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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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The color purple is a lie! Bungie, just drop it! Just make everything blue because that's what they really are... :(

A Lvl20 hunter and a Lvl24 warlock, not a single legendary, yet...


Indeed. Personally, I don't mind getting marks and rep to buy legendary gear. My biggest issue has to be with doing Strikes since you fight one boss who doesn't drop a specific piece of gear. Also, I think gaining marks from Strikes is kinda...useless since the time vs effort thing is a problem there. It's honestly better to do Patrols and bullshit around Earth.

Yea, it takes forever to kill those bosses and not getting anything for it is just fucking shit. Why bother. It's not even that fun.


I don't even know why you need to build rep with the Vanguard trainer. There's no other PvE-centric faction to choose from, and Vanguard marks can only be spent at Vanguard vendors anyways...

Factions all seem to have the same gear just different names -_-

Stat allocation and mods are different.
Supposedly you can get some minor loot. We'll have to see what happens after the first teams clear the Raid.

Raids are where you are supposed to get the legendary and exotics. Not minor loot.

Where did you read about minor loot? Even on the front page it says the Raid is where you hunt for exotics and legendary items.
You start getting Exotic bounties.

For me, this is indicative of what's so frustrating, there are odd spikes like this. Why do you go from XP/Mark bounties right to Exotic. Why aren't there Legendary bounties? By the time I get 26 for the Raid, I'll already have a mostly full set of gear. At that point, what can they reward me with other then cosmetic changes to said gear?

Raids are where you are supposed to get the legendary and exotics. Not minor loot.

Where did you read about minor loot? Even on the front page it says the Raid is where you hunt for exotics and legendary items.

That's gets to the meat of my point. The barrier to raid is to already have that stuff. Hell, I can't even do Nightfall strikes without Raid loot.


Hmmmm how many marks do patrols get yet?

You actually don't get marks from patrols, but you get rep which is more important IMO since rep is a literal wall blocking you from buying gear.

I can't think of a way to get Vanguard marks constantly and guaranteed. Strikes take too long and the Vanguard Playlist is the only thing that gives them regularly. What I tend to do is do my bounties, my daily, my heroic weekly, and call it a wrap with Vanguard Marks.

Honestly, I think everyone is better off doing PvP at this moment. But this sucks because the guns I want are in Vanguard.


Raids are where you are supposed to get the legendary and exotics. Not minor loot.

Where did you read about minor loot? Even on the front page it says the Raid is where you hunt for exotics and legendary items.

Somebody got a legendary sniper rifle for beating one of the bosses in the stream. Seemingly other players didn't. What I meant by minor is the quantity of the loot, not necessarily the quality.


Crucible is giving me NOTHING atm. Like 6 games strait, 1 item total. And shitty blue. HORRIBLE.

The trade off is that you get marks and rep. Regardless of not getting lucky, you at least get closer to being able to buy stuff from the Crucible vendor.

I'm pissed the Factions don't have as good weapons as Vanguard or Crucible.

Somebody got a legendary sniper rifle for beating one of the bosses in the stream. Seemingly other players didn't. What I meant by minor is the quantity of the loot, not necessarily the quality.

The only way I wouldn't mind one person getting loot is if everyone rolled for it. Also, what amount of marks and rep did they get? That's more important to me.


Hey man, I could IM you but I'll just say it here: I don't think I'll be able to raid tonight due to me still being 24 (about to hit 25 since I got my first piece of Legendary armor).

Also from what I hear, being level 26 makes a huge difference and level 25s are eaten alive. I'd rather not risk it IMO.
That's alright. I chose to wait till Friday for the raid due to work.

Eric WK

I thought you were supposed to get a piece of raid gear? and you can get I piece a week or something?

Yeah, I think people just mean that normal mobs don't drop anything. Obviously there's either boss loot or completion loot.

Also, since I've been completely boned by RNG I'm going to have to farm crucible marks for two more pieces in order to hit 26 and raid. =/ Maybe I'll actually get a legendary while farming marks, but I tend to doubt it.


Well, I don't play (nor like) MMOs and Bungie promised that Destiny wasn't an MMO, but a shared world shooter.

Bungie said the real game starts at 20 hours and from my experiences, the real game is apparently killing Valus Ta-aurc 20 times a day for junk blues, so I don't know if I trust Bungie anymore.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
The trade off is that you get marks and rep. Regardless of not getting lucky, you at least get closer to being able to buy stuff from the Crucible vendor.

I'm pissed the Factions don't have as good weapons as Vanguard or Crucible.
Really? The rifle I lucked into is dope and its on sale from FWC anyways. I think Vanguard and Crucible weapons are just more random.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
I just got a legendary sniper from the crucible, too bad I already have one. They're basically the same thing, too. Not even different shield dmg types. Oh well, at least I'll get some mats.


love on your sleeve
Hmmmm how many marks do patrols get you?

None but during the course of those patrol missions, you're pretty much guaranteed to run into Public Events which give out 3 marks I believe and a loot drop (one per day). There really isn't a fun or efficient way to accomplish anything in this game honestly.


Really? The rifle I lucked into is dope and its on sale from FWC anyways. I think Vanguard and Crucible weapons are just more random.

What rifle do you have? I'm thinking about going back to FWC. I think it's easier to level up Factions since all your rep from doing anything can go to them.


I don't think people want Legendaries to be easier to obtain. Just don't show us a Purple Engram and make it turn Blue. Bungie trollin'

I totally agree with this. I don't want my guardian to be covered in legendaries when I've played for 20 hours.


None but during the course of those patrol missions, you're pretty much guaranteed to run into Public Events which give out 3 marks I believe and a loot drop (one per day). There really isn't a fun or efficient way to accomplish anything in this game honestly.

Unless you enjoy PvP. If you don't, then that sucks.

I do agree that there's no fun way to get marks sticking with PvE. Not to be that guy, but even The Old Republic had this figured out in vanilla with its hardmode flashpoints.
None but during the course of those patrol missions, you're pretty much guaranteed to run into Public Events which give out 3 marks I believe and a loot drop (one per day). There really isn't a fun or efficient way to accomplish anything in this game honestly.

Guaranteed? I don't know about that.


slept with Malkin
Yeah, I think people just mean that normal mobs don't drop anything. Obviously there's either boss loot or completion loot.

Also, since I've been completely boned by RNG I'm going to have to farm crucible marks for two more pieces in order to hit 26 and raid. =/ Maybe I'll actually get a legendary while farming marks, but I tend to doubt it.

I'm farming crucible marks now to get my boots, only need 10 more lol, got a backup pair of Legendary Guantlets to replace my exotic in case Xur has another piece of armor this weekend too.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
What rifle do you have? I'm thinking about going back to FWC. I think it's easier to level up Factions since all your rep from doing anything can go to them.
The Calling (mobile so no pic)

Best pure SR I've ever used. I've thrown my handcannons in the bushes and I was firmly in the HC for lyfe mindset.


The Cryptarch's Bane
You actually don't get marks from patrols, but you get rep which is more important IMO since rep is a literal wall blocking you from buying gear.
You don't get much rep from patrols. +10 or +25 for the more complex tasks. You need to do bounties to progress. Obviously the "Patrol 6 Missions" are the most efficient bounties. Once you get to rank 2 you don't need to get any more (for now anyway).
I can't think of a way to get Vanguard marks constantly and guaranteed.
But... Strike Playlists
Strikes take too long and the Vanguard Playlist is the only thing that gives them regularly.
Well... okay *shrug* they give +6 and +25 rep at level 24 and can actually be done fairly quickly with a team that knows the strike


Has no one at Bungie played D3 and then the resulting update/expansion due to the backlash, Reaper of Souls? This is deja vu from those threads.
Yeah, I feel like the game would be a lot better if they stole a lot more ideas from the current incarnation of D3. A bounty cache for completing all available bounties in an area would be nice too. Like a guaranteed blue ngram or something.


why is it better to do patrols than strikes?

Because the Level 24 Strike gives only +25 Rep upon completion, and that takes anywhere from 30-45+ minutes. Compare that to patrol missions where a single Kill The Target mission gives you +25 Rep for 3 minutes of work.

It's easy to just patrol a huge zone and keep getting +10 and +25 Rep and you'd probably have 3-4x the Rep in the same amount of time as a Strike.

The Strike playlist rep rewards need to be boosted by 400% in my opinion.


My next three kills were Postmortem. Awwwww yeah.

And I got a Legendary gun from a rare doodad! But it's a Scout Rifle :( One more win in the Crucible and I'll have got 3 legendaries in the space of 20 mins. Not bad.

Makes up for one in the last 10 hours, certainly.


trying to level up my crucible. I keep getting matched with the shittiest, sit in corners and not playing randoms. so we always lose. I carry the team, do well, and then get nothing. then those campers get blues and purp drops...

fuck you bungie


why is it better to do patrols than strikes?

Patrols are faster and easier.

If Strikes were more mechanic based than a straight DPS fight against a spongey boss, we wouldn't have this problem. The boss fights are just giant versions of enemies that have way too much health even if you're at the recommended instance level. There's no thought to the fight except for when you decide to fight trash to get ammo because your guns are going empty. Granted, sometimes the firefights get intense, but that's because of the trash being at a harder difficulty. Having to pop shots at them is fine with me, but that means I'm enjoying fighting the adds than the boss, who is just shooting at me or running around like an idiot.

This kind of thing makes me wonder why bosses are even in this game. If they're only bigger versions of normal enemies, why bother?


Everytime I do the Strike Playlist I get the Cabal one on Mars. I think that one is fine all things considered, since the tank is an alright fight and it has the vehicle stuff, but doing it 4 times in a row is maddening. Also 50% of Strike matchmaking sessions for me have someone AFKing and then disconnecting leaving it to a two man team that can't talk to each other to finish it.
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