Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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I used to laugh at the idea of using a Machine Gun as my heavy weapon, then I got my Legendary one and have been using it in PvP. I get waaaaay more kills with it than I ever did my Rockets. Almost went on a 10 kill streak once in Rumble between it and my shotgun.
188/500 void kills for the hand cannon exotic bounty. Big thanks to the fellow GAFfers who let me shoot them up. Anyone else doing this? Once I finish it, I'd be glad to give up my KDR so you guys can get your kills in.
I used to laugh at the idea of using a Machine Gun as my heavy weapon, then I got my Legendary one and have been using it in PvP. I get waaaaay more kills with it than I ever did my Rockets. Almost went on a 10 kill streak once in Rumble between it and my shotgun.

I'm not sure I'd ever use a rocket launcher over a machine gun honestly. You get such a crazy mount of ammo for machine guns compared to launchers. A heavy ammo crate for a launcher will typically net you 2-3 kills whereas a machine gun has the capability to just tear through 6 or 7 people with the amount it gets.


A screenshot of what Math, myself, and four other gaffers had to deal with.
And, yes, I took this shot in the middle of the "action" or lackoff. All the enemies were frozen in place.
So I finally got an exotic bounty and can't decide between the one for thorn(hand cannon) or invective(shotgun) this is tough, I know it'll be quite some time before I get another opportunity like this.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
I don't even know why people bring rockets into PvP when nearly all of the machine guns can be worth 10 kills with a single heavy ammo drop
Yeah it got nerfed, from the 1.0.1 patch notes


Arcbolt Grenade impact damage reduced by 17% (base 120 to 100)

Razor's Edge distance traveled slowed and reduced

Quickdraw now no longer requires a melee hit

Blink now cancels invisibility when used

I didn't realize how big those nerfs are at the time. Arcbolt grenade would've been gdlk with that increased damage. Razor's edge being any faster may as well be a gun too.

Blink NOT canceling invis though? bwhahahaha oh man that's just impossible to defend against especially with Blink Strike's invis.


I may pick up Diablo III for my PS4 despite having it on PC and give Destiny a break until they figure out loot.

I'm poised to buy faction armor tomorrow and that will probably decide it for me.
Yes just got two Legendary Engrams in Strike mission first ones ever. Even the guy that matched in with us halfway through got one. I'm so keeping this shit in the vault.


I haven't encountered lag during any of the times I've gone into the raid. Sorry to hear it was bad for you guys x.x

That said, I actually really like what I've done of the raid, I've made it to the portals after the jumping puzzle. It's frustrating until everyone knows what to do, but at least most people have someone to actually tell them stuff now. I jumped in when it went live so we were figuring stuff out. The relic in the first boss fight is pretty important since it's great for clearing adds, has a shield ability(Grenade. I believe this also clears Mark of Negation.) and removes the boss's shield.

Just gotta get that shield down and hold his teleport points so you can beat him up. Relic bearer can handle some adds, holding points on occasion and mostly handle oracle duty.


Spent all my play time today farming, four legendary engrams in total (my first four), every single fucking one decoded into a rare. Luckily I waited till the end of the day to decode them because I'd have had to step away from the game. I'd have preferred to get no legendary engrams and just have stuff decode to the level it is.


Guys please help: is there ANY reason why I wouldn't be able to switch subclasses after I unlocked them? I have a 23 warlock, and I've started a Level 11 titan as a defender. But for the past few days I cannot switch subclasses on any of my characters. Is my game broken or am I missing something?

Please, is anyone experiencing this issue?


Unconfirmed Member
Need two for Vault of Glass on XB1 right now. Titans especially! GT = kittens dx.
My only loot from playing 3hrs of this raid was a green engram and 3 Ascendant Energy.

Also the bosses missile attacks froze in mid air because of the lag.



I'd be in the dick
A screenshot of what Math, myself, and four other gaffers had to deal with.
And, yes, I took this shot in the middle of the "action" or lackoff. All the enemies were frozen in place.

My only fear for the Raid was that there would be too many Minotaurs. Goddammit.


I don't even know why people bring rockets into PvP when nearly all of the machine guns can be worth 10 kills with a single heavy ammo drop

I didn't realize how big those nerfs are at the time. Arcbolt grenade would've been gdlk with that increased damage. Razor's edge being any faster may as well be a gun too.

Blink NOT canceling invis though? bwhahahaha oh man that's just impossible to defend against especially with Blink Strike's invis.

I was thinking the same thing. When I unlocked blink, I was like "aw man, blink cancels invisibility?" Blink + Invisibility would've made Bladedancers impossible targets.
So I haven't tried this but I just had a thought.

Since all your characters can do a public event and get the daily reward, couldn't you just keep deleting and remaking one of the characters and do a daily event once with each one then pass the items over to your main character?

Maybe someone's already tried it and it doesn't work but seems like it could be a pretty easy way to farm the higher level crating materials and maybe get some strange coins too.
I've been stuck on level 24 for days no. Every drop I get from the strikes have been garbage. Just found out about the farming spot on the moon. Does it still work? And does it matter what level you do it at? Will playing it on a higher level give better chances of blue/purp?



fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Also, I have two exotic weapon bounties running at the same time now. I'm only rank 1 in the vanguard so it's not tied to that.


I've been stuck on level 24 for days no. Every drop I get from the strikes have been garbage. Just found out about the farming spot on the moon. Does it still work? And does it matter what level you do it at? Will playing it on a higher level give better chances of blue/purp?


Buy legendaries with marks
yea if that's representative of end-game content then i probably am not going to keep the game. bungie has absolutely no clue how to design bosses and the raid is by and large no exception. instead of grinding away at one bullet sponge, there are 20, and now you have status effects on top of it. it's not difficult; the objectives are very simple, but throwing wave after wave of adds to chip away at is monotonous. i didn't' feel challenged running away from explosions. no lulls between encounters; barely any clever mechanics. it's just a mess of purple flashes and bullets. and from what i've heard, the reward isn't even worth it. what's the fucking point then?

i've enjoyed destiny for it what it was, but it has yet to show me it can surpass that.
Sorry you feel that way man. I'm very impressed with what i've seen of the raid and I'm looking forward to the future ones if they can match it.
I'm farming on the moon, but I keep getting random disconnects and when I come back, I have to fight all the way back to where I was. It gives me the option to "resume" but it doesn't work. Anyone else?


My only fear for the Raid was that there would be too many Minotaurs. Goddammit.
They only spawn when the boss enrages and is trying to force you to wipe for taking too long. The only real threats are the boss himself and the Harpies that spawn in the final section of the fight.
That being said, your shield-bearer should be charge-attacking the harpies to get their Super meter up faster.
Probably been asked before, but does leveling the Cryptarch in any way affect how often he decodes engrams at their level, e.g. a legendary engram actually producing legendary equipment?


this thread moves fast, reposting for new page, but I don't want to spam:

Guys please help: is there ANY reason why I wouldn't be able to switch subclasses after I unlocked them? I have a 23 warlock, and I've started a Level 11 titan as a defender. But for the past few days I cannot switch subclasses on any of my characters. Is my game broken or am I missing something?


Do a lvl 22 strike for the hell of it. Get a legendary engram within 10 minute of starting. Go farm the moon level for a bit, get another purple inside of 20 minutes.

I just don't know about this game anymore man. I don't have the heart to have the Cryptarch crush my dreams.


RNGesus has seen fit to gift me, finally, a Legendary for my Titan class, a Raku Type chest. Glorious. It must have been proud that I was farming Vanguard marks and awarded me on the 59th mark of the day.


Do a lvl 22 strike for the hell of it. Get a legendary engram within 10 minute of starting. Go farm the moon level for a bit, get another purple inside of 20 minutes.

I just don't know about this game anymore man. I don't have the heart to have the Cryptarch crush my dreams.
I got a Legendary Engram from farming PCP and it turned into a Legendary Rocket Launcher.



Is there a point to using + light armor if it doesn't raise you another level? I'm level 20 right now with something like +8 light altogether but have better stats on my non light gear.
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