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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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slept with Malkin
X-Frame and myself here from GAF are looking for 4 others for most likely a Saturday group to do the Raid from scratch.

We would ideally like nothing but Titan and Warlocks. (Sorry Hunters...your supers don't seem as awesome to help in success in a raid compared to the shield and auto revive)

26+ in level.

PM myself or X-frame so we can set up a time that will work. Set aside about 4-5 hours if possible.

What system? I have a 27 Defender Titan
So...how long till we get a point to point Sparrow racing mode?

I'll second this! Considering how when I first got on my sparrow, they sounded and reminded me of Star Wars Pod Racer on N64. Me and my friends basically try to race to objectives the way it is... It would take a TINY update to throw in some check points and a finish line.


What system? I have a 27 Defender Titan

PSN: Afrodeeziyak. Sunsinger Warlock but I can also be Voidwalker if necessary.

I'm 25, but I'll be 26 by Saturday. I'm hoarding marks so I can see what I can buy with Strange Coins on Friday.

I should have added this info:

PSN ID for me is OutlawOcelot

I'll be 27 MAYBE 28 come Friday/Saturday. 26 right now with 95% completed to 27.
Speaking of which, does anyone else think Bungie needs to adjust the winning scores in PVP? Most of my games end with a time over.

Not for me. Especially in rumble. Me or someone else usually ends it pretty quickly. Only 22 kills and it's easy to get streaks especially when you get hold of heavy ammo.


The big Mars map is like this game's Coagulation for me. It comes up 3 times in a row if I decide to play Clash. I can't get away from it and I never really want to play it.


PVP is awesome. You just need the right weapon, i.e. an autorifle that doesn't suck balls, a shotgun for the small maps, and a heavy machine gun with high stability to rip people to shreds with.
I'm pretty good at pvp, it just not that good when compared to other games.
Oh, well fair enough, I was just thinking that- not that you'd MAX on more than one character, but if you hit the cap on one, you could keep earning on the other.

Armor is limited, but weapons you could buy on any character and give to any other. It might very well be shared though, not sure.

OOoh. Well if you tell me the name of the quest I can tell you the exotic weapon it's leading you to

Good point about the weapons, I keep forgetting. Maybe it is better that way. If I can get a good long session one day and hit the crucible cap on one character, I could switch to the other and keep going. Then with the next reset I wouldn't need much to buy armor with my Hunter, then gun with my Titan, then gift the gun to the Hunter.

Setting a goal for full Dead Orbit in three weeks.
Hit 23 this morning and still have a full single piece of Rare Armor and single Legendary armor to level up.

Well on my way to Raid level.

Loving this game.


Made a Warlock last night and got to level four. Was doing a mission that took me last the farming spot and saw people there so I went and joined, but it was super late here and after a bit I fell asleep for maybe a half hour. Woke up a level 9, aiming at the sky.

I halfheartedly shot at the cave until they went to loot, grabbed a TON that was sitting there and then logged off.


Getting on Destiny now. The exotic weapon bounty grind is about to begin. Need 500 points using void damage in the crucible. I hope this doesn't take too long.


What primary weapon type is everyone using for the more difficult content? Struggling to decide which legendary to pick up.

I've only got a fully upgraded Shingen_E at the minute while I wait for a legendary/exotic scout rifle to drop as they're my weapon of choice.

It does 242 attack, has ricochet damage and reloads extra quick after a melee attack. I'm level 24 so far I've done some level 18, 20, 22 and 24 stuff with it and it seems to be holding it's own.


So it's been a bit over a week now and I wanted to give my deeper thoughts on what I think of the game both good and bad. I'm not a good writer or someone who is great at organizing his thoughts so I'm basically going to do 2 lists with points.


1. Voice acting pretty good. I have always liked a bit of cheesy dialog and this game has some but even then it's very good.

2. Gunplay is excellent. Need I go on?

3. I love the strikes although a few may have a bit too much trash. The venus strike to get the fallen priest for example. I do love that fight though and how he moves all over the place.

4. Story is great. Sure it's not perfect and needed to be a bit beefier but it has kept me interested every step of the way. I can't wait to get into the raid and then the expansions just to find out more.

5. Graphics are gorgeous I think. Skyboxes are to die for. I like the variety of color and actual usage of it. This is one thing Bungie has always been good at. In an era of Grey and brown being the norm I thank bungie for this.

6. Environments are nicely varied and there is a good mix. I love exploring them. Would have liked for more nods to past games and a bit more in way of interesting spots to explore. Still this is a plus though. Love them.

7. Mechanics such as supers, how grenades work, etc are great. I'm not going to lie I was always a bit worried how they would affect the gameplay but they work and they work damn well.

8. Music and sound design again amazing. I think everyone involved did a great job there. Even though Paul's credit song was a bit goofy I liked it. The sound effects were well done and fitted everything I thought.


1. Engrams need serious love. It really sucks to get a legendary engram which aren't that easy to come by only to have it turn out a blue item that is 3 to 4 levels below you. This happens the majority of the time too. Same with Blue engrams. At least if it turns out a purple for another class you can save it and use it for them. This has to be fixed. An engram should give out an item of the color it is.

2. Lack of story telling. While there is a story and a damn interesting one. There should have been more told on screen. I'm talking cutscenes. They're so few of them. This hurt the game because there is a lot hidden away on Grimoire cards, Also there was nothing about our character other then Dinklebot found him. It's like oh I'm alive again ok. I'll carry on like nothing happened. Over all I would have liked more. What is there is great but there wasn't enough.

3. Loading. I understand why it was set up the way it was. I do. Believe me. But I'll still say it sucks. I do a strike. Then I load to orbit, then I pick a location say tower. Then I briefly load. Then I do the "Flight" to the tower aka load then I get there and I fly down to the tower aka load. This is cumbersome. Allow me to skip the orbit part completely. Let me go directly from tower to a mission and back. I don't mind loads between them but this load to load to load thing has to be fixed if not in Destiny 1 then it's sequel.

4. Voice or should I say a lack there of. You have this game that you want people to be social but you don't let them. I know not all of us want to chat. However pvp for example should automatically put the team in the same voice chat unless someone is in their party chat. Same with strike. If you are on a strike then it should put all 3 of you together in a voice chat again unless you are in a party chat. Proximity chat is needed for tower and even in public. The key point here is though that you should allow someone to opt in or out. Give us an option to enable proximity chat or to disable it if we don't feel like hearing everyone. This would allow everyone to be happy.

5. Nightfall and weekly strikes need to have matchmaking. I also still feel the raid should too. I know with randoms these won't always be easy. Hell most of the time. However for those of us who don't have a ton of friends or a ton of friends in the same timezone we sometimes might need to use these. Take last night. I couldn't find anyone for the weekly strike or the nightfall strike. I'd have loved to have been able to go into matchmaking to find someone. As a result I spent the night working on bounties.

6. Materials for upgrades. I'm ok with upgrades requiring some materials that may be harder to come by. But I would like some way to maybe get them a bit easier. Maybe a vendor that will sell some batches of them for motes of light or something.

7. Gear. The gear needs variety. I'm finding as are others that the gear all looks almost the same. Same with weapons. For a game that is all about the gear I'm not going to lie. I'm a bit underwhelmed here. One way you could fix this is give strike bosses certain pieces of gear that they have a chance of dropping. That way you end up making bosses mean more and worth actually going up against.

8. Last but not least grimoire cards, reps, etc. We need a tab to be able to see these items in game. To see my rep with a faction I have to go back to them in the tower. To see what my standing is on my grimoire card progress is again I have to go to bnet. To even read them I do. As part of this we need a clan interface too in game. I have a friend who wants to be a part of my clan and he can't cause he doesn't have access to a computer and the mobile app has issues for him. So he can't join. Even then you can't see what clanmates are on or invite them to things if they aren't on your friends list. For a company that innovated with clan features and lead the way with Halo 2 this is a bit shocking.

Man. That was a lot to cover. Now all that said. I love this game. It's without a doubt a game I'll be playing for years like the rest of the Bungie games I own. It's not perfect though. For me if I had to give it a number like reviewers do I'd give it a strong 8.5. There is a great foundation here with some flaws. I have no doubt Bungie will fix some of these problems and take feedback to heart and maybe change some things too. But the game is great. I think a lot of people just expected too much from it. I'm happy with it without a doubt though.
I've only got a fully upgraded Shingen_E at the minute while I wait for a legendary/exotic scout rifle to drop as they're my weapon of choice.

It does 242 attack, has ricochet damage and reloads extra quick after a melee attack. I'm level 24 so far I've done some level 18, 20, 22 and 24 stuff with it and it seems to be holding it's own.

I've been rolling with a Shingen-C until I can get something better (like the Shingen-E). I have been doing a bunch of level 20 stuff and it's been pretty decent.


I still think the AR is one of the best weapons all-around (for PvE and PvP). If you're accurate you can keep constant critical hit DPS on mobs for a decent amount of time. It is also forgiving to aiming mistakes.

Scout rifles are my second personal favorite for PvE and PvP because of their high critical damage but require you to be very accurate to be rewarded. Hand cannons are a close second but because of their small clip size I find that unless I can get a fast reload speed, they aren't that great in the higher level strikes because of the slower DPS.

Personally, I'm not a big fan of the pulse rifle at all, I used the "Strangers Gun" for quite some time and found it to be pretty good until I got to around level 22+ when the higher damage on my AR made me make the switch.

I have been leaning towards AR because that is what I have primarily used up till this point. Just wanted to make sure it was viable for endgame content.

Thanks everyone for the input!


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
Getting an exotic for some other class is really depressing. Well, if I ever make a titan, at least he'll have some awesome armor.

this guy

Ascendant shards suck so much. I can't fully upgrade my legendary chest armor until I get 7 more. I've already dismantled four pieces of legendary armor to get what I do/have had. Good thing those were either for Warlocks (I'm a Titan) or worse chest armor.


I've not read alot of this thread. I've read a few reviews of the game and I am a bit baffled. I'm only up to level 7 even though I've had the title since launch. I don't disagree with the words contained within most of the reviews but I find some of the low scores perplexing. The game is disappointing in that it didn't live up to the hype but I feel like I'm playing a solid 8. Is that the consensus of gamers? I feel like the reviewers are overly docking points because this was such a big budget disappointment.

It was an 7/10 for me too when I was around level 10, but the lack of an involving story, abysmal voice acting (they needed Dinklage for that?) and the feeling I was palying a muscled up version of Borderlands, and the boring grind of the endgame, kinda make me veer towards a 6/10 as a final score. I did some raids yesterday, some multiplayer, but honestly I'm alread playing it less and less.

I got it on launch day last week, reached level 21 yesterday, no exotic or legendary gear in sight and not looking forward to grinding those vanguard points doing missions I already did...


Been playing a lot since release, never gotten a Legendary Engram.

Yesterday got a legendary helm engram, got a blue lvl 16 helm /wrists.
Couple hours later got a legendary chest engram, got a level 20 exotic chest...FOR MY CLASS!!! Holy shit lol. Still lukewarm on this game, but man did that feel good.


The loot system is not helping game at all... The RNG shit needs to go, or be toned down.

24 legendary engrams so far - only 1 legendary - my hand canon. I am doing bounty every day since last saturday, actually twice a day since they seem to reset twice for me (can do them twice every 12 hours, have no clue why). No Exotic weapon bounty in mail, no nothing. And then there are people right in this thread that post their anecdotal evidence of being fully geared with more than one exotic piece of weapon and armor, in under 24 hours played. Bungie, stop breaking my balls.



Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
I was an 7/10 for me too when I was around level 10, but the lack of an involving story, abysmal voice acting (they needed Dinklage for that?) and the feeling I was palying a muscled up version of Borderlands, and the boring grind of the endgame, kinda make me veer towards a 6/10 as a final score. I did some raids yesterday, some multiplayer, but honestly I'm alread playing it less and less.

I got it on launch day last week, reached level 21 yesterday, no exotic or legendary gear in sight and not looking forward to grinding those vanguard points doing missions I already did...

I still find it fascinating that people are comparing Destiny to Borderlands. Borderlands had a fun storm and a shit-ton of charm and all kinds of fun weapons. I guess a robot buddy is something in common. Otherwise, they seem... different.

E92 M3

Been playing a lot since release, never gotten a Legendary Engram.

Yesterday got a legendary helm engram, got a blue lvl 16 helm /wrists.
Couple hours later got a legendary chest engram, got a level 20 exotic chest...FOR MY CLASS!!! Holy shit lol. Still lukewarm on this game, but man did that feel good.

Man I'm jealous - can't wait for my first Exotic. Hell, I've only gotten one Legendary (and only 6 purple engrams or so). The RNG hates me. I'm starting to think something must be glitched.
I should have added this info:

PSN ID for me is OutlawOcelot

I'll be 27 MAYBE 28 come Friday/Saturday. 26 right now with 95% completed to 27.

Hey, 27 (might be 28 after Xur items) Titan both Defender and Striker maxed - I can't do anything this Saturday w/ you bc vacation w/ gf but it'll be nice to have another endgame player on the friendlist so I'll add you Zlatko


Unconfirmed Member
After 2 hours of farming a couple of spots and running the strike playlist, I FINALLY found a legendary heavy weapon ennegram. When I went to decode it, it turned into an ascendant shard...



After decoding all of my blues and one purple, I had a message at the postmaster and I ended up getting 2 more purples and one blue. The blue was a Grinder's Cloak (cause I don't have a million of these already) and the 2 legendaries downgraded to rares and were a pair of Rustburner 1.5's and a fucking shotgun. It's time for me to take a break before I through my controller through the window...


Jason Kidd murdered my dog in cold blood!
The loot system is not helping game at all... The RNG shit needs to go, or be toned down.

24 legendary engrams so far - only 1 legendary - my hand canon. I am doing bounty every day since last saturday, actually twice a day since they seem to reset twice for me (can do them twice every 12 hours, have no clue why). No Exotic weapon bounty in mail, no nothing. And then there are people right in this thread that post their anecdotal evidence of being fully geared with more than one exotic piece of weapon and armor, in under 24 hours played. Bungie, stop breaking my balls.


RNG is a bitch. Want to know how many Blackwing Lair runs I did before I got my Judgment Shoulders? How about 4 billion? Nope, not bitter at all about it still :p


I still find it fascinating that people are comparing Destiny to Borderlands. Borderlands had a fun storm and a shit-ton of charm and all kinds of fun weapons. I guess a robot buddy is something in common. Otherwise, they seem... different.

Borderlands was fun, both games. Since loot while being random dropped plenty, and most legendary guns had really insane effects, like ricocheting shotgun (forgot name) from BL2, that would destroy whole areas of enemies. Also if I remember correctly, each gun had different parts - stock, barrel and sights (don't remember, might be something else). So you would get really bizarre and insane combos even of same weapon, depending which parts it rolled.

See my post above, I am really trying my hardest to give Destiny a chance, but at this point I am just excusing waste of my money on Digital Guardian edition.


Man I'm jealous - can't wait for my first Exotic. Hell, I've only gotten one Legendary. The RNG hates me. I'm starting to think something must be glitched.

I'm a sliver away from being a 23 and the only legendary I have is my cloak. MY CLOAK, LOL! Running blues on everything else but man, I can't catch a break. I've farmed Venus spot for hours, the Moon's "We've woken the Hive!" for an hour and a half and done so many patrol missions I've lost count. I completed the whole story on hard mode and have done every strike available. I get that it's a grind and I don't mind but goddamn I want some purple gear to match my cloak. That said, the game is fun. I do hope the future content is meaty as AC: Unity, LOTR, Far Cry 4 are all coming out soon and I want myself to want to come back to this game.
So there's one thing about weapon stats still leaving me somewhat confused. If Impact means "damage per bullet" then how does my sniper rifle have only slightly higher Impact than my AR? Would that just be a bad sniper rifle, or what? I'm still able to one-shot enemies on hard 24.
After 2 hours of farming a couple of spots and running the strike playlist, I FINALLY found a legendary heavy weapon ennegram. When I went to decode it, it turned into an ascendant shard...


Secretly jealous. I need three for my legendary cheat upgrade. I am 3 light away from 26. Gimme your shards.


Once I finish this Math test I'll have time to grind to level 7 tonight.

...I miss having my own room, one drawback of college.


RNG is a bitch. Want to know how many Blackwing Lair runs I did before I got my Judgment Shoulders? How about 4 billion? Nope, not bitter at all about it still :p

good old times :D Four years of raiding as a rogue and i dont know how many times i thouth that tha game hates me.


So there's one thing about weapon stats still leaving me somewhat confused. If Impact means "damage per bullet" then how does my sniper rifle have only slightly higher Impact than my AR? Would that just be a bad sniper rifle, or what? I'm still able to one-shot enemies on hard 24.

Not positive, but I think impact is how much you slam an enemy back when you headshot them. I believe your actual damage per shot is the big white number next to the picture of the weapon. Can anyone confirm/deny this?


The loot situation in this game is seriously wearing on me now. Needs a complete overhaul. How do bosses in a strike not have a 100% chance to drop an engram? If you have just as good a chance to find a legendary by shooting level 4 mobs for over an hour as you do completing a level 20 strike, there's a problem with your loot system.


RNG is a bitch. Want to know how many Blackwing Lair runs I did before I got my Judgment Shoulders? How about 4 billion? Nope, not bitter at all about it still :p

While loot is random in WoW (from limited table of drops per boss), it's still more fair. Here it's just frustrating. Imagine getting Coins (whatever it's called, the thing they introduced in MoP) instead of normal drops and then each player rolls individually, where there is 5-10% chance to roll actual epic and the rest would give you copper ore or some shitty rare/uncommon, so most of the time instead of getting desired piece you don't get anything at all... over and over again. Destiny on top of loot being random, is only screwing you at getting anything at all.


RNG is a bitch. Want to know how many Blackwing Lair runs I did before I got my Judgment Shoulders? How about 4 billion? Nope, not bitter at all about it still :p

Mine was Heroic Sethekk Halls for the Anzu mount. Ran that daily for a long time. Brought someone with me once to clear it faster, it dropped, and they won the roll.

Thankfully, it eventually dropped for me again.
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