Can I ask an honest question regarding the Level 20 cap.
Once I hit the cap, I undestand I have to keep farming armour to get "Light". The more Light I have on my equipped armour, the more my level will increase beyond the 20th level.
So my question is - is this random? Does the game purposely monitor how many games, hours or my performance I've played and give me loot with light? Or is it random?
So basically my question is - from Levels 1 to 20, I'll get constant stream of experience to level up. After it just luck as to which armour I'll get to get Light?
Loot is random, marks and faction are not, nor are strange coins or motes of light.
You can gear up in Exotics and Legendaries guaranteed from the weekly currencies and reputations, any loot drops/strike/pvp rewards are a bonus on top of that.
edit: Also Strike rewards are fixed level, once you can do the 24 strikes you'll get level 20 blues which will take you to Light level 24. One week of capped pvp/pve marks will get you three legendary armor pieces, or two if you want a helmet, that'll take you to 25/26. Add any Exotic piece from Xur and you'll be 26 guaranteed. You also get guaranteed legendary weapons from the factional rep rewards at rank 3, so you'll have one or more of those as well.