but I feel like I want to add my experience. Hitting 20 is like running full force into a brick wall. I never really expected the game to actually get worse at 20, it's beyond a joke.
I wanted to keep playing for awhile to fully level up my subclasses and try out the skills but it's taking way too long. Replaying the same boring content is one thing but replaying it for no reward at all is soul draining. Over and over I decrypt engrams to get gear worse than I'm already wearing. After hours and hours my light level is only 24 and I've been stuck there completely now for ages.
The worst thing though is weapon drops. This I really can't believe. After playing the whole game with Hand Cannons at 20 I had to throw them away because I can't get one of a proper level to drop. Hitting 20 actually gave me less choice because you have to adapt to whatever tiny upgrade you do get which means I can't even play the way I want to until RNGesus decides I'm allowed to keep using my weapon of choice. I can't believe hitting 26 before the raid was actually impossible. Without matchmaking I guess it would've been pointless anyway. I figured there might be enough randoms in the thread on the first week to have a go. It seems very unlikely that without matchmaking it will be possible with less people around.
/rant over. I'm glad people are enjoying it. I look forward to watching the raid on a stream I guess.
Just to be clear, I missed this before- no. There are 3 ways to enter stealth, IMO Vanish (the arc blade skill) is the least useful.EVERY THING! Well, arcs the only one with stealth right?
Hung on to my green level 17 hand cannon until I got a new one at 23 as well. skill counts for a lot!lol
i ran with a level 18 hand cannon and a level 16 AR until i hit level 23. did heroic strikes, pvp, everything. "i can't play how i want to play" is jokes
New page:
Anyone on PS4 free to help me with my weekly?
8 blues and dozens of greens after 1800 kills and 60 deaths. no purples yet though :/
The loading times usually bum me out, but it is great when you are having some drinks. More than a enough time to hit the bathroom and grab a beer in between crucible matches.
I'm down to give it a shot, I saw your PSN name on the last page, I'll add you in a second.
I'm a 24 Titan by the way. Anyone else want to do the weekly heroic?
I hate all of you with anything legendary.