You can only wear one piece of exotic armer and equip one exotic gun?
Maybe not random but yes duplicates aren't exactly duplicates - slightly different stats and different unlocks.
I... I just want a badass Hand Cannon... How do you people have these things!?
They all sacrificed goats to bungieI... I just want a badass Hand Cannon... How do you people have these things!?
I... I just want a badass Hand Cannon... How do you people have these things!?
Got the 500 points with void weps done for the exotic bounty. Next party was 15 motes of light which I had and now its a special version of the lvl 26 strike where you fight the ogre I have to keep it alive or something till a boss comes out.
Yep, exactly. My AR has better range than the same one being sold by the Crucible vendor, so I'll never ever get rid of it.Yeah, that's what I meant. Like, maybe one version has a low impact and another might have high
Is there a thread to get invited into the GAF Destiny clan?
Yep, exactly. My AR has better range than the same one being sold by the Crucible vendor, so I'll never ever get rid of it.
2 bounties for Salvage... Even though the game mode is gone... lol.
Leveled up my Cryptarch to 7. Postmaster gave me a legendary engram that turned into a blue, and a blue engram which turned into a green.
Lucky lucky 7...
I mean, I *have* an Exotic and a Legendary but I had to earn them. Not get them through Blind Luck ;-)Hey I only got the one Legendary and I've tried farming engrams for hours and received nothing before.
at this point, I really dont know what to do anymore besides farm venus for hours on end(which I already have been). I have everything legendary and exotic, besides my special weapon which is rare. I have maxed out crucible and vanguard for the week(I think it resets tomorrow?).
inb4go outside
This thread is seriously unreadable. It's just people complaining about bad luck with drops and engrams. I know there are already 6,000 Destiny threads, but we need one to actually discuss the game, not RNG.
This thread is seriously unreadable. It's just people complaining about bad luck with drops and engrams. I know there are already 6,000 Destiny threads, but we need one to actually discuss the game, not RNG.
This thread is seriously unreadable. It's just people complaining about bad luck with drops and engrams. I know there are already 6,000 Destiny threads, but we need one to actually discuss the game, not RNG.
This thread is seriously unreadable. It's just people complaining about bad luck with drops and engrams. I know there are already 6,000 Destiny threads, but we need one to actually discuss the game, not RNG.
Rng and weapon drops are part of the game.This thread is seriously unreadable. It's just people complaining about bad luck with drops and engrams. I know there are already 6,000 Destiny threads, but we need one to actually discuss the game, not RNG.
This thread is seriously unreadable. It's just people complaining about bad luck with drops and engrams. I know there are already 6,000 Destiny threads, but we need one to actually discuss the game, not RNG.
Great. Thanks.I was just turning in Crucible bounties and when I turned one in it gave me a "Vanguard Mentor Missive" which I can redeem for an exotic bounty. Just seems completely random on turn in.
Ah I would man but i'm on XB1 unfortunately.
Ha, that's why I was asking. I haven't seen one either.Can you send some of those bounties my way? 30ish hours in and I haven't seen one.
Shitty rng is the game after you get to level 20
Damn, my two characters won't be maxed out until Destiny 2. I can live with thatYou don't max out. Mods are random. Elements are needed. Stat combinations are distinct.
To reach basic 'geared' in Destiny you need, in no particular order:
Two (or more) Exotic armor pieces, one for each of your specs. Possibly more than one to have different build options open to you.
Three Legendary armor pieces with complimentary attribute bonuses and the right special mods on them that fit your build.
Three or more Exotic weapons for each of your weapon slots to suit different situations. Really, given the variety of Exotic weapons, the ultimate goal would be 'one of each' which is going to take forever.
Two Legendary weapons that rolled mods you want for the remaining slots, and just like the Exotics, the hunt for the perfect Legendary weapons will take you bloody forever - you would need nine perfectly rolled Legendary weapons to have every option covered, and that's ignoring that even if you have exactly the mods you want, weapons base stats/attributes vary, so even if you get an Auto Rifle with the mods you like, it might not be the RoF/recoil pattern/handling attributes you prefer.
Annnnnnnnnnnnd you're also going to want three different elements of each Special Weapon and each Heavy Weapon, to cover all the different possible Epic enemies and Skull modifiers.
So no, you're not going to have a perfect set of gear in two weeks because you looted one Exotic item and you have a full set of Legendary items.
The gearing system in Destiny is extremely deep, and if you don't think you need it, you haven't tackled an Epic difficulty mission yet. That shit is hard.
That's your problem, you're not a warlock.First time I've been angry at the game. Found a purple item, I get it identified and I'm it is indeed purple. Problem is it is a warlock chest armor, I'm a hunter.
2 legendary engrams, 3 blues and a ton of greens in about 30 minutes. Only one of the engrams turned out to be a legendary. Got a titan mark, looks pretty cool. Other was a mote of light.
nerf bladedancer. Now.
Every single legendary drop I've gotten has turned into a rare. This shit is so infuriating.
If you want to torture yourself, sure. Some of you are acting like there isn't vendors that literally sell you legendaries.
nerf bladedancer. Now.
If you want to torture yourself, sure. Some of you are acting like there isn't vendors that literally sell you legendaries.