And snipers
And shotguns
And auto rifles
Cryptarch's level doesn't matter when decrypting engrams
You should be fine. We went in with a party slightly less geared than you (I still had all Blue weapons) and we managed to progressI'm ready to die in the raid
Slappers only mode ftw
Anyone that's done phogoth on the weekly strike have any tips? It feels like there's so many damn mobs coming from all directions.
DO mind sharing what shader you are using I really digging this look. I am also mad jealous I feel like I have been level 20 forever.image removed for slow internet users
j/k I actually like your posts.
And without Fusion Rifles.
Shotguns are much worse.
Oh okay - is that 100% confirmed?
My fusion rifle fires bursts of tears
And snipers
And shotguns
And auto rifles
Slappers only mode ftw
Good Lord that auto rifle looks sexy. I have a feeling I'll never get an exotic weapon. :/I'm ready to die in the raid
You take that back! You don't want to make Scarlet angry! You won't like her when she's angry!Ew, Titan.
Do people really think shotguns are worse than fusion rifles?
Fusion rifles are shotguns with 3-5x the range.
at this point i'm just bitching though. think i need a break
I'm ready to die in the raid
And snipers
And shotguns
And auto rifles
You take that back! You don't want to make Scarlet angry! You won't like her when she's angry!
Do people really think shotguns are worse than fusion rifles?
Fusion rifles are shotguns with 3-5x the range.
-Does basic EXP earned in battles mean nothing to me now, as leveling up is strictly done through picking up Light drops?
they have a charge time and visuaudio tells. and you can dodge them.
You take that back! You don't want to make Scarlet angry! You won't like her when she's angry!
But if you don't exist WHO AM I TALKING TO?!She can't hurt me.
I don't exist.
I think fusion rifles are far worse, but there's an easy way to fix this. Just make it so you don't spawn with special ammo from the start of the game.
How are people killing me in one shot with the fusion rifle but I can't? Whenever I do it it only drops their shields and some health. People are straight up one shotting me with it though and they're not getting my head every time. I've been jumping above them before when they did it.
Do they just have one with that high of an impact rating or something?
Range. A well aimed fusion blast at short to short-medium range should 1HKO. If you're not getting that when you try, aim a little more carefully so you hit with the full blast.How are people killing me in one shot with the fusion rifle but I can't? Whenever I do it it only drops their shields and some health. People are straight up one shotting me with it though and they're not getting my head every time. I've been jumping above them before when they did it.
Do they just have one with that high of an impact rating or something?
Crucible, luck, Vanguard, more luck, and Exotic bounty. Oh, and even more luck with engrams.Damn dude, looking good.
What was your secret to getting there? What did you do the most?
I know. I'm prepare to die for the cause. Leeeeeeerrooooyyyyy Jeennnkkkiiiiiinnnnsssss!!You should be fine. We went in with a party slightly less geared than you (I still had all Blue weapons) and we managed to progress
You will die though. A lot. And often. Especially at the very start. And on the next section too.
Yep.Ummm. You can do that? That is the R1 after run charge, right?
I'm ready to die in the raid
Level 26 Hunter (Bladedancer)
Level 26 Hunter (Bladedancer)
Level 26 Warlock (Voidwalker)
Level 27 Warlock (Voidwalker)
Level 27 Titan (Defender)
Level 27 Titan (Striker)
We made it past the boss in the second area, past the labyrinth, and found the Vault of Glass room. We stopped though because two people needed to leave.
But if you don't exist WHO AM I TALKING TO?!
good fucking god I cannot contain the jelly
Fusion Rifle doesn't do headshot damage.
They all kick up hard, you have to aim center mass and fight the recoil down immediately, if you don't and any shots go astray, you won't 1hko.
If you do aim it perfectly, you can 1hko people out to close-medium range, which is pretty amazing. Outside shotgun range, and inside the range people usually use ARs... which won't beat you in time if you're on target.
Range. A well aimed fusion blast at short to short-medium range should 1HKO. If you're not getting that when you try, aim a little more carefully so you hit with the full blast.
Is this God?Me.
And you.
The universe is answering you.
Anyone interested in doing the Level 24 weekly strike with me? I'm a lvl 24 warlock trying to get some strange coins.
PSN (PS4): longmeat
if you're interested invite me to your fireteam.
Ah ok, I'm probably too far away. Makes sense. I'm not trying to pick people off from across the map but I'm not in medium range either.