Byron Bluth
God dammit. Farmed PCP for about 30 minutes and had I think 3 or 4 blues sitting there, then lost contact with the servers and was booted out :|
Always online single player, y'all
God dammit. Farmed PCP for about 30 minutes and had I think 3 or 4 blues sitting there, then lost contact with the servers and was booted out :|
Always online single player, y'all
All the pain the past week is forgotten lol. Still no purple gear though haha. There is hope for everyone out there still, never give up!
Damn, those are beauts.
What are the skills on it?
I like it because of the mindlessness and quick turnaround. Lets me listen to podcasts
As for the bolded part, if you need to switch up inventory or break things down just hop up the cliff behind where you start and find a nook to duck down into. They won't find you and you'll have plenty of time to make whatever adjustments you need to, then you can jump right back down and continue the slaughter. It's the only time my AR gets any use.
I just thought shards were the only ones. Is energy a higher or lower tier? Also, is it worth it to fully invest in my legendary chest? With upgrades I tend to always wait for something better lol. (Barely upgrade my guns)
Double throwing knife is the best
Here you go!
Oh you wanted purple? Sucks to be you.
Does wearing a faction item mean I get their rep INSTEAD of vanguard?
Double throwing knife is the best
SO does leveling "light" gear add light?
Because i went from 20-21 without changing my gear at all.
All the pain the past week is forgotten lol. Still no purple gear though haha. There is hope for everyone out there still, never give up!
Cømet;130296623 said:That's some hella cool titan stuffs you got there. Me jelly!
I'm tackling the weekly strike right now for the coins, if anyone on PSN want along for the ride my add's ScrewAttack_. With no arc burn and me almost level 25, this shouldn't be too bad. Angry doesn't seem like a skull that makes much difference. No worse than fighting minotaurs!
Hunter has double throwing knife?
My gahd. I need to farm exp.
oh my god are you back????
What the purpose of that purple ball in the tower?
All the pain the past week is forgotten lol. Still no purple gear though haha. There is hope for everyone out there still, never give up!
I sent you an add
Anyone fancy doing the heroic weekly now? Gamertag is bobs_99
It's telling that all good weapon ss are from mp lol
Bungie hates pve
i know this isn't a response to me but i'd like to weigh in with my thoughts. Pretty much every map in Destiny is shotgun range, especially when you factor in sprint, overshields and blink. The long lines of sight you have to stop players before they get close are often cluttered as well. Here's how the maps play in Rumble:
Exodus Blue - largely focused around the buildings where there's little height variation. too many corners and angles; shotguns everywhere.
Asylum - only 3 major lanes on the map. otherwise overwhelmingly CQB. you have to be really good to kill shotgun players before they get to you
Burning Shrine - you win if you can snipe. Otherwise, shotguns galore.
Anomaly - best place to be if you want to avoid shotguns is the heavy ammo cave. Every other chokepoint is shotgun territory
Twilight Gap - absolutely terrible, cluttered sightlines and swiss-cheese building design. Most engagements are in CQB
Blind Watch - shotguns. behind automatic doors no less.
Rusted Lands - all the major chokepoints and heavy ammo spawns are in CQB
Firebase Delphi - shotguns galore in the central rings, which hold the best sightlines on the map
Shores of Time - the only map not dominated by shotgun fights
Supers on CQB maps bred necessity for shotguns. shotguns bred necessity for ARs. the game backed itself into this corner.
Everyone uses ARs because they have the fastest kill time. You can kill 3 people with one mag of the Shingen-E in just under a few seconds. If scout rifles had the fastest kill time, people would use that.
Warlock and Titan have OHK grenades. Bladedancer also has OHK grenade
Am pretty good at the game, which is why it's frustrating how easy it is to blink + camo shotgun, or throw down a shield and create even more shotgun chokepoints. "playing the game as it is" at this point means abusing the shotguns. destiny's pace is perfect with scout rifle combat, but its meta game has currently peaked at ARs and shotguns. they've even rendered melee combat obsolete
my win percentage speaks for itself - i consistently average ~24 kills and ~4 deaths a game sniping on every map and usually end up with nothing to show for it - not even an in-game rank. Meanwhile, the players shotgunning everywhere are earning legendaries and exotics when they lose.
everything is backwards
i'm up for itAnyone doing the 26 heroic weekly strike?
i'm up for it
Psn Ant26587
Anyone doing the 26 heroic weekly strike?
Jesus christ, how many engrams do you have lying around on the ground in that shot??
Cømet;130297742 said:Invited ya bud. Already started but not near the pits yet!
I've been level 21 for a few days now. I don't know why I'm so behind. I've played a solid 2-3 hours a day doing bounties with crucible, patrols, strikes etc.
What am I doing wrong? Do you pretty much HAVE to farm in this game?
I've been level 21 for a few days now. I don't know why I'm so behind. I've played a solid 2-3 hours a day doing bounties with crucible, patrols, strikes etc.
What am I doing wrong? Do you pretty much HAVE to farm in this game?
I've been level 21 for a few days now. I don't know why I'm so behind. I've played a solid 2-3 hours a day doing bounties with crucible, patrols, strikes etc.
What am I doing wrong? Do you pretty much HAVE to farm in this game?
Shards are the same tier, but only for armor. Not sure about putting ascendant shards into your chest, depends on how good it is and how much you like it. I haven't done any ascendant upgrades myself yet. I think I'll put them in to my exotic gloves first.