Praise be to RNGesus!RNGesus has seen fit to gift me, finally, a Legendary for my Titan class, a Raku Type chest. Glorious. It must have been proud that I was farming Vanguard marks and awarded me on the 59th mark of the day.
Praise be to RNGesus!RNGesus has seen fit to gift me, finally, a Legendary for my Titan class, a Raku Type chest. Glorious. It must have been proud that I was farming Vanguard marks and awarded me on the 59th mark of the day.
If you try to switch but can't, something might be wrong. I've never heard of anyone else having this problem. Did you try logging out and back in?
Is there a point to using + light armor if it doesn't raise you another level? I'm level 20 right now with something like +8 light altogether but have better stats on my non light gear.
thats the problem, I can't. It literally won't let me, I try to equip it and the game just bleeps at me and won't equip it
Oh yeah! Well, I got a Legendary Engram from farming Venus and it turned into Strange Coins. -__-I got a Legendary Engram from farming PCP and it turned into a Legendary Rocket Launcher.
It was fun at first, but playing the same strikes over and over and over again is starting to wane on me. I don't know if I have the willpower to grind it out for more Legendaries, Strange Coins, and Motes of Light. I guess I'll have to start playing the Crucible more.
See, this right here is why I hate you right now. I would grovel for an Exotic Auto Rifle, especially Suros Regime or Hard Light.Oh yeah! Well, I got a Legendary Engram from farming Venus and it turned into Strange Coins. -__-
But then, after the second trip, I got another Legendary Engram and it turned into an Exotic Auto Rifle!
The third trip though, I don't want to talk about it.
Oh yeah! Well, I got a Legendary Engram from farming Venus and it turned into Strange Coins. -__-
But then, after the second trip, I got another Legendary Engram and it turned into an Exotic Auto Rifle!
The third trip though, I don't want to talk about it.
Are you RnGJesus?
Anyone for weekly heroic? nicoga3000 on PSN
I should have known that Namikaze1 is Naruto. Who else can get insane power upsNo, just ninja jesus.
Im up for it.
So what's the "better" way to get engrams? Chest runs, or engram drop runs?
So what's the "better" way to get engrams? Chest runs, or engram drop runs?
When are you posting the vid?Oh yeah! Well, I got a Legendary Engram from farming Venus and it turned into Strange Coins. -__-
But then, after the second trip, I got another Legendary Engram and it turned into an Exotic Auto Rifle!
The third trip though, I don't want to talk about it.
Can't handle.I got a Legendary Engram from farming PCP and it turned into a Legendary Rocket Launcher.
Is it normal I never get crit with the fusion rifle?
So what's the "better" way to get engrams? Chest runs, or engram drop runs?
I got 5 strange coins for last week's. Some people have obtained exotics and legendaries. It's the only strike reward screen I've seen that is capable of giving legendaries/exotics so far x.x
How do you check playtime?
People run when they see me blu myself and bust out the twin knives.Sweet merciful Traveler, do I love Bladedancer.
Watching the QuickLook. I've known almost nothing about this game, other then that the one E3 demo looked cool, but why the hell does the surface of Venus look like a level from The Last of Us, complete with what look like contemporary cars in ruins?
Ensure your adventure continues by reserving your Destiny Expansion Pass and gain access to both Destiny Expansions: The Dark Below and House of Wolves. Each expansion includes new Story Missions, Crucible Maps, a new Strike, and a new Raid. In completing these new missions, you'll earn a wealth of new weapons, armor and gear.
Is bungie actually nerfing the farming spots?
if you're talking about as a means to progress, don't worry about looking for engrams. they are random. they drop everywhere but the odds of one being exactly what you need are horrible. focus on earning the various currencies you can (marks, strange coins, motes of light) and buy the gear you actually want. along the way you'll get lucky drops every so often. a basic set of gear to get you to 26 is really not that intensive to get.So what's the "better" way to get engrams? Chest runs, or engram drop runs?
So close :>
Watching the QuickLook. I've known almost nothing about this game, other then that the one E3 demo looked cool, but why the hell does the surface of Venus look like a level from The Last of Us, complete with what look like contemporary cars in ruins?
Sweet merciful Traveler, do I love Bladedancer.
Just posted a clip of it. Full video will be up later this week when I have time.When are you posting the vid?
Alright, here's a clip of the video I captured showing some terrible lag.
Things get abandoned during the apocalypse.
Only if you doubt RNGesus do the farming spots fail you. Or something.
All joking aside, it's probably RNG. I tried the moon spot once and got jack.
Watching the QuickLook. I've known almost nothing about this game, other then that the one E3 demo looked cool, but why the hell does the surface of Venus look like a level from The Last of Us, complete with what look like contemporary cars in ruins?
Only if you doubt RNGesus do the farming spots fail you. Or something.
All joking aside, it's probably RNG. I tried the moon spot once and got jack.