You two realize that that doesn't disprove what I said at all right? The nature of RNG means that any mob anywhere as the chance to drop something level appropriate to your character... but the higher level the enemy mob is, the higher the chance of it dropping a level relevant item that's an improvement.
The problem that I see with people's farming, (especially low level farming) is that it's gambling even more than necessary for loot. You have lower odds of getting a straight drop that's an improvement so the primary way you benefit from it (gear-wise) is collecting the Engrams. And of course for Engrams, it's the original roll to GET an Engram and then an ADDITIONAL roll that the Engram will be a relative rarity AND an improvement.
Farming is great for Glimmer, Rep, and Materials.. but for gear progression, it's taking the long way around and really depends far too much on lucky rolls.