It wouldn't be impossible to have done it by now I guess. I've had the gear for a while I just get really bored farming, especially since its 15 minutes between opportunities for one of the most important materials and it's still not a definite drop each time. Speaking of which I now need 16 Helium Filaments and Spirit Blooms so it seems I'm going back for another try.
Ha. I don't think I'm going to be doing any farming or what-have-you. I'll just play to have fun and what I get and when I get it will happen in due time.
So exactly 7 days after release... I'm 1 point of light away from level 25... with no lucky legendary or exotic drops yet to my name. God forbid it take me ANOTHER 7 days to hit 26 (it won't)
I'm watching the BraXzy stream and still seeing enemies lagging all over the place.
Maybe I have a legitimate reason to wait it out until the servers are somewhat stable, if that ever happens. Most of my deaths in today's weekly run were because of laggy enemies during the boss fight.
So I'm looking around in vods on twitch for the 4 bosses in the vault of glass, but I can only find the one called The Templar, and then last boss, Atheon. What are the other 2 bosses called?
I was almost certain that The Dark Beyond was what everybody was farming by now, and that's just a solo story mission. I'm not sure what reason anybody would have to farm anywhere else for engrams. I understand the reagent farming in patrol, but engram farming in patrol?
As you earn Reputation (there are three kinds), your Vendor will "Rank Up" just like the Cryptarch does as you decrypt things (turn in engrams).
The types are:
Vanguard- vendors are Vanguard Quartermaster and your class Vanguard specialist
Crucible- vendors are the Crucible Quartermaster and Crucible Handler
Faction- there are three, selling gear with different stat distributions, each of whom you can earn faction for by buying and equipping their special class item.
Reputation is earned primarily by doing bounties, but many activities give it in small amounts. If you have a Faction item equipped, any reputation that would've gone to Vanguard/Crucible will go toward that Faction instead.
When a vendor hits rank 2 they will sell you Legendaries for either Vanguard or Crucible marks.
Question: can the Raid be paused and resumed in the sense that you can turn off your console, attend to your actual life and pick up where you left off at a later time?
So exactly 7 days after release... I'm 1 point of light away from level 25... with no lucky legendary or exotic drops yet to my name. God forbid it take me ANOTHER 7 days to hit 26 (it won't)
People want a game they can play for months or years on end, and yet, the drive to maximize everything in the first few days seems to be so damn strong.
The way I see it: Enjoy the game and items'll come in time. Pace yourself and you'll actually appreciate upgrades as they happen. Those who have rushed to max in the smallest slice of time are just making the prospect of any upgrade take that much longer and farther between.
Whats really the fun factor here - the gear, or what you use the gear to do? Are the missions and combat just a means to an end or are they what its all about?
As you earn Reputation (there are three kinds), your Vendor will "Rank Up" just like the Cryptarch does as you decrypt things (turn in engrams).
The types are:
Vanguard- vendors are Vanguard Quartermaster and your class Vanguard specialist
Crucible- vendors are the Crucible Quartermaster and Crucible Handler
Faction- there are three, selling gear with different stat distributions, each of whom you can earn faction for by buying and equipping their special class item.
Reputation is earned primarily by doing bounties, but many activities give it in small amounts. If you have a Faction item equipped, any reputation that would've gone to Vanguard/Crucible will go toward that Faction instead.
When a vendor hits rank 2 they will sell you Legendaries for either Vanguard or Crucible marks.
Has bungie said anything about upcoming patches or tweaks? I want to enjoy this game in PvP but the auto rifle balance is annoying, yes I keep moaning about it because it's terrible.
Question: can the Raid be paused and resumed in the sense that you can turn off your console, attend to your actual life and pick up where you left off at a later time?
Has bungie said anything about upcoming patches or tweaks? I want to enjoy this game in PvP but the auto rifle balance is annoying, yes I keep moaning about it because it's terrible.
As you earn Reputation (there are three kinds), your Vendor will "Rank Up" just like the Cryptarch does as you decrypt things (turn in engrams).
The types are:
Vanguard- vendors are Vanguard Quartermaster and your class Vanguard specialist
Crucible- vendors are the Crucible Quartermaster and Crucible Handler
Faction- there are three, selling gear with different stat distributions, each of whom you can earn faction for by buying and equipping their special class item.
Reputation is earned primarily by doing bounties, but many activities give it in small amounts. If you have a Faction item equipped, any reputation that would've gone to Vanguard/Crucible will go toward that Faction instead.
When a vendor hits rank 2 they will sell you Legendaries for either Vanguard or Crucible marks.
Question: can the Raid be paused and resumed in the sense that you can turn off your console, attend to your actual life and pick up where you left off at a later time?
People want a game they can play for months or years on end, and yet, the drive to maximize everything in the first few days seems to be so damn strong.
Enjoy the game and items'll come in time. Pace yourself and you'll actually appreciate upgrades as they happen. Those who have rushed to max in the smallest slice of time are just making the prospect of any upgrade take that much longer and farther between.
Whats really the fun factor here - the gear, or what you use the gear to do? Are the missions and combat just a means to an end or are they what its all about?
I've come to understand the game is actually designed to (outside of the raid itself), not demand a whole lot of your time per night for guaranteed progression, instead opting for a certain handful of things per week to knock out at your leisure. If you play more than that, then it just means (hopefully?) that you're enjoying yourself.
On any given evening, do not continue playing past the point where you are no longer having fun for the promise of reward. This is actually pretty key to the structure of the game.
I mean I'll play it, but more for the fact I'd play with irl friends and get to talk to them for that much time considering they're all around the country.
Vault of Glass. Wow. I just spent 5 hours in that place. We made it to the last boss and decided to call it a day. Maybe we'll finish it off tomorrow.
Today's haul from the raid: 1x Legendary Sniper Rifle that didn't seem all that out of the ordinary and some number of Ascendant Materials. Curiously, no Engrams of any kind from any bosses or minions.
I have to say that I am in awe of that raid. And not just from the sense of scale and incredible art and sound design. After playing the plain and repetive Strikes to cap the Vanguard Marks last week, this was a breeze of fresh air. Unexpected variety with the likes
Labyrinth and the fading platforms
. Bosses with
multiple phases.
Debuffs and dispelling.
Hell, even an enrage timer.
After the dull experience of getting to this point, I had not expect to find an experience mirroring that of my early experiences with WoW in dungeons like BRD and UBRS with pick-up groups.
And perhaps, beating the odds, I found myself in good company. Everyone in this party, that was founded through had a good idea of what was going on and never gave up (with only one or two people signing off at mid-point of this journey. Everyone had a mic, and everyone seemed to have a good time. Everything went better than expected.
I think I like Vault of Glass. Though some opponents still feel a tad bullet-spongy, I feel Bungie is on the right track with this. I'm a lot more optimistic than I was 5 days ago. I want to see more.
I'd recommend playing the strike playlist or crucible. Both can give gear and provide marks. You'll likely have to buy a couple pieces of legendary gear, but level 20 blues shouldn't be all that bad honestly. You're guaranteed level 20 blues for doing level 24 strikes, so just build up your light some to get there. Engrams and Crucible can also give you level 20 stuff, but not guaranteed.
Using one of the engram farming methods is useful, but whether that's a good option depends on the person =p
That's weird. My "Laughing Behind Your Back" (great name for a ship btw and perfectly sums up how I think Bungie feels about all of your Legendary Engram woes) is a bronze/copper colour with the top shark fin thing and some missles on top.
Jeez, I'm like level 13 but I'm still confused about things. What the heck is a Vanguard Quartermaster and Vanguard Specialist? Is the quartermaster the guy in the very back of the Tower surrounding the table? If so, who is the specialist?
I'm a recently minted 20 also, and I don't have a solution for you, but I don't mind the grind - as long as I'm in a social fireteam, not the gym-grunters I had last night (that'll teach me to PUG it up ).
Me: "So guys, should we actually try and kill this boss or you gonna keep running around and dance?"
Team mate 1: "Grunt"
Team mate 2: "Ugh"
Me: "Cool story bros "'s lucky a j'adore the PvP - my K/D is average as, but I have a ball, especially in Skirmish and Control
Vault of Glass. Wow. I just spent 5 hours in that place. We made it to the last boss and decided to call it a day. Maybe we'll finish it off tomorrow.
Today's haul from the raid: 1x Legendary Sniper Rifle that didn't seem all that out of the ordinary and some number of Ascendant Materials. Curiously, no Engrams of any kind from any bosses or minions.
I have to say that I am in awe of that raid. And not just from the sense of scale and incredible art and sound design. After playing the plain and repetive Strikes to cap the Vanguard Marks last week, this was a breeze of fresh air. Unexpected variety with the likes
Labyrinth and the fading platforms
. Bosses with
multiple phases.
Debuffs and dispelling.
Hell, even an enrage timer.
After the dull experience of getting to this point, I had not expect to find an experience mirroring that of my early experiences with WoW in dungeons like BRD and UBRS with pick-up groups.
And perhaps, beating the odds, I found myself in good company. Everyone in this party, that was founded through had a good idea of what was going on and never gave up (with only one or two people signing off at mid-point of this journey. Everyone had a mic, and everyone seemed to have a good time. Everything went better than expected.
I think I like Vault of Glass. Though some opponents still feel a tad bullet-spongy, I feel Bungie is on the right track with this. I'm a lot more optimistic than I was 5 days ago. I want to see more.
Vault of Glass. Wow. I just spent 5 hours in that place. We made it to the last boss and decided to call it a day. Maybe we'll finish it off tomorrow.
Today's haul from the raid: 1x Legendary Sniper Rifle that didn't seem all that out of the ordinary and some number of Ascendant Materials. Curiously, no Engrams of any kind from any bosses or minions.
I have to say that I am in awe of that raid. And not just from the sense of scale and incredible art and sound design. After playing the plain and repetive Strikes to cap the Vanguard Marks last week, this was a breeze of fresh air. Unexpected variety with the likes
Labyrinth and the fading platforms
. Bosses with
multiple phases.
Debuffs and dispelling.
Hell, even an enrage timer.
After the dull experience of getting to this point, I had not expect to find an experience mirroring that of my early experiences with WoW in dungeons like BRD and UBRS with pick-up groups.
And perhaps, beating the odds, I found myself in good company. Everyone in this party, that was founded through had a good idea of what was going on and never gave up (with only one or two people signing off at mid-point of this journey. Everyone had a mic, and everyone seemed to have a good time. Everything went better than expected.
I think I like Vault of Glass. Though some opponents still feel a tad bullet-spongy, I feel Bungie is on the right track with this. I'm a lot more optimistic than I was 5 days ago. I want to see more.