Where do you get the Shingen-E or its equivalent legendaries?
that K/D is terrifying
holy fuck i want no part of that shit lmao
you a hunter out of curiosity? because bladedancer is the most broken thing in pvp BY FAR.
derp. meant with my facebook. Freudian slip.
Regular sparrow you get from getting the 5 gold chests on earth. The tricks are made by finding 'ramps' and boosting at the end so he flips around and goes crazy.
Can anyone shed some light as to why I have the clash crucible mode flashing up on the far left side of the planet selection screen ? Is this like a daily crucible thingy that yields extra crucible marks or something ?
Someone actually finished the raid
Gaddamn, so they like died 200 times in one raid and plaid for hours. Bungie wasnt kidding when they said it's hard.that K/D is terrifying
holy fuck i want no part of that shit lmao
I bought a green primary weapon engram from the Cryptarch and it had a Shingen-E in it. Got super lucky I guess.
Gaddamn, so they like died 200 times in one raid and plaid for hours. Bungie wasnt kidding when they said it's hard.
What is everyone using for their primary, all-purpose weapon these days (auto/scout/etc)?
Shingen-E is green? I have shingens but I don't remember what letter they are. I think Shingen-C?
Shingen-E is green? I have shingens but I don't remember what letter they are. I think Shingen-C?
That is what I use. I love it. I can either have explosive rounds or insanely fast reloads on it, but not both. Its other skill is "kills increase reload speed for a brief time."
Oh crap - didn't there were rewards for finding all of the chests.
Gaddamn, so they like died 200 times in one raid and plaid for hours. Bungie wasnt kidding when they said it's hard.
Just that one guy. He himself died 281 times. Not the whole group.
Edit: Some of the others probably died more than that.
not even close
i'd say golden gun + combustion is far scarier or even titan defender shield in salvage mode
C is green. E is blue.
Sorry dude net cut off
Someone actually finished the raid
Someone on GameSpot's stream said that they'd been playing for 14 or so hours. They were kind of shocked by the time when someone said what time it was.
Super Pox VLO for PVE. I'm not really into pulse rifles, but it's the only legendary I've gotten so far.
Rare lvl18 Shingen E for PVP and for Nexus and Moon farming.
Each of those guys died hundreds of times.
nerf that shit too, actually just remove them altogether
expected it to take longer for people to figure out how to beat it.
If I say I suck at PvP it would be the biggest understatement of the decade
I'm a fucking joke.. level 10s rape me like a sitting duck.. I can't aim shit, I get killed in one blow! wtf?
I'm level 20 btw and I think I have semi-decent equipment
Flawless Raider - LOL
If I say I suck at PvP it would be the biggest understatement of the decade
I'm a fucking joke.. level 10s rape me like a sitting duck.. I can't aim shit, I get killed in one blow! wtf?
I'm level 20 btw and I think I have semi-decent equipment
Flawless Raider - LOL
nerf everything that works!
expected it to take longer for people to figure out how to beat it.
I really would like to try the raid, but man.
expected it to take longer for people to figure out how to beat it.
yep, for bonus XP
Yeah, each member's personal death record in this raid sits between 250 and 290 time. It's insane. I am sure those stats will change when people know what to do, but damn.Just that one guy. He himself died 281 times. Not the whole group.
Edit: Some of the others probably died more than that.
Regardless of what anyone thinks of the game, good or bad, I tell you something I've found this and the threads resulting from Destinys launch VERY interesting. Seriously though, has a AAA game resulted in so many different threads at launch in recent years because I honestly don't recall it from my time GAF (lurking and being a member).
Hatred, love, salt, tears, conversations, hype and many many other emotions and opinions. It's almost as entertaining to me as the game has been.
Flawless Raider - LOL
10 year plan. Eventually, this raid will be incredibly easy.
If I say I suck at PvP it would be the biggest understatement of the decade
I'm a fucking joke.. level 10s rape me like a sitting duck.. I can't aim shit, I get killed in one blow! wtf?
I'm level 20 btw and I think I have semi-decent equipment