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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Found my 2nd legendary engram. The first became a rare chest piece weaker than what I already had. This one?

"I want my F'ing legendary, right F'ing now,"

"You're f'ed."
WTB a cryparch faction. I know I can decrypt this stuff better than that guy. His greasy fingers are running these legendary engrams and turning them into greens/blues.
Who's to say he's not swapping out the legendary he REALLY decrypted for some rare he's got laying around. In some back alley, he's selling the legendaries he's hoarded for mad profits.


Is there a good route for farming Helium Filaments on the Moon?

When you start at the Moon in Patrol and go up the hill to your first clearing (with a building on the left and a massive structure that goes all the way down to the right end of the clearing), start on the edge of the ridge to the right and go around the whole area and work your way back around to the beginning. On the way you will find a shit load of chests and Filaments. Get on top of the structure too as there is always a chest there. Once back to the beginning, do the route again as things will start to respawn. You must ensure you go down to the temple as well (you go through a little hut and down a hill to where some Knights are). Then work your way back up and repeat.
Don't know if this has been discussed, but I haven't gotten any purple/gold gear yet and I'm thinking of hoarding my marks for a couple weeks. My thinking is that I should eventually get lucky with the RNG and be able to fill in a couple of those slots with "free" gear, then I can use the marks to buy whatever else I need. If I buy stuff right away, the RNG might give me more of the same type of gear, and it will take longer to get all purple/gold gear.

Best thing you can do imo.

Just get the rep and marks to buy gear while you sacrifice goats and chickens to the RNG god praying for a solid drop.

Atleast there is a way to still get badass gear while you wait for that magical moment


slept with Malkin
WTB a cryparch faction. I know I can decrypt this stuff better than that guy. His greasy fingers are running these legendary engrams and turning them into greens/blues.

There is, its on youtube, forgot the name. Just google helium filament farming route and it should come up. Takes about 5 minutes...got about 130 in roughly an hour yesterday.

sick, thanks dude! I'll check it out

When you start at the Moon in Patrol and go up the hill to your first clearing (with a building on the left and a massive structure that goes all the way down to the right end of the clearing), start on the edge of the ridge to the right and go around the whole area and work your way back around to the beginning. On the way you will find a shit load of chests and Filaments. Get on top of the structure too as there is always a chest there. Once back to the beginning, do the route again as things will start to respawn.

So... I just totally broke a strike it seems. For about 5 whole minutes the boss and adds were just staring at me and I was stuck unable 5 revive my fallen comrades. Was about to leave and all of a sudden everything sprung back to life. Seems the servers are struggling a bit with spawning more adds as it happened right on cue with it.


We are IN the Vault of Glass near the end but we lost a player, is anyone up for the challenge?

You NEED a mic, level 26 and you need to be a team player, otherwise don't even bother.

PSN JoeFenix

What boss are you on? I couldn't find anything specific about how many encounters there are. We made it to the fight just after the Gorgon room.


Bought Legendary Gauntlets and Boots from the Crucible Handler. Feels good. I'll have enough marks to get the Chest Piece by the end of the week too. The cap won't let me get the helmet for TWO more ducking weeks though since it costs more than I can earn in a week :(


I was thinking the same thing but then decided that I will just wait until Friday. See what exotic body peice Xur sells then just buy all the other legendaries asap. The way I see it, on Friday if I can jump a couple of ranks by buying as much as possible, then that means I will have better odds with the RNG even getting more stuff. If I focus on armour now then hopefully the crucible will deck my weapons out.

I also think the next step to ranking up after getting fully equiped in purple is actually levelling all that purple gear up. The sooner you buy stuff the sooner you can focus on grinding to rank it up.

See, I COMpletely forgot about XUR!

So basically, as a fresh lvl 20 with no light, from doing vanguard/crucible stuff and also getting strange coins from blue engrams/rewards you can, in 8 days (need one reset of marks) get 200 marks which translates to buying the legendary boots, leg armor and chest piece from your vanguard vendor and then get 13 coins for an exotic helmet from Xur (13 coins is not a lot).

That's in 8 days. 2 legendaries and 1 exotic. pretty much guaranteed. With those equipped and one extra blue with some light, you are DEFINITELY lvl 24, if not higher.


So I need to be able to find 5 friends who have 16 hours of gaming time to spare during a week's span?

Yeah, ok.

they don't need to be the same 5 people. The fireteam leader has the progression. If you are the fireteam leader you can technically play with a new group every single time and just continue your progress.
Is this true?

It certainly rang true in my experience. I leveled primarily and geared primarily through The Crucible. But I found my rate of progress stifled quite quickly once I hit 21. Then, I got a lucky Legendary Emblem that decrypted to a lucky Legendary Helm and that finally put me at 22. Once I hit 22, I decided to finish up the story missions that I had skipped along the way. But instead of doing them at their normal level, I upped the difficulty to 22 or 24 (depending on what was the highest it allowed me to do) and while the end of mission rewards were still too low to matter, the stuff that actually dropped randomly from the mobs, were higher level blues and relatively high level greens. Destroyed the greens, upgraded with the blues and now I'm 24. I spent about 3 days "stuck" at 21 until I started doing those missions at a higher level and within a day I jumped 3 levels.

A similar suggestion was mentioned in this Reddit post (which is what influenced me to play the missions at levels above 20)


nods at old men
Is there a good play to post or suggest to Bungie about adding some transparency options for the HUD?

My plasma is not liking the ability and gun icons in the lower left. :(


they don't need to be the same 5 people. The fireteam leader has the progression. If you are the fireteam leader you can technically play with a new group every single time and just continue your progress.

I guess that's true. But then my friends who just lost their progression are gonna be pissed.

I kinda do.
I'm almost level 26, and looking for a raid team.

Well I'm not there quite yet :p Still level 18. Just pondering about the future.


I've had three legendary engrams. Two were mats, this latest actually gave me a sniper rifle. Finally. First purple drop in 30 hours.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
Well fuck, I deserved it! Finally, full legendary (fuck the gimmick shit, I'm all about the real performance boosting gear)!



So I need to be able to find 5 friends who have 16 hours of gaming time to spare during a week's span?

Yeah, ok.

Raids in MMOs are about progression, they don't expect most groups to finish this whole thing in one week. And once you get good enough to finish it in a week, it's not going to take 14 hours.


I guess that's true. But then my friends who just lost their progression are gonna be pissed.


Then join a group with someone else as the fireteam leader. your progression won't change and your friends can continue with you next time you jump in.

And honestly, the raid won't be 16 hours. people are already quite far in mere hours after it was unlocked. the MOMENT everyone knows what to do,your time just goes doooooooooooown more and more. Hell by the time you raid, there will be 100% perfect guides to the raid and it's be WoW all over again aka "do this and this and this -50dkp if not"
Aren't people going to be able to get like 3 pieces of legendary gear from the vendors if they caped last week and this week? I mean if you get to rank 2 with either vanguard or crucible. Like that shit is guaranteed right?


This loot grind is starting to piss me off. Stuck at level 20, and now the daily heroic story is kicking my ass. Those 3 agressive as hell Minotaurs at the end just teleport up and gang bang me and send me back to the beginning of the entire Vex waves. Not enjoying this rut that I'm stuck in.

I'm not so sure. I got my Blue level 20 Handgun and Gloves with +Light doing a level 13 Devil's Lair strike as level 21.

I got my lvl 20 gjallarhorn while in patrol mode on earth during a public event. It dropped from a level 8 fallen vandal. RNG gonna RNG.

You two realize that that doesn't disprove what I said at all right? The nature of RNG means that any mob anywhere as the chance to drop something level appropriate to your character... but the higher level the enemy mob is, the higher the chance of it dropping a level relevant item that's an improvement.

The problem that I see with people's farming, (especially low level farming) is that it's gambling even more than necessary for loot. You have lower odds of getting a straight drop that's an improvement so the primary way you benefit from it (gear-wise) is collecting the Engrams. And of course for Engrams, it's the original roll to GET an Engram and then an ADDITIONAL roll that the Engram will be a relative rarity AND an improvement.

Farming is great for Glimmer, Rep, and Materials.. but for gear progression, it's taking the long way around and really depends far too much on lucky rolls.


Aren't people going to be able to get like 3 pieces of legendary gear from the vendors if they caped last week and this week? I mean if you get to rank 2 with either vanguard or crucible. Like that shit is guaranteed right?

Yes. If they didn't waste their time at the Farm spot of the Day, yes.


Formerly Gizmowned
Yup once you hit level 20 every level earns you a Mote of Light. Just keep doing Bounties with 5000 XP.
To increase your Level above 20, find and eqiup armor which contains Light.

Earning XP now creates Motes of Light.


Then join a group with someone else as the fireteam leader. your progression won't change and your friends can continue with you next time you jump in.

Oh, ok. That makes a bit more sense. It sounded to me like if I was the fireteam leader ONLY my progression got saved. That's a bit more reasonable.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
This loot grind is starting to piss me off. Stuck at level 20, and now the daily heroic story is kicking my ass. Those 3 agressive as hell Minotaurs at the end just teleport up and gang bang me and send me back to the beginning of the entire Vex waves. Not enjoying this rut that I'm stuck in.


you charging them all at once or what? lol


So over the weekend I wrapped up the story missions and I gotta say, I kinda liked them. As a primer to the universe I thought they were quite good and if we look at Destiny as a long term project, I'm interested to see all the threads expanded upon.

I also got my first legendary engrams this weekend, 3 were secondary weapons and 1 was a class item. 3 of the 4 turned into mats which was fine honestly, I need those too. The one that actually turned into something was a fusion rifle which I hateeee. Still happy to see them dropping.

Tonight I should be able to hit rank 3 vanguard rep and I'll probably buy gloves which should boost me to 26. Then I'll debate weapons or boots/pants. I love the game, even farming is fun for me because the gameplay is so solid.

I'm sure I'm a bit late to the party providing commentary on this, but Mars surprised me with how much I like it. The Cabal are insanely fun to fight and I love the Warhammer 40k-esque designs. I've also seen some comments on the final boss, I cranked up the difficulty and it was a bit nail biting for me. Perhaps not the best final encounter in a game, but I liked it just the same. The area that mission takes place in was really awesome looking. I'd love to go back and explore it more, but I'm not sure you can outside the story mission or that there's much point.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Time for some lunch and a little rest, then I'll be doing 4 Level 24 strikes. watch for me to announce starting if you want in!
Finished the story missions on Sunday. My take: the story ending is far from great but it's not as awful, I think, as some make out. To me it plays out exactly like what it is: the ending of the pilot episode of a series.
ha, it's admittedly way more tolerable like this.
My man. If it wasn't for 100 mark limit I would have legendary on each of my body parts and couple of legendary snipers. Fuck that purple lottery and fuck grinding same area over and over and over until you start hating the game and yourself.
if you look at it like buying your starter gear with marks is what you're supposed to do, it makes loot drops kind of feel good again too. you're not meant to be viewing purple engrams as your primary method of gearing up to 26; they're just extra chances along the path (albeit communicated to the player in the wrong way).
Holy shit! lmao

can you explain what went down here?
See, I COMpletely forgot about XUR!

So basically, as a fresh lvl 20 with no light, from doing vanguard/crucible stuff and also getting strange coins from blue engrams/rewards you can, in 8 days (need one reset of marks) get 200 marks which translates to buying the legendary boots, leg armor and chest piece from your vanguard vendor and then get 13 coins for an exotic helmet from Xur (13 coins is not a lot).

That's in 8 days. 2 legendaries and 1 exotic. pretty much guaranteed. With those equipped and one extra blue with some light, you are DEFINITELY lvl 24, if not higher.
Your math is accurate here, except the very last sentence- definitely higher. 24 is the highest you can get with just blues- 4x15=60 light. Legendaries start with 18 and Exotics even higher.

Farming is great for Glimmer, Rep, and Materials.. but for gear progression, it's taking the long way around and really depends far too much on lucky rolls.
100% accurate. Farming will get you lots of stuff and aid in your overall progression toward endgame, but it's a recipe for brutal frustration if you look to it for consistent gear upgrades.
See, I COMpletely forgot about XUR!

So basically, as a fresh lvl 20 with no light, from doing vanguard/crucible stuff and also getting strange coins from blue engrams/rewards you can, in 8 days (need one reset of marks) get 200 marks which translates to buying the legendary boots, leg armor and chest piece from your vanguard vendor and then get 13 coins for an exotic helmet from Xur (13 coins is not a lot).

That's in 8 days. 2 legendaries and 1 exotic. pretty much guaranteed. With those equipped and one extra blue with some light, you are DEFINITELY lvl 24, if not higher.

That's assuming that Xur will have a Exotic helmet for you! He may not! I am counting on buying either arms or chest from him and saving up for the helmet using crucible marks. That seems like the safer bet!
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