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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Deleted member 752119

Unconfirmed Member
Why do you like to dissuade people from farming?

I think it's more the people complaining about farming. If you're having fun doing it, or at least bit getting pissed off, it's great. No sense on doing it and getting pissed at not getting anything good and repeatedly bitching about it while going back to do it more.

If one doesn't have the patience for the luck of the drop system, just grinding marks and buying gear may be more fun for them since it takes the luck out of the equation. And it will get more experience to level your skills if you haven't already maxed your classes, vs farming partrol areas. Or if you've maxed marks of course, then it's farm or major do strikes/PvP for loot drops until the weekly reset.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Why do you like to dissuade people from farming?
You're misinterpreting me.

Farming in this game can be totally worthwhile. I've done it myself in small bursts and actually enjoy it, especially compared to how it feels in other games.

It gets you lots of greens, guaranteed, which break down into glimmer and parts for upgrades. If you throw on an Enemy glimmer+ consumable you can make tons of it just for the kills as well.

You also have a tiny tiny chance to get lucky and have a Legendary engram drop; decrypting this item offers a tiny chance that it will actually become a Legendary. That Legendary has only a 33% chance of being usable by you. If you already have any Legendary gear, it could also be for the same slot you've already got one equipped or even the exact same item you're wearing, pushing the odds of getting something useful even further against you.

Farming is just fine. Farming is not a reliable, efficient, or even non-infuriating way to approach gear progression in this game.

When I last asked you about this your answer was something like "what else is there to do if you've maxed out your marks for the week?" And you're completely right about that... assuming you've done the bounties, daily heroic, daily public event, weekly heroic, etc. (weekly nightfall if you're high enough) and you've maxed out your marks for the week but still want to do something or other in PvE, it's a perfectly good option especially if you find it fun. But I know nicoga hasn't maxed his marks or hit vendor rank 2 yet!
So I have a question, when I reached a Checkpoint in the Raid, do I have to go back with the Fireteam from the other day or is the progress in the Raid only saved to the Fireteamleader?


Exotic weapon bounty to kill 500 guardians in crucible with void damage.. dieing hinders progress? No thanks.

The dying part is misleading. You don't lose any progress by getting killed. The bounty tracks your kills and only your kills. When you hit 500 you move on to the next one.

I used a void fusion rifle and and void rocket launcher to accomplish the task. You may have to switch up your playstyle a bit if you don't normally use a fusion rifle, rush to heavy ammo drops for your rocket launcher, etc. If you are a Warlock Voidwalker or Titan Defender with the second grenade type, your grenade kills will also count as void kills.

You can do it. I did it in about 9 hours total over 3 days and I'm PVP trash.
3 legendaries, all earned and bought. Blood, sweat, and tears.



What's garbage about it? I'm having an absolute blast with it.

Same here. Having a blast with it. Sure, it needs a few tweaks but it's not completely broken like some people keep saying.

Curious to see how Iron Banner plays out now that folks have access to end game gear. Going to be crazy.

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Typically you want to but you can get away with it slightly past shotgun range.

You can also 'drag' the fusion rifle across multiple targets too.

Didn't know you could drag it like a lazer gun... mint!

The most deadly gun in PvP is even more deadly than I thought... wonder if they'll nerf it.
Still prefer to use a shotty for fun, but once that range gets a bit far out, Fusions win err' day.
Grind grimmer and buy green cryptach from him.

I did this for a few hours.. He only gives 10 rep per green you buy and you need 3000 to level up, so you need to buy quite a few items on top of however many drops you get.

If you get to the glimmer cap (25k, which is fairly achievable in about an hour with a decent farm spot). I was unable to quite buy a level worth of upgrades from him.

The biggest problem with this method is that you can only hold a limited amount of stuff so you spend way too much time selling crap in menus every few items bought when you could be playing the game.

I got bored and went back to the crucible. I'm about to get up to rank 2 crucible rep and I'll probably just get my legionaries that way.


I did this for a few hours.. He only gives 10 rep per green you buy and you need 3000 to level up, so you need to buy quite a few items on top of however many drops you get.

If you get to the glimmer cap (25k, which is fairly achievable in about an hour with a decent farm spot). I was unable to quite buy a level worth of upgrades from him.

The biggest problem with this method is that you can only hold a limited amount of stuff so you spend way too much time selling crap in menus every few items bought when you could be playing the game.

I got bored and went back to the crucible. I'm about to get up to rank 2 crucible rep and I'll probably just get my legionaries that way.

Don't even bother doing that farm for blue and purple engrams you'll rank much quicker.

I am almost level 9 doing this. Greens give you nothing compared to blues.
The dying part is misleading. You don't lose any progress by getting killed. The bounty tracks your kills and only your kills. When you hit 500 you move on to the next one.

I used a void fusion rifle and and void rocket launcher to accomplish the task. You may have to switch up your playstyle a bit if you don't normally use a fusion rifle, rush to heavy ammo drops for your rocket launcher, etc. If you are a Warlock Voidwalker or Titan Defender with the second grenade type, your grenade kills will also count as void kills.

You can do it. I did it in about 9 hours total over 3 days and I'm PVP trash.

Not entirely true - each void kill grants 5 points toward the Exotic bounty and each time you die you lose 2 points from the Exotic bounty. For my Thorn, I used Void heavy machine gun kills in control, got it fairly quickly. If the match was out of my favor, I bounced
Looks like I only have 26 crucible marks so far. At 2.5 per match (assuming I win half of them), I'm looking at 15 matches at 15 min each. That's more than 3.5 hours of PvP. Not too bad, but then the next step up (120 mark helmet) is 12 hours. Honestly, I think it would be quicker to start a Titan and roll through since the Cryptarch already gave me a Helmet and Chest piece for that class. May server double duty if the Titan ends up getting Hunter stuffs.

Do vendor ranks and marks carry between characters?


The dying part is misleading. You don't lose any progress by getting killed. The bounty tracks your kills and only your kills. When you hit 500 you move on to the next one.

I used a void fusion rifle and and void rocket launcher to accomplish the task. You may have to switch up your playstyle a bit if you don't normally use a fusion rifle, rush to heavy ammo drops for your rocket launcher, etc. If you are a Warlock Voidwalker or Titan Defender with the second grenade type, your grenade kills will also count as void kills.

You can do it. I did it in about 9 hours total over 3 days and I'm PVP trash.
But I did lose progress. I was up to 9 points after my first couple skirmish matches. The 3rd one sent me back to two after a 4 kill 12 death match which prompted me to say screw it lol.


Bueno. I want to get my Vanguard rep out of the way so I can go back to doing PvP this weekend. Need as many bounties as I can get.

Same. the PVP bounties are more fun too.

Didn't know you could drag it like a lazer gun... mint!

The most deadly gun in PvP is even more deadly than I thought... wonder if they'll nerf it.
Still prefer to use a shotty for fun, but once that range gets a bit far out, Fusions win err' day.

Honestly, I think the Fusion Rifle is fine the way it is. You can hear the charge-up and have time to move out the way.

I think the Fusion Rifle is a direct counter to shotguns. I noticed this in Rumble when Titans kept trying to rush me shotguns in hand. They went out like moths caught in a flame.

I just might. Altho I haven't used it enough to really be effective. Got one shot a few times with that gun.

Just get a blue one, hopefully one with hip firing bonuses. Trust me, they're worth using.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Looks like I only have 26 crucible marks so far. At 2.5 per match (assuming I win half of them), I'm looking at 15 matches at 15 min each. That's more than 3.5 hours of PvP. Not too bad, but then the next step up (120 mark helmet) is 12 hours. Honestly, I think it would be quicker to start a Titan and roll through since the Cryptarch already gave me a Helmet and Chest piece for that class. May server double duty if the Titan ends up getting Hunter stuffs.

Do vendor ranks and marks carry between characters?
Vendor ranks do not. Marks, that is a really interesting question.


Anyone know some good places to farm helium filaments? Need them to upgrade several pieces of my legendary armor.

On the moon, there's a path that you follow that takes 5 minutes to run, you just keep running in circles and chests/filaments keep respawning.

The path is on youtube, you should see it by googling "archer's run, helium filament farming route."

Oh and, Praise RNGesus!
So which materials can you trade to vendors? or, which ones are safe to trade that you won't need later to upgrade something/are easy to farm.


Anyone know some good places to farm helium filaments? Need them to upgrade several pieces of my legendary armor.

There is no good small route for it. Roam topside a lot and NEVER go into the Hive Temple / Hellmouth.

You might have read Fusion Rifle as Auto Rifle. I forgive you.


It's coincidence that fusion rifle is most used special weapon in Crucible and many use it as primary?

AR is just broken like it has always been in PvP, too versatile.


EuroGamer Review said:
If you haven't played first-person shooters for years because you find their campaigns disposable and their competitive multiplayer intimidating, Destiny presents a viable and engrossing third way.

came across this tidbit in th EG review. How do you guys feel about this line? Is it true?


On the moon, there's a path that you follow that takes 5 minutes to run, you just keep running in circles and chests/filaments keep respawning.

The path is on youtube, you should see it by googling "archer's run, helium filament farming route."

Oh and, Praise RNGesus!

Awesome! Thanks!

So which materials can you trade to vendors? or, which ones are safe to trade that you won't need later to upgrade something/are easy to farm.

The patrol materials are fine to trade. You either trade them or use them for upgrades. It all depends on your situation.


Got to Crucible Rank 2 yesterday, bought a legendary chest from the vendor:


I'm still deciding if I should get the helmet or the hands + legs with this week's marks.


Fujiwara Tofu Shop
I have the ascendant shards to upgrade an armor piece, but I think I'm going to hold on until the weekend and see what xur has.


Hate that gun in PVP so much. Seems OP.

I think they should just make special ammo more scarce. As it is, there's so much of it your special weapon is really just a second primary.

I don't agree with the "crucible is broken" claims though. Even if you run around with a fusion rifle 90% of the time, players using their primary (or snipers) are going to kill you from longer range. You could try to force only closer range encounters if that's your thing, but you can't just run around anywhere on the map with a FR or shotgun and expect to have the upper hand in every encounter.

I'm decent and gradually getting better. I used to just use my primary (AR) 99% of the time but lately I've been switching between the AR in more open spaces and the FR in more confined spaces. I still haven't quite figured out the FR yet. I get my share of one hit kills but I also die a lot when I hit someone and it doesn't quite kill them. I'm not sure if my shots are a little off center, or too far away, or too low. Is the FR only a one hit kill with a headshot?


Looks like I only have 26 crucible marks so far. At 2.5 per match (assuming I win half of them), I'm looking at 15 matches at 15 min each. That's more than 3.5 hours of PvP. Not too bad, but then the next step up (120 mark helmet) is 12 hours. Honestly, I think it would be quicker to start a Titan and roll through since the Cryptarch already gave me a Helmet and Chest piece for that class. May server double duty if the Titan ends up getting Hunter stuffs.

Do vendor ranks and marks carry between characters?

15 minutes per match? What? Are you just playing Control? Screw that mode, it takes way too long and it's boring. Skirmish and Rumble are where it's at, they're short and fun.


The Cryptarch's Bane
came across this tidbit in th EG review. How do you guys feel about this line? Is it true?
This review is the only one that has come the closest to matching how I feel about the game so far. I would agree with that line. Its value proposition isn't centered around either of those things (cinematic narrative campaign or pro-tournament level of PvP competition).

Maybe I'll take shit for saying this, because it obviously borrows elements from 30,000 things that have come before it, but I don't really think there are any other games that are similar to Destiny, for the moment.
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