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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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There seems to be a slot open for another subclass. We might see that in an expansion.

Given that extra slot this would seem to be a certainty. If it does come with The Dark Below (the first expansion) then I guess we'll see in December. I imagine if the enemies you're tackling by that stage are doling out decent amounts of XP that it won't take that long to fully unlock the skills of the new subclasses.


Unconfirmed Member
Had no luck at the farming spot on Skywatch.

Seems like they've toned it down from earlier. Early this afternoon I was getting greens and blues dropping all over the place. Now I have to wait like 5 minutes for 4 enemies to even spawn...
The level 14 pants I got from a legendary engram at level 23+ may have killed my spirit for a while. I think I need a Destiny time out.

This is why Bungie needs to take this seriously. I've read this reaction again and again recently. The game needs to be adjusted.


The Cryptarch's Bane
the other way would be me grinding all day in strike or pvp. Neither of which are any go.
Mindboggling as it is that you consider grinding the same farming spot for hours on end more viable or enjoyable... no that's not what I meant. Have you done the Daily Heroic Mission, Weekly Heroic Strike, all the daily Bounties? what's your Vanguard rank at?

Vault of Glass. Wow. I just spent 5 hours in that place. We made it to the last boss and decided to call it a day. Maybe we'll finish it off tomorrow.

Today's haul from the raid: 1x Legendary Sniper Rifle that didn't seem all that out of the ordinary and some number of Ascendant Materials. Curiously, no Engrams of any kind from any bosses or minions.

I have to say that I am in awe of that raid. And not just from the sense of scale and incredible art and sound design. After playing the plain and repetive Strikes to cap the Vanguard Marks last week, this was a breeze of fresh air. Unexpected variety with the likes
Labyrinth and the fading platforms
. Bosses with
multiple phases.
Debuffs and dispelling.
Hell, even an enrage timer.
After the dull experience of getting to this point, I had not expect to find an experience mirroring that of my early experiences with WoW in dungeons like BRD and UBRS with pick-up groups.

And perhaps, beating the odds, I found myself in good company. Everyone in this party, that was founded through DestinyLFG.com had a good idea of what was going on and never gave up (with only one or two people signing off at mid-point of this journey. Everyone had a mic, and everyone seemed to have a good time. Everything went better than expected.

I think I like Vault of Glass. Though some opponents still feel a tad bullet-spongy, I feel Bungie is on the right track with this. I'm a lot more optimistic than I was 5 days ago. I want to see more.
Hnnnnnng. thank you for the great impressions and the spoiler tags. I'm so hyped for this. I WANT IT

btw, did you actually use destinylfg.com or was it destinylfg.net? I hate it when this happens.


How did you make it to the last boss in 5 hours?

What I assume to be the last boss anyway. Sorry, because I hadn't checked how many there are. The one we reached was right after
the platforming bit, where we need to open up the two portals and defeat baddies within those portals.

Hnnnnnng. thank you for the great impressions and the spoiler tags. I'm so hyped for this. I WANT IT

btw, did you actually use destinylfg.com or was it destinylfg.net? I hate it when this happens.

The .com adress.


Unconfirmed Member
There's two groups of people on my friends list doing the raid and no one invited me.


Edit : Holy shit, I didn't notice someone used the same GIF above, lol.


For those who completed the level 28 nightfall strike... what did you get from it?

I got 5 strange coins for last week's. Some people have obtained exotics and legendaries. It's the only strike reward screen I've seen that is capable of giving legendaries/exotics so far x.x


The Cryptarch's Bane


This game just became 200 hundred times more awesome.
I'm completely enamored with the bladedancer ability set. So many things I didn't expect. Definitely considering Warlock as a second character though.
The .com adress.
blast. well, I'm glad it worked.

I checked them out...

For those needing a fireteam, www.destinylfg.com and www.destinylfg.net have both (sigh) completely taken off. 10+ groups being formed within the last 5 minutes on PS4 alone.


Mindboggling as it is that you consider grinding the same farming spot for hours on end more viable or enjoyable... no that's not what I meant. Have you done the Daily Heroic Mission, Weekly Heroic Strike, all the daily Bounties? what's your Vanguard rank at?


I don't find grinding fun at all. I haven't done any heroic mission or stirke. Im do mostly pvp bounties and my vanguard rank is 0.
What I assume to be the last boss anyway. Sorry, because I hadn't checked how many there are. The one we reached was right after
the platforming bit, where we need to open up the two portals and defeat baddies within those portals.

The .com adress.

I think that's the second boss.


Saint Nic
PSN nicoga3000

Need to run Shrine of Oryx Heroic for 2 bounties, the daily heroic story, and then dive into the daily heroic strike. Anyone down?

E: Level 21, so not the 24/25 stuff.


This game just became 200 hundred times more awesome.

The warlock blink really fucks me up bad in PVP. Kicks my ass.

I'm a Hunter Bladedancer so I'll get to join in the fun soon as well, right?

You can add me if you want - "SC-Trickster" level 25 hunter

I remember that username. I'm pretty sure I was in a match with you at some point in the past week. That's neat. Or my brain is lying to me.

I think it was on either Shores of Time or Firebase Delphi, I had to specifically target you because I was trying to get the enforcer medal and at the time I thought it meant kill the top player on the enemy team, not stop a streak.

Edit: I cant find you anywhere in my recent games, maybe I'm crazy.


The Cryptarch's Bane
PSN nicoga3000

Need to run Shrine of Oryx Heroic for 2 bounties, the daily heroic story, and then dive into the daily heroic strike. Anyone down?

E: Level 21, so not the 24/25 stuff.
I want to do the (assuming you mean) Weekly Heroic strike with you, will need about an hour though? ehhh?


To those of us that had purchased the collector's editions (Limited Edition and Ghost Edition):

Have any of you framed the postcards, starmap, and anything else that can be framed?

Or is that stuff still sitting in the box?

I'm planning on buying some frames this weekend to hang up my LE postcards and starmap.


Neo Member
anyone at level 25+ who want to team up for vault of glass/nightfall/daily or weekly heroic?

on PS4 add me: PSN ID: the1ksin

We can decide what we do depending on numbers.


Titan - Striker (Arc) and Defender (Void.)
Warlock - Voidwalker (Void) and Sunsinger (Solar.)
Hunter - Gunslinger (Solar) and Bladedancer (Arc.)

All signs point to a third subclass appearing eventually for each class, so everyone will have access to all Elements.
has anyone beat the raid yet? my group made it to the second boss and got him down to 40% health and wiped. Those friggin oracoles are too much. Gave it another shot on a second attempt with some gaffers, shout out to raishin yaya sorry if I spelled your name wrong at work atm and the other the other gaffers who was there. That raid is so damn hard.


Just picked up a scout riffle with which I can pick up ammo lying around by just shooting it!
This might get very interesting when downing an enemy at range that had heavy ammo in the Crucible. :D


I think that's the second boss.

Likely. I had just assumed that it couldn't go any deeper from what I had seen, or that they would open up new parts of the Raid, releasing them like 'wings' of sorts. A lot of stuff to see tomorrow then; hopefully they don't ratchet up the required level at any point, though.
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