What is everyone using for their primary, all-purpose weapon these days (auto/scout/etc)?
As someone who has never played an MMO or "loot grind" game before, and am just playing Destiny as a shooter, it's getting increasingly bewildering. I don't know what most of my inventory items do, and can barely follow conversation in here at all.
Basically I pick up gear and if it's better than what I have, I use it. I upgrade the gear and my character when they level up. Anything much deeper than that and I'm kind of lost. I can't seem to find much help in-game, either.
I've accumulated 2 Hunter legendary pieces as a Titan.
Luckily hunter was my next class so goodie! I'll be making my hunter as close to Boba Fett as possible.
What is everyone using for their primary, all-purpose weapon these days (auto/scout/etc)?
I'm gonna be honest, I hope he's one of the first to beat it. Dude's been dedicating his life to this game for a while now. Learned most of what I know about the game from his videos. Seems like a decent dude.
What is everyone using for their primary, all-purpose weapon these days (auto/scout/etc)?
As someone who has never played an MMO or "loot grind" game before, and am just playing Destiny as a shooter, it's getting increasingly bewildering. I don't know what most of my inventory items do, and can barely follow conversation in here at all.
Basically I pick up gear and if it's better than what I have, I use it. I upgrade the gear and my character when they level up. Anything much deeper than that and I'm kind of lost. I can't seem to find much help in-game, either.
Is there a way in game to see your played time? Maybe I don't want to see it, of course...
It took me ~10 games it looks like. I'm a warlock though, so voidwalker melee/super give a pretty nice leg up over other classes for it.
What is everyone using for their primary, all-purpose weapon these days (auto/scout/etc)?
Do we know what weapon Attack values are needed to do 100% damage to enemies at X level?
Basically, I want to know how upgrading my Attack on my weapons actually helps me kill baddies, especially for higher level enemies. Obviously higher is "better" but wondering if there is diminishing returns or if the costs (e.g. Materials) are worth maybe a tiny increase in overall DPS.
What is everyone using for their primary, all-purpose weapon these days (auto/scout/etc)?
Dude, fuck Blink. Why does it exist?
It's extremely annoying to go up against someone who can blink multiple times in a row then shotgun your face, it needs a bit of a cooldown.
For me this is the biggest issue, there is no social features in-game at all. Unless you fireteam there is nothing. There should be a clan chat feed.
yeah, all legendaried out
For me, something like the Skyrim or Minecraft help menus would go a long ways. They each have a deep list of topics that explains in simple terms what the various systems in the game are. I think that alone would get me over the hump.
OMG look what I just got from the crucible
Didn't get a legendary item yet but two of those today
I constantly go back and forth between love and hate in this game. Let me just ask my questions here that I've been asking myself and people I've played with for the past week.
Why are people with auto rifles killing me SO DAMN FAST? It's like if I'm in a firefight, I'm dead every time. Without fail. Even though I have a gun with a ton of damage (does that count in multiplayer?) and am shooting them right in the head, they'll kill me first. I watch streams of people playing and none seem to have the same problem.
Despite this, I'm able to mostly succeed because the game isn't about shooting in the traditional sense. Using my powers and sneaking around, I am able to win matches (with my team) for the most part. But then, some powers seem better than others. These people teleporting all over the map lately are the cheapest things in the world. The Titan bubble thing just makes the entire team invincible. And then some people seem to have grenades that cause damage for a year after they've been killed, while mine just pop and fizzle right away.
I guess my point is that after so many hours of playing, I still don't know what's making me fail as a player and it's driving me nuts. I don't know why my guns aren't as powerful as other people. I don't know why my magic seems weaker. And yet I can't stop playing it for hours at a time.
Hmm, I think it'll take me longer. I'm a Hunter and only have a void shotgun. I did get +54 in two Rumble matches last night, so I think if I go in with a fire team, I should be okay. It's just so frustrating. I'd rather kill 1000 Fallen or Vex with void damage instead. to @PrimeGuardHQ for completing the Raid. Now, try it on hard
the game doesn't tell you anything. What you have to do not look at the higher number on your armor and weapons but look at the ability. For example if you use handcannon alot, your armor pieces should have faster reload for handcannon and more ammo for it.
And you should have all 3 element weapon types in your invenyory. Void, arc and fire. Once your 20, you should get more high lvl blue weapons n things. Its about knowing your build.
BUT if you have joined a faction, built it to rank 2 and get the stuff there to match your play style. Look at the stats and buy what you use mostly. And then upgrade them. For example dead orbit gives you high strength and dicipline which I was looking for.
Someone actually finished the raid
Any of the PVP modes have bonus XP today for completing a match?
What is everyone using for their primary, all-purpose weapon these days (auto/scout/etc)?
Right, because the Titan's invulnerable mode and Hunter's bladedancer is fair and balanced. Be thankful your super isn't interruptable like the Warlocks is
We are at the 4th Raid boss and lost 2 players who had to leave, we need replacements, need to be level 26 and need to have a mic/communicate.
PSN JoeFenix if you're interested.
I wonder what their loot haul was?
no, those aren't either. everything is unbalanced or overpowered except gunslinger.
1. Multiplayer for now doesn't have level advantage, so it normalizes damage of all weapons to a standard of their basic stats.
2. Shingen-E is most likely the AR you're getting killed by. Just go with that once you find one.
3. Blink and Titan shield need to have some kind of longer cooldown if not a nerf to their skills. At least for PvP.
no , but not his group. May be his clan. I have no idea. I saw him in the Furchten, which may be part of PrimeGuard.That's Datto right?
What is everyone using for their primary, all-purpose weapon these days (auto/scout/etc)?
Right, because the Titan's invulnerable mode and Hunter's bladedancer is fair and balanced. Be thankful your super isn't interruptable like the Warlocks is
I constantly go back and forth between love and hate in this game. Let me just ask my questions here that I've been asking myself and people I've played with for the past week.
Why are people with auto rifles killing me SO DAMN FAST? It's like if I'm in a firefight, I'm dead every time. Without fail. Even though I have a gun with a ton of damage (does that count in multiplayer?) and am shooting them right in the head, they'll kill me first. I watch streams of people playing and none seem to have the same problem.
Despite this, I'm able to mostly succeed because the game isn't about shooting in the traditional sense. Using my powers and sneaking around, I am able to win matches (with my team) for the most part. But then, some powers seem better than others. These people teleporting all over the map lately are the cheapest things in the world. The Titan bubble thing just makes the entire team invincible. And then some people seem to have grenades that cause damage for a year after they've been killed, while mine just pop and fizzle right away.
I guess my point is that after so many hours of playing, I still don't know what's making me fail as a player and it's driving me nuts. I don't know why my guns aren't as powerful as other people. I don't know why my magic seems weaker. And yet I can't stop playing it for hours at a time.
no , but not his group.
What is everyone using for their primary, all-purpose weapon these days (auto/scout/etc)?
you a hunter out of curiosity? because bladedancer is the most broken thing in pvp BY FAR.
that K/D is terrifying
holy fuck i want no part of that shit lmao
Nope. A Sunbro Warlock. I've killed my fair amount of bladedancers by jumping into the air with a strong weapon and freezing in midair to aim at them.
Personally shield titans are the worst for me because the amount of damage resistance they get shouldn't be that big for that long.
This hand cannon is pretty sweet. It's just a rare but it has 242 attack when leveled up, has an 8 round magazine, and explosive rounds. It's great in PvE.
Silvered Maverick Mk. 41