Okay you Destiny nerds. I have a list of stuff and I have no idea what any of it does. Can you explain it to me?
For these items, can you please explain to me what each does and how I use them? I have no idea why Bungie didn't include a guide.
It's the same sort of sprawling design that causes people to come ask what the heck dozens of items in the souls games are... they didn't explain so you would come here and ask
A currency earned by:
-"Leveling up" after 20 via XP
-Decrypting engrams
-Reward rolls (crucible/strikes/public events)
Used for:
-Cosmetic items at the Speaker
-Exotic Engram (guaranteed exotic, but not necessarily for your class) from Xur, the weekend dealer
A currency earned by:
-Decrypting engrams
-Reward rolls (crucible/strikes/public events)
Used for:
-Buying exotics outright from Xur
Ascendant Shard
Helium Filaments
Spirit Bloom
These are all item upgrade materials, of varying rarity. Just hang on to them and they'll be used to upgrade your gear along the way and especially your higher level stuff.
edit: Yikes you guys are fast. Also holy crap page 100 about to pop.