Didn't recognise my playstation plus so I had to restart the game.
Worked after that.. Strange.
Worked after that.. Strange.
Just did the Daily Heroic Strike (Level 24) by myself quite capably. Annoys me that we can't choose to then do the higher difficulty to get the rewards we missed out on. It's either go big or get nothing.
In a few months it'll be easy. It's always like this in an mmo. They either nerf the raid, or raise the level cap/introduce better gear.
Eh I guess, but not being able to get the plat for months is kind of lame. I just feel like it's not a good trophy because all it takes is one person dying once, and you lost.
Me and my friends made it to the Vault of Glass (the actual room). But two people had to leave so we won't be able to try it until tomorrow.
I had that happen last night. First it said use of user generated content not allowed when I turned on the game, and then when I tried to join my friends it said I didn't have PS+. Restarting it did help, but that was weird.Didn't recognise my playstation plus so I had to restart the game.
Worked after that.. Strange.
ouch. Maybe wait to turn these in for Bungie to hopefully patch this.
lol damn I didn't realize you were a gaffer. Thought I was watching a random stream.Me and my friends made it to the Vault of Glass (the actual room). But two people had to leave so we won't be able to try it until tomorrow.
Another legendary engram. It turned into rare, level 14 pants. I am a 23+.
going up against titans in salvage with the bubble shield made me question my religion.
Selling spinmetal to who? If I sell spinmetal to crucible quartermasters, I get rep/marks?
Thanks for the encouraging replies..
I have a question. Now that I capped the level, how can I level up my sub-class?
Where is this? Still playing story missions but my brother and I co-op at level 20 and 19 respectively at the moment...
In a few months it'll be easy. It's always like this in an mmo. They either nerf the raid, or raise the level cap/introduce better gear.
In a few months it'll be easy. It's always like this in an mmo. They either nerf the raid, or raise the level cap/introduce better gear.
I feel like Bungie needs to patch out the Flawless Raider trophy. There's just no fucking way you can get that. Impossible.
Another legendary engram. It turned into rare, level 14 pants. I am a 23+.
Thanks everyone for the explanation. Pretty disappointing for me - was hoping for a more neutral MP experience given that Bungie were in control. Shame.
Cømet;130317107 said:Snip
Didn't recognise my playstation plus so I had to restart the game.
Worked after that.. Strange.
Do the developers actually play through this shit in its final form before pushing it out?
How do you store things in the vault?
In a few months it'll be easy. It's always like this in an mmo. They either nerf the raid, or raise the level cap/introduce better gear.
Care to share your group's levels and classes?
lol damn I didn't realize you were a gaffer. Thought I was watching a random stream.
How far did you get? I thought you got to boss 2?
A GAF group I was in got through the first encounter and past the first boss within 3hrs or so of it going live. Due to timezones we stopped after that but holy fuck was it an exhilarating ride!So I watched the beginning of the raid before I went to bed last night and it seemed pretty cool. Did anyone watch the rest? Did it hold up with the beginning? Did anyone actually finish it yet? If so, how long did it take?
I need me a legendary shotgun, sniper and fusion rifle. Can't wait to grind it out in Crucible. I'm freakin' pumped to try and complete that raid.
Anyone know what rewards were given to those who completed it?
I dont get my friends sometimes. They have put days into this game and are better equipped than the people that beat the raid, but they say they dont care about the raid and will never do it. Theas a reward turned them off to it even more. Kind of mad I got the game on 360 to play with themshader
A shader, apparently for killing the final boss. But they got loot from each boss or section.
When you choose Set Destination from Orbit, it's one of the events on the left hand side of the screen.
The 360 Destiny players are with you in your time of need.
I.E. there's barely any of us.
A shader, apparently for killing the final boss. But they got loot from each boss or section.
I've been stock piling my legendary engrams in my vault. Not gonna open them until I've leveled the Cryptarch to a high level.
we need a PvP mode without supers
That actually matters? Had no idea. Thought the level only meant what type of items you can buy from him.
Hah, poor bugger. I got the Warlock Gauntlets, which give you a boost to Super charge for killing the Praetorians and the Oracles (enemies in the first two encounters) in the first Loot Drop and then got 3x Ascendant Shards in the next drop.Ah, alright. 3 people from my group last night got a piece of legendary gear for completing one phase of the first boss, the rest of us got ascendant crap.
Plus there's always a chest when travelling inbetween each section too, that we found had Rare Components. I got Ascendent Energies each time.They also get "loot for days" apparently.
And without Fusion Rifles.
Cryptarch's level doesn't matter when decrypting engrams
And without Fusion Rifles.
Does wearing a faction item mean I get their rep INSTEAD of vanguard?
Ah, alright. 3 people from my group last night got a piece of legendary gear for completing one phase of the first boss, the rest of us got ascendant crap.