Are public events the best way to vanguard mark grind?
Level 24 Strike Playlist IMO.
Are public events the best way to vanguard mark grind?
How so? I thought Crucible was supposed to be balanced?
yeah, all legendaried out
There's no matchmaking for the weekly strike, which doesn't make any sense. So if you don't have a team already, you have to go forward alone.
Yep, your class specs do affect pvp. My warlock is a slow moving tank with barely any agility but a ton of recovery and armor. I don't personally believe agility is that important in pvp.Maybe they are speccing for Toughness/Armour rather than Recovery or Agility? I've noticed at least Agility does make a difference (faster to reach "top speed", more jump height, faster gliding and stuff) so I assume Toughness also works in PVP and gives more health or shields.
ive come so close to getting the bounty for not dying...2 times i fell off the stairs for no reason other than being lost or not knowing where im jumping. so it can't be that hard... cant you just do a level 12 raid with level 20s..
Ha, I'm on that bounty with the strikes. So it has to be 25 total? Can you just do one repeatedly? The earth strike is the fastest I believe so I'd rather just grind that.Well, 25 strikes down, now I'm forced to wait until Xur is around to continue the exotic bounty. He should really be in the Tower more than two days a week.
once you do it once you never get any rewards from them. Imho that's silly, I'd rather do quick story missions that give you 5 marks each time than a fucking raid that takes 20-30 minutes for 6 marks each. I think I might genuinely just start farming for spinmetal in rocket yard as my way to get marks/glimmer.
once you do it once you never get any rewards from them. Imho that's silly, I'd rather do quick story missions that give you 5 marks each time than a fucking raid that takes 20-30 minutes for 6 marks each. I think I might genuinely just start farming for spinmetal in rocket yard as my way to get marks/glimmer.
Can anyone confirm this?Someone said today that Bungie has added matchmaking to the weekly strike.
Ha, I'm on that bounty with the strikes. So it has to be 25 total? Can you just do one repeatedly? The earth strike is the fastest I believe so I'd rather just grind that.
Can anyone confirm this?
Yep, your class specs do affect pvp. My warlock is a slow moving tank with barely any agility but a ton of recovery and armor. I don't personally believe agility is that important in pvp.
"Hey, man! Where you going?"
I freaking love the charge. So OP as fuck. Used it many times in the round this gif is from.
Come again? I thought it was all balanced out in Crucible?
It's normalized, not equalized. As you level up, you gain the option to shift your three attributes around (Armor, Recovery, Agility). This has an effect on PvP modes. This has nothing to do with your gear though, just your Subclass level.
I'm not ever gonna get tired of Shoulder Charge. Sorry, everyone I have opted to Shoulder Charge instead of trying a real strategy.
"Hey, man! Where you going?"
I freaking love the charge. So OP as fuck. Used it many times in the round this gif is from.
Cømet;130315145 said:IE If you see a high level titan with an AR, run the other way or I'ma plow right through you like a train.
I like to shoulder charge people that kill me in cheap ways :3
Yeah, I just spammed the moon strike over and over. Everyone says Earth is fastest but I dunno, I found I was able to burn through the moon faster on average.
I gotta say, the fact that I've been grinding for engrams basically nonstop for a few days now, and don't have a single legendary to show for it... It's pretty discouraging.
The RNG can fuckin' blow me
"Hey, man! Where you going?"
I freaking love the charge. So OP as fuck. Used it many times in the round this gif is from.
once you do it once you never get any rewards from them. Imho that's silly, I'd rather do quick story missions that give you 5 marks each time than a fucking raid that takes 20-30 minutes for 6 marks each. I think I might genuinely just start farming for spinmetal in rocket yard as my way to get marks/glimmer.
The stats you get from your class abilities carry over.
Yep. Striker subclass exclusive unfortunately.Is that a Titan ability?
Man, that would be perfect. I don't have photoshop so I can't make high quality GIFs as you can tell.I wish the PS4 had an "export as Gif/webm" option. So many times I do something cool that would be perfect for a short gif or webm to link here but there is tso much hassle. Just let us make gifs and webms at on the system.
Had it since Sunday. It's so great. And I already leveled it up a few times.You have the Monte Carlo too? You bastard.
13 hours straight and hundreds of deaths lol cmon
only a special kind of people are built for that kind of shit in the first week of a game's life
I'm not trying to do it until level 29 now
my focus is now devoted entirely to queen's wrath instead hahaha
Mind blown I didn't know that selling the spinmetal got you marks as well as rep, I might go this way as well.
Just want to debunk this now, level 3 won't always give you an exotic bounty.
Unfortunately your equipment doesn't matter much in the multiplayer because all stats are normalized. So it doesn't really matter if you're level 20 or level 2. If you can't aim and aren't making the most of your abilities (super, etc.) you're going to have a hard time.
Cømet;130311272 said:My recommendation- start using a scout rifle in strikes and patrol. It'll force you to headshot every time and thus improve your aim. I've been doing that since I use a Cryptic Dragon (legendary scout rifle) for PvE and it makes my Shingen E a real monster in PvP.
If yo heads stickin' out, it's comin' off son!
take your time at first, learning the maps is key. Always use your motion sensor and try and be calm about it.
its funny how many people start a firefight and start jumping and shit, take aim and keep it locked you will win most firefights.
of course shotguns and supers and number of enemies changes every fight but get the basics down first.
Ditto. But I've been getting better. It's a completely different mindset from PvE. I rule PvE (or so I'd like to think), but PvP is more unpredictable obviously and therefore it takes longer to "learn" a good strategy. Sometimes in PvE you can just hop in, move around, melee, get distance, rinse and repeat. PvP you have to maintain distance and be more "cunning" in your thought process. Unfortunately, practice makes perfect. So, be prepared to shit the bed a LOT before things get better. But they will, promise.
So I watched the beginning of the raid before I went to bed last night and it seemed pretty cool. Did anyone watch the rest? Did it hold up with the beginning? Did anyone actually finish it yet? If so, how long did it take?
Thanks for the encouraging replies..
I have a question. Now that I capped the level, how can I level up my sub-class?
Another legendary engram. It turned into rare, level 14 pants. I am a 23+.
That sucks.
I grinded last night for two and a half hours and got absolutely nothing and I was furious.
Went back to Crucible and got a purple engram my third match.
Thats how Bungie feels about farming.
Mind blown I didn't know that selling the spinmetal got you marks as well as rep, I might go this way as well.
Another legendary engram. It turned into rare, level 14 pants. I am a 23+.
Mind blown I didn't know that selling the spinmetal got you marks as well as rep, I might go this way as well.
I feel like Bungie needs to patch out the Flawless Raider trophy. There's just no fucking way you can get that. Impossible.
In a few months it'll be easy. It's always like this in an mmo. They either nerf the raid, or raise the level cap/introduce better gear.