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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Do both! I forget the place name (Rocket Yard, perhaps?) but there's a ton of chests and spinmetal in a loop, and a Devil Walker public event springs up every 15-30 mins. Great grinding location =)

Yeah this is good too. Although I think I prefer drifting back and forth from Mothyards and The Divide simply because public events can land you some of the rare higher level upgrade materials.

On the flip side though I think you can land some nice stuff from the chests too on occasion.


On nights where I won't get to play very much, I'm tempted to just do a PvP match (even though I suck SUPER hard at it) simply to get the loot. That makes me feel so dirty since I won't really contribute to my team in any meaningful way, but the way loot works means it makes perfect sense to my gear progression.

I have never gotten anything useful out of the Crucible so none of this makes sense to me.


I don't think it's "broken" at all. I did my 5 rumble matches for the bounty last night and had a blast. I think you just don't like it, and that's fine too. And what exactly do you feel is "broken"?

I think he's just misinformed and just jumped into the OT.

If there's anything broken, it's aspects of PvE and loot centered around it. Also, because I'm being a broken record because of this user, I could bring up how spongey the bosses are.

However, at this point, I can get OP groups together who know how to kill bosses that it doesn't become an issue anymore.

Shit, I may have Stockholm Syndrome about the strike bosses.


speaking of marks, since you can't buy other class gear with vanguard marks, is anyone even going to bother capping once you get a set of equipment you like?

I'm personally just going to use the vanguard marks to buy weapons, since I don't like mix and matching armour pieces from different sets, though exotic pieces will be exception. At the moment I have the boots, gauntlet and chestpiece of the Justicar set from New Monarchy, but due to the mark cap, I gotta wait 2 weeks until I can buy the helm.

Hopefully Xur has a Titan helm on sale this Friday.

I have 2 legendary weapons ready for their 3 final damage upgrades but I lack Ascendant Energy. Each upgrade needs 6, so I need 18 total. I've only acquired 4 from playing every day since launch. Come on.

Same with Ascendant Shards. I have legendary gear I can't upgrade the last defensive stats because I lack the material - I need 32 of them to upgrade my current gear.

I'm not even going to bother farming for the items I need to upgrade my legendary gear until I have all the Ascendant Shards and Energy I need. Why Bungie made the stuff so hard to get is mind boggling.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Ridiculous. It's by far the worst thing. The maps are crap and the game is fundamentally unbalanced and broken. Most of the weapons are redundant, barring the few that can one-shot people. It's dire.
I disagree substantially, but that's ok. You don't like the PvP and I do. In my experience I have not come to see any fundamental imbalance, let along "brokenness." It isn't balanced in the sense of starting every combatant on a level playing field- you can clearly enter with some objective advantages over a brand new player- but it's fun and feels different than either Halo or competitive military shooters, and accessible to someone who isn't that hardcore about it. I also like some of the maps quite a bit, and am actually starting to love two or three of them. It's not a big deal if you don't find it enjoyable.

Anecdotally I also don't feel you've adequately represented the weapon spread. The weapon type that has been responsible for the majority of my deaths, by a substantial margin, is the Auto Rifle. Why would anyone use this weapon if there was no reason to? Fusion rifles require you to both lead and follow your target which becomes more difficult over distance; shotguns are useless outside of close range. Auto Rifles have neither of these issues to contend with and frequently tear me apart from across the map.

Fusion rifles and shotguns certainly both kill in one hit and dominate close range (fusion rifles also being amazing at midrange). But farther out the options are taken advantage of with Pulse Rifles really being the only marginalized/totally useless weapon class in my experience.
As far as I can tell, anything negative in this thread is ignored, and there isn't really any discussion going on. It's like a constant stream of individual thoughts with nobody bothering to respond to them. What's the point?
No there aren't and no it isn't. This isn't "Destiny: Put your fingers in your ears and sing "la la la la"" the thread. This is the OT. A discussion thread. Good and bad. This is a discussion forum. It's hilariously childish that people refuse to engage with attempts at discussion about the blatant negative aspects of this game. I've seen countless references in this thread to "urgh, don't go into X thread, they're being negative and mean about Destiny". Seriously, you should be ashamed of yourselves!
Ironically enough this kind of statement isn't really conducive to discussion; don't paint all of the participants with the same brush. Lots of individual questions are being answered. Lots of information is being given out. There is a deceptively sprawling amount of stuff to know about tucked into this game and a lot of the discussion is centered around that while people work stuff out.

However you're also crazily wrong. Tons and tons and tons and tons of posts even on the last few pages are complaints or even outright derision at the game's loot system and shallowness of content. The "refusal to engage" that you mention is also illusionary, as these complaints have been circled and underlined many times.

If you were trolling, well done as I bit blindly and without remorse.


What is everyone's daily activities they like to complete? Or the bare minimum based on importance?

For me, I feel like I need to do:

- Daily Story Mission @ Level 24 for XP and the Ascendant material. Once I hit 27 I'll try for Level 28.

- (1) Public Event for the Ascendant material at the Postmaster, along with the chance of an immediate Ascendant material upon a Gold Tier rating.

- Any easy bounties, PvE first since they're usually easier and prioritizing the +100 Rep; +5,000 XP ones.


I'm enjoying the game alot but I'll be the first person to say when something isn't right, and I think overall the crucible is fine. Any game that lets you make your own loadout is going to seem unbalanced at times.


Unconfirmed Member
On Old Earth, close to where you spawn on entering the planet, there's this building with Fallen coming out. Go in and follow it down into the deepest lowest levels. You'll find some level 18 gold Fallen. Kill them and they'll respawn within a minute or two always.

Lovely, thanks a lot.


Big oversight from Bungie. I was playing Skirmish with a teammate and a random last night. The random dropped out right at beginning of the match. The slot was NEVER refilled. So it was basically 2v3 from the start which sucked. I should've just quit that match if I knew they would never refill a slot. Kinda lame. I don't mind losing but I wanna lose in a fair fight.


The Cryptarch's Bane
On nights where I won't get to play very much, I'm tempted to just do a PvP match (even though I suck SUPER hard at it) simply to get the loot. That makes me feel so dirty since I won't really contribute to my team in any meaningful way, but the way loot works means it makes perfect sense to my gear progression.
Play Rumble (please). You have no team to contribute to.

I personally have zero problem whatsoever with anyone doing this, it's just free kills from my perspective.


Glad it's universal and not just me. I forgot about the shitty glimmer. 25 is laughable. Like, Bungie - really?

Don't get me wrong - I LOVE strikes. I love bosses, farming the strikes to improve strats and make them quicker and quicker. However, the ROI is pathetic.

I feel like a lot of people are expecting too much too quick. I almost always get engrams off the final boss and I have 25000 glimmer with nothing to spend it on so I don't get the need.

They give you crap so you work for something good. There shouldnt be loot everytime. I agree with the level 22 strikes taking long but at level 24 the Vanguard Tiger playlist seems to go faster now for 25 rep and 6 marks.

I like Bungie's system for gear. They give players multiple ways to acquire it from different factions and loot drops/engrams. Multiple ways to grind the rep for the factions. It's not too bad.


Formerly Gizmowned
As opposed to a fully upgraded sniper rifle? That sounds useful.

That's going to be fun. Given how often legendaries go out in PvP, I wonder if Iron Banner will have an increased rate.

A sniper is more powerful but I've found the Fushion to be much better since most Strikes have lots of crowds in tight area. A blast with that into an area can take out 2-3 enemies in 1 shot.

I usually keep the sniper on reserve though for the bosses since it's damage can be 2000 a shot.


Anyone having a problem with their bounties?

Mine aren't progressing for some reason, I've just spent 10 minutes working on two. Killing Hive Majors or Ultras and killing 3 or more enemies with a super, and after farming the 10 or so kills I checked to see my progress having felt like I should have finished and there was no progress, also had 3 instances where I killed 4-5 enemies with one super and that hasn't progressing either.


My First kill bounty wasn't working properly either. I had to restart the entire game for it to start working.


Saint Nic
I have never gotten anything useful out of the Crucible so none of this makes sense to me.

I've mostly gotten junk the 3-4 times I've done something, but unless Bungie has patched it (lol), it seems like the perfect way for me to sit on the couch with my Vita and get loot. I don't have to do ANYTHING productive in order to have an equal chance at professor plums poppin out.


I think he's just misinformed and just jumped into the OT.

If there's anything broken, it's aspects of PvE and loot centered around it. Also, because I'm being a broken record because of this user, I could bring up how spongey the bosses are.

However, at this point, I can get OP groups together who know how to kill bosses that it doesn't become an issue anymore.

Shit, I may have Stockholm Syndrome about the strike bosses.

Loot in PVP is fine if they had actual PVP gear with mods that only affected PVP. At that point PVE players wouldn't have to feel like they must run Crucible to catch up or be on the same level as others, as whatever gear you get from there would have two useless affixes for PVE content.

Right now I'm not even sure what the distinction is between Crucible and Vanguard vendors besides having more rep to grind.

I've mostly gotten junk the 3-4 times I've done something, but unless Bungie has patched it (lol), it seems like the perfect way for me to sit on the couch with my Vita and get loot. I don't have to do ANYTHING productive in order to have an equal chance at professor plums poppin out.

You might as well just do one of the many PVE farm methods. I feel like those give way more engrams than running Crucible.
Does anyone know if there is a chest loot place on Venus?
I know Earth and the Moon have a place where you can loop and get chest but I do not know about Venus.



This shit is bananas

I went to my buddies place on Sunday and played with him all evening. Him on his PS4, me on my Vita. Awesome time.

I did that farming spot for a while.

Got zilch.

Did the farming spot on Earth.

Got zilch.

I really think the best way to get engrams is by leveling up the Cryptarch for me, but that's like three engrams each hour. Destiny RNG sux the big one. I'm still convinced there's a hidden luck stat in this fucking game.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
Fucking hell. Last friday I was able to play with 0 issues, but since saturday I can't finish more than 2 or 3 games in a row, in any mode. After that, I get an error (bee, centipede, etc) and BAM, out of the game in the middel of a match or story mission. I'm really frustrated because I really want to play and enjoy this with friends, but at the moment I can't do it. Fixed IP, open ports, open NAT...and I can play any other game online without problem.

The "good" thing is that I'm not alone in this, and there are plenty of other people suffering the same issues. I hope Bungie fixes this shit soon, or at least SAY SOMETHING.

I just...I just want to become legend. WHY WON'T YOU LET ME?

yeah, i feel like a broken record here, but it needs to be known some people are experiencing major connection issues. since last friday, i've been able to complete only 2 6v6 matches out of at least 15 attempts. now that salvage is gone (3v3) this means i cant even play crucible. it sucks, but i know they are working on it.
Are there certain types of weapons more efficient with a specific class? As a titan I love to use the handcannon but I feel like the game is trying to tell me to use either the pulse or auto rifle with all the bonus I get from armors and such...


slept with Malkin
What is everyone's daily activities they like to complete? Or the bare minimum based on importance?

For me, I feel like I need to do:

- Daily Story Mission @ Level 24 for XP and the Ascendant material. Once I hit 27 I'll try for Level 28.

- (1) Public Event for the Ascendant material at the Postmaster, along with the chance of an immediate Ascendant material upon a Gold Tier rating.

- Any easy bounties, PvE first since they're usually easier and prioritizing the +100 Rep; +5,000 XP ones.

Pretty much exactly the way I play. Then spend the rest working on Crucible bounty missions or Weekly Heroic.

This method also got me to Rank 3 with New Monarchy (will get it today) rank 2 with Vanguard, and rank 1 with crucible. Got all my Legendary gear too, just need the shards and energy now to rank them up.


This is annoying since there's another bounty today for salvage. They need to fix that.

It's the second time this week this shit has happened, there was two salvage related bounties on Monday and then one today. 250 rep points and 12500Xp down the drain.
Are there certain types of weapons more efficient with a specific class? As a titan I love to use the handcannon but I feel like the game is trying to tell me to use either the pulse or auto rifle with all the bonus I get from armors and such...

Well certain weapon types are efficient against certain shielding I believe but I do not know about types. However, keep a sniper rifle with you for boss fights to hit their sweet spot for massive damage


Game keeps shoving me these Exotic Weapon Bounties, soon I can't take normal Bounties :(

The struggle is real... :p

Got a blue Engram from the Moon farming spot yesterday which gave me an upgrade for my chest armor. Pushed me to Lv 22, too!
With my chest armor being higher level than my blue gloves, shoes and helmet, it would probably make sense to upgrade these first if I bought a piece of legendary gear from my faction, right?


Junior Member
Man, the Skywatch farm spot is camped to hell already.

I saw a big turf warf going on yesterday which ended with a dude goinf AFK in the cave to ensure nobody got any loot.

Social interaction really is the backbone of Destiny!


Unconfirmed Member
Right, I've got a Legendary Primary Weapon Engram. Do I gamble and decrypt it or wait until Bungie (maybe) does something to fix it?


slept with Malkin
Does anyone know if there is a chest loot place on Venus?
I know Earth and the Moon have a place where you can loop and get chest but I do not know about Venus.

I think it's the Ishtar Academy area where you go through a buiding and come up to an area where vex are fighting fallen and there's a crashed ship in the middle of the area. Well it's a big circle route with chest spawns and you can get a good amount of spirit bloom in there too.


Formerly Gizmowned
I don't know how people have the courage to let it build like that. I've had disconnects before where I've come back and all my loot is gone. No way I'd risk it.

Have you checked the Post Master? Any gear or Engrams you didn't pick up usually go there for you to collect.


Fallen Xbot (cannot continue gaining levels in this class)
gonna farm that this evening if it still works- is this from patrol or from a mission-

mission "the dark below". just after the door is opened kill everything but the main hive knight guys. let them kill you to respawn and start again


I don't know how people have the courage to let it build like that. I've had disconnects before where I've come back and all my loot is gone. No way I'd risk it.

I get anxiety and have to pick them up immediately haha

I've tried that spot for 2 hours and only got 1 blue drop, the rest greens. All luck based
I think it's the Ishtar Academy area where you go through a buiding and come up to an area where vex are fighting fallen and there's a crashed ship in the middle of the area. Well it's a big circle route with chest spawns and you can get a good amount of spirit bloom in there too.

Thank you my good sire! When I get off work today I shall try that place out!
Do you know if there is a video of where the chest may be located?


Pretty much exactly the way I play. Then spend the rest working on Crucible bounty missions or Weekly Heroic.

This method also got me to Rank 3 with New Monarchy (will get it today) rank 2 with Vanguard, and rank 1 with crucible. Got all my Legendary gear too, just need the shards and energy now to rank them up.

Yup, I follow that with PvP bounties too, especially like yesterday where there were a lot of easy ones like Kill 25 Titans/Hunters/Warlocks and complete 5 of X mode type. Such easy rep and XP.

I just wanted to make sure I wasn't forgetting anything for when I only have a couple hours to play.


I get anxiety and have to pick them up immediately haha

I've tried that spot for 2 hours and only got 1 blue drop, the rest greens. All luck based

It'd be really nice if after every strike boss you get engram loot chests.


So I got an exotic auto rifle last night after playing a strike. I've been a level 24 for three days now and I've haven't even received a legendary item yet.


NeoGAF's official "was this shooting justified" consultant
Well, you got the attention you were after at least.

Also I don't agree with you at all, pvp is great fun. Sorry you don't enjoy it.

He was only a page away from seeing another shotgunsrOP discussion too.
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