Seems probable.
I would love to see what a Solar based Titan can do, or an Arc Warlock.
Don't we need a... uh "blue" warlock? There is already an arc one.
Seems probable.
I would love to see what a Solar based Titan can do, or an Arc Warlock.
There seems to be a slot open for another subclass. We might see that in an expansion.
Had no luck at the farming spot on Skywatch.
The level 14 pants I got from a legendary engram at level 23+ may have killed my spirit for a while. I think I need a Destiny time out.
Mindboggling as it is that you consider grinding the same farming spot for hours on end more viable or enjoyable... no that's not what I meant. Have you done the Daily Heroic Mission, Weekly Heroic Strike, all the daily Bounties? what's your Vanguard rank at?the other way would be me grinding all day in strike or pvp. Neither of which are any go.
Hnnnnnng. thank you for the great impressions and the spoiler tags. I'm so hyped for this. I WANT ITVault of Glass. Wow. I just spent 5 hours in that place. We made it to the last boss and decided to call it a day. Maybe we'll finish it off tomorrow.
Today's haul from the raid: 1x Legendary Sniper Rifle that didn't seem all that out of the ordinary and some number of Ascendant Materials. Curiously, no Engrams of any kind from any bosses or minions.
I have to say that I am in awe of that raid. And not just from the sense of scale and incredible art and sound design. After playing the plain and repetive Strikes to cap the Vanguard Marks last week, this was a breeze of fresh air. Unexpected variety with the likes. Bosses withLabyrinth and the fading platformsmultiple phases.Debuffs and dispelling.After the dull experience of getting to this point, I had not expect to find an experience mirroring that of my early experiences with WoW in dungeons like BRD and UBRS with pick-up groups.Hell, even an enrage timer.
And perhaps, beating the odds, I found myself in good company. Everyone in this party, that was founded through DestinyLFG.com had a good idea of what was going on and never gave up (with only one or two people signing off at mid-point of this journey. Everyone had a mic, and everyone seemed to have a good time. Everything went better than expected.
I think I like Vault of Glass. Though some opponents still feel a tad bullet-spongy, I feel Bungie is on the right track with this. I'm a lot more optimistic than I was 5 days ago. I want to see more.
Don't we need a... uh "blue" warlock? There is already an arc one.
How did you make it to the last boss in 5 hours?
Hnnnnnng. thank you for the great impressions and the spoiler tags. I'm so hyped for this. I WANT IT
btw, did you actually use destinylfg.com or was it destinylfg.net? I hate it when this happens.
you can highlight them in orbit.So what does the "Angry" buff do on the weekly heroic?
Don't we need a... uh "blue" warlock? There is already an arc one.
For those who completed the level 28 nightfall strike... what did you get from it?
For those who completed the level 28 nightfall strike... what did you get from it?
I'm just playing with GAFers. I'm in NZ, we've got a Spaniard, a Scotsman, and 3 Americans. Headsets are a wonderful thingI mean I'll play it, but more for the fact I'd play with irl friends and get to talk to them for that much time considering they're all around the country.
I'm completely enamored with the bladedancer ability set. So many things I didn't expect. Definitely considering Warlock as a second character though.AHAHA
This game just became 200 hundred times more awesome.
blast. well, I'm glad it worked.The .com adress.
So what does the "Angry" buff do on the weekly heroic?
Looking for partners to do Weekly Heroic strike, ps4.
Yay. Finally hit 25. Anyone want to group up for the weekly heroic/weekly nightfall?
Mindboggling as it is that you consider grinding the same farming spot for hours on end more viable or enjoyable... no that's not what I meant. Have you done the Daily Heroic Mission, Weekly Heroic Strike, all the daily Bounties? what's your Vanguard rank at?
What I assume to be the last boss anyway. Sorry, because I hadn't checked how many there are. The one we reached was right afterthe platforming bit, where we need to open up the two portals and defeat baddies within those portals.
The .com adress.
I just got a legendary engram for the titan class item, how lame lol.
You can add me if you want - "SC-Trickster" level 25 hunter
This game just became 200 hundred times more awesome.
You can add me if you want - "SC-Trickster" level 25 hunter
As in you get nothing super special for it?
I want to do the (assuming you mean) Weekly Heroic strike with you, will need about an hour though? ehhh?PSN nicoga3000
Need to run Shrine of Oryx Heroic for 2 bounties, the daily heroic story, and then dive into the daily heroic strike. Anyone down?
E: Level 21, so not the 24/25 stuff.
Blue is arc. We have Void (purple) and Solar (orange)
I want to do the (assuming you mean) Weekly Heroic strike with you, will need about an hour though? ehhh?
anyone else down for the heroic strike?
what console and time?
Requested you![]()
Titan - Striker (Arc) and Defender (Void.)WAT MY LIFE IS A LIE
yup!That's fine - you mean like, you'll be ready in an hour?
Titan - Striker (Arc) and Defender (Void.)
Warlock - Voidwalker (Void) and Sunsinger (Solar.)
Hunter - Gunslinger (Solar) and Bladedancer (Arc.)
Still need another for the weekly? add me ZombaXIII
I think that's the second boss.
Fireteam leader can resume, progress resets every week.
They were already patched from the beta lol