I have the ascendant shards to upgrade an armor piece, but I think I'm going to hold on until the weekend and see what xur has.
I'm behind apparently... what is the weekly strike? Is it Phogoth/moon strike?
Any of you guys buy the exotic body engram from Xur?
You and I toiled under the sun for days, now we're getting our just rewards.
So...how long till we get a point to point Sparrow racing mode?
Anyone know some good places to farm helium filaments? Need them to upgrade several pieces of my legendary armor.
Yup. And the enemies have Angry status meaning they don't recoil when you get critical hits/heavy shots on them.
thank you kindly
15 minutes per match? What? Are you just playing Control? Screw that mode, it takes way too long and it's boring. Skirmish and Rumble are where it's at, they're short and fun.
OK, cool. That's an easy strike if you use that rock in the northwest corner of the map, no?
That's an interesting thought.
soonSo...how long till we get a point to point Sparrow racing mode?
huh? is he back??? i got coins and motes!!!
15 minutes per match? What? Are you just playing Control? Screw that mode, it takes way too long and it's boring. Skirmish and Rumble are where it's at, they're short and fun.
What's garbage about it? I'm having an absolute blast with it.
Most of the maps sucks.Some of them are to big while other are to small. No reason to any weapon beside auto rifles,shot gun,and fusionI really enjoy it, the only one I seem to suck at is Clash, but I've still not tried that in a coordinated fireteam, so that is probably the problem there.
Love the maps, love the gunplay.. still not loving Fusion campers, but meh..... I just try and draw them out for AR/'nade death![]()
Today I hope to get my last piece of legendary gear! I just need a helmet and I'll have a full set of Legendaries with an exotic on the way.
Just need 50 more Vanguard marks which will be easily attained doing my 25 Strikes for the Exotic Bounty. Feels so good.
yeah, i feel like a broken record here, but it needs to be known some people are experiencing major connection issues. since last friday, i've been able to complete only 2 6v6 matches out of at least 15 attempts. now that salvage is gone (3v3) this means i cant even play crucible. it sucks, but i know they are working on it.
Wizard spam is the worst on that strike with the Angry modifier.Yes. I played with a couple of gaffers last night and we got rolled hard. It didn't help that I was a 24, and we did 26 since they were 26, but it was still a train wreck. Bring some Solar weapons, the shielded Wizards clean house and the Sword Knights aren't slouches either.
Nah man, he'll be back on Friday - I was asking if any of you bought the exotic engram from him? Apparently it has a chance to be for another class but is unknown if it's always exotic. Costs 23 light motes
I know it seems weird, but you actually want them NOT to be account boundDamnit!
Wait, is there still hope?
There's a tiny random chance from lots of things like strike or crucible rewards, or a public event gold tier complete (not just the daily mail reward). They can also drop from world chests. You can finally get them from dismantling legendaries, which is going to be more important than people think.Exactly what I'm doing.
So what is the method for getting shards? Do they only really drop in the raid? I know you can get one by doing your daily public event, but how are you supposed to rack these up to upgrade legendary/exotics?
15 minutes per match? What? Are you just playing Control? Screw that mode, it takes way too long and it's boring. Skirmish and Rumble are where it's at, they're short and fun.
Never heard of this strategy. My team just ran around in circles killing trash and hitting the boss when we could.
My PSN is Afrodeeziyak. You might want to get some levels before trying it though. Those Wizards and Knights are no joke when you can't stun them and they're mostly golds.
Nah man, he'll be back on Friday - I was asking if any of you bought the exotic engram from him? Apparently it has a chance to be for another class but is unknown if it's always exotic. Costs 23 light motes
It can be for any of 3 classes and when you highlight engram it shows that quality can be from blue to exotic.
I beat that first raid boss. We wasted like 2 hours on that asshole cause we didn't know how to use the relic properly :/ boy did we learn the hard way.I dreamt Math, myself, and the four gaffers on the Fireteam last night somehow beat the first raid boss. We then continue on our merry way before standing in a clearing where hundreds upon hundreds of Pretorians stood, waiting for us. Yeah, it ended exactly how you think it did.
I kept yelling at my character to reload but she wouldn't.
Like everybody else, I've been farming The Dark Beyond, on level 20 difficulty. I have been getting some random disconnects, so I get booted back to orbit. When I go to return to The Dark Beyond, it gives me a "resume" option but this just puts me back at the start, and I have to fight my way back. Not hard, just tedious. Anyone run into this?
Also while we're here, I'm level 22 - is level 20 the best difficulty to be doing this on?
I dreamt Math, myself, and the four gaffers on the Fireteam last night somehow beat the first raid boss. We then continue on our merry way before standing in a clearing where hundreds upon hundreds of Pretorians stood, waiting for us. Yeah, it ended exactly how you think it did.
I kept yelling at my character to reload but she wouldn't.
Yup. And the enemies have Angry status meaning they don't recoil when you get critical hits/heavy shots on them.
Not entirely true - each void kill grants 5 points toward the Exotic bounty and each time you die you lose 2 points from the Exotic bounty. For my Thorn, I used Void heavy machine gun kills in control, got it fairly quickly. If the match was out of my favor, I bounced
But I did lose progress. I was up to 9 points after my first couple skirmish matches. The 3rd one sent me back to two after a 4 kill 12 death match which prompted me to say screw it lol.
Strat works. Bring some heavy ammo synthesis and Phogoth'll even go down pretty damn quick.Never heard of this strategy. My team just ran around in circles killing trash and hitting the boss when we could.
My PSN is Afrodeeziyak. You might want to get some levels before trying it though. Those Wizards and Knights are no joke when you can't stun them and they're mostly golds.
My team is almost at the final boss. It's definitely super hard man. Make sure you have 5 other people that can communicate well.Has anyone here finished a raid yet?
I want to know how soul-crushing it is.
So, are there checkpoints?My team is almost at the final boss. It's definitely super hard man. Make sure you have 5 other people that can communicate well.
I've not read alot of this thread. I've read a few reviews of the game and I am a bit baffled. I'm only up to level 7 even though I've had the title since launch. I don't disagree with the words contained within most of the reviews but I find some of the low scores perplexing. The game is disappointing in that it didn't live up to the hype but I feel like I'm playing a solid 8. Is that the consensus of gamers? I feel like the reviewers are overly docking points because this was such a big budget disappointment.
Like everybody else, I've been farming The Dark Beyond, on level 20 difficulty. I have been getting some random disconnects, so I get booted back to orbit. When I go to return to The Dark Beyond, it gives me a "resume" option but this just puts me back at the start, and I have to fight my way back. Not hard, just tedious. Anyone run into this?
Also while we're here, I'm level 22 - is level 20 the best difficulty to be doing this on?
Got to Crucible Rank 2 yesterday, bought a legendary chest from the vendor:
I'm still deciding if I should get the helmet or the hands + legs with this week's marks.
Yep there is. Thank god for that.So, are there checkpoints?
Because if so then yiss
Oh my god those wizards tho.
Wish I had a weapon that did Solar.
Also question, does the reward for the weekly reset everyday? Or now that I earned 3 coins I gotta wait another week to get more? They're too random and rare of a loot for me to get enough for Xur on the weekend.
I play the game a shitton and I have no idea how any of you guys got enough coins to buy shit from him last time.
Oh my god those wizards tho.
Wish I had a weapon that did Solar.
Also question, does the reward for the weekly reset everyday? Or now that I earned 3 coins I gotta wait another week to get more? They're too random and rare of a loot for me to get enough for Xur on the weekend.
I play the game a shitton and I have no idea how any of you guys got enough coins to buy shit from him last time.
I know it seems weird, but you actually want them NOT to be account bound![]()
There's a tiny random chance from lots of things like strike or crucible rewards, or a public event gold tier complete (not just the daily mail reward). They can also drop from world chests. You can finally get them from dismantling legendaries, which is going to be more important than people think.
Thanks! Right now I exclusively use a hand Cannon in PVE, I got it thanks to crucible. My secondary is a Fusion Rifle.Wow, nice dude. I'm a lowly level 20 still rocking mostly green gear. Weak, I know. I'll get there though.
What legendary primary and secondary weapons are you rolling with for "all-purpose" situations?