and i'm pretty sure you can hit level 26 with just two vendor legendary armors
As someone who has two legendary vendor armors, that's false. I'm level 24.
and i'm pretty sure you can hit level 26 with just two vendor legendary armors
The fallen are falling guardianWE'VE AWOKEN THE AWOKEN!
and i'm pretty sure you can hit level 26 with just two vendor legendary armors
Anyone here that has actually used bladedancer think it's OP...?
*prepares for silence*
If you want to torture yourself, sure. Some of you are acting like there isn't vendors that literally sell you legendaries.
No diceShitty rng is the game after you get to level 20
I can't even find decent regular blue gear for my Titan. How the fuck is my defense still only 634 with fully upgraded blues, jesus.
Already been nerfed, 7% in Damage and somewhere between 7-14% in Stability and an increase to Recoil.and auto rifles.
Anyone here that has actually used bladedancer think it's OP...?
*prepares for silence*
Anyone here that has actually used bladedancer think it's OP...?
*prepares for silence*
Already been nerfed, 7% in Damage and somewhere between 7-14% in Stability and an increase to Recoil.
That's because the Rate of Fire is god-tier. The damage in PvP is normalised, so that Rate of Fire is what will fuck you up.Didn't seem to do much good. Shingens are still death rays.
Nope, I still get hit by shotgun and AR fire fairly regularly. It's not something you can trigger easily; you really have to wait for the opportune time, more than the other supers.
Did they ever say why they had some crucible types only on special events. Cause I really liked salvaged but it was only this weekend, that seems odd and counter productive
This thread is seriously unreadable. It's just people complaining about bad luck with drops and engrams. I know there are already 6,000 Destiny threads, but we need one to actually discuss the game, not RNG.
BrofistI think I found my new favorite weapon, its not legendary but I can't get enough of it
I did it for about an hour and only got some blues out of it. The grinding gods hate meh.I'd like to add that this works like a charm.
Destiny first world problemsi wish this game would stop giving me legendary pulse rifles. that's the third i've disassembled by now
I fucking love Venus so much.
Everything should take place there. Just so gorgeous.
i wish this game would stop giving me legendary pulse rifles. that's the third i've disassembled by now
Damn, that Moon farming spot is like Hotline Miami style farming. Blast a bunch of shit for 20 sec. Die. Rinse. Repeat.
But it works and is something I can listen to podcasts, etc.. while doing, so I'm game.
Create a new this point, I really dont know what to do anymore besides farm venus for hours on end(which I already have been). I have everything legendary and exotic, besides my special weapon which is rare. I have maxed out crucible and vanguard for the week(I think it resets tomorrow?).
inb4go outside
How are you guys linking twitter pics? I can't figure it out properly. How do you get the pbs.twimg address?
What level did u play it? Level 9 or 20?
Damn, that Moon farming spot is like Hotline Miami style farming. Blast a bunch of shit for 20 sec. Die. Rinse. Repeat.
But it works and is something I can listen to podcasts, etc.. while doing, so I'm game.
I'm on mobile unfortunately. Any way for it to work on mobile? Chrome on mobile works!Once uploaded to twitter, I just right click and copy image location. Then insert image on GAF and paste. Usually I add quotes to for size purposes, hope that helps.