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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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What the Hell?! I would be pissed. Infact, I am right now about that.

It really stings especially when my friends are swimming in legendaries and exotics. But I don't play for the loot, I play because I enjoy the gameplay. So I'll just keep doing my strikes and watch people die 20+ times and get better shit and still revive them anyway.
Lvl 25.7
~40 hrs played
Grimoire: Around 1545
2 legendary weapons (both found from engrams) and 2 legendary armour pieces (both bought). Have enough coins for 1 exotic on Friday and almost enough marks for my final head piece legendary, as well.

I'm starting to wonder if anyone has ever found a Legendary Armor piece that matched their class.


Here's what's going to happen to everyone complaining about loot:

You want legendary engrams to yield more legendary items? I can almost guarantee this will happen, but to compensate, legendary engrams then drop less.

So then the complaint will turn to, the legendary engrams don't drop enough. Round and round we go.
I dont get it.
X isn't equip
It's Dissemble
Here's what's going to happen to everyone complaining about loot:

You want legendary engrams to yield more legendary items? I can almost guarantee this will happen, but to compensate, legendary engrams then drop less.

So then the complaint will turn to, the legendary engrams don't drop enough. Round and round we go.
You think people would complain?
Hell no!
If it's a very high chance to drop a Legendary than it has a right to be rare
Hey Gaf,

Im going to start playing this game tomorrow and want to get some quick info.

how big a difference is it between the titan's lift ability, and the hunters triple jump?

Its going to be one of the deciding factors in me picking a class so any info would be greatly appreciated.




Holy shit, this twitter is killing me

Bungie should read this twitter to understand why people in general loathe the loot system and the 'story' etc
Lets do a little experiment.

Post your level, your grimoire score, and how many legendary items and/or engrams you've gotten.

I have a feeling the higher the grimoire the more legendary drops you get.

I'm 1355, Level 24 and I've only ever gotten ONE legendary engram. Haven't seen anything purple before or after

Level 27, 1575 right now.

8 legendaries, 1 exotic drop from engrams. 1 exotic from a legendary engram, 2 legendaries from rare engrams.


One thing I really really dislike is having to complete the story again with a new character. Fucking bullshit


Lets do a little experiment.

Post your level, your grimoire score, and how many legendary items and/or engrams you've gotten.

I have a feeling the higher the grimoire the more legendary drops you get.

I'm 1355, Level 24 and I've only ever gotten ONE legendary engram. Haven't seen anything purple before or after

You should add "time played" to your study......

Level 22.95ish (almost 23)
975 Grimoire
One legendary boots from a rare engram. One legendary cloak purchased. One legendary titan sash from a legendary engram (I'm a hunter)

25h 14m

(interesting note - I've killed 9646 enemies in that time, which works out to about 6.3 kills a minute. Maybe I farm more than I thought!)

Ivory Samoan

Gold Member
Level 21
Hours: 19.5
Grimore: 1130

No Legendary / No Exotic / All Rare.

Have to say, I'm loving the Painted Suros CGB-47... so much better than my old Cydonia in PvP, decent in PvE also.

It's got dem' ricochet bullets which I was enquiring about earlier.. good times, just unlocked it!


At one time, yes. If you ever get to the point that you feel like you have too much, just buy some bulshit from the cryptarch for weapon parts (keeping a version of each gun with each elemental type gets pricey quick) or buy heavy and special ammo synthesis. if you want things to be quick and relatively painless with the harder content, they are a requirement.

It's best to buy encoded engrams to level up the cryptarch. You're going to get so many useless weapons in the wild you won't need to specifically buy those for parts. Whatever the encoded engrams are, helmet, bond, whatever, I would go with that. You get the most cryptarch points for them.


My friend , who's a hunter, found legendary hunter gauntlets off a legendary engram on a strike.

I found a Helmet for my warlock, and before I finished upgrading it picked up a yellow hat for my worlock. Most of my gear gets bought though.

There has been plenty of time now for people have bought all purple armor, save for maybe the helmet. too lazy to do the math right now.
Does anyone else think the strike playlists should reward more vanguard rep/marks? The highest one only gives 15 rep, while a vanguard bounty to do a story mission on hard nets you 100


Ah ok. I kind of swore off Patrols because they just seemed so worthless on the xp/gear front relative to every other game mode, but I might have to bite the bullet and do them a bit again for vanguard rep at least, and actually engaging in a successful event would be nice.

The Devil Walker event on earth is super easy. It happens in The Divide at about the 15 and 45 min mark of every hour. Could be a few mins before. There was a post that showed all of the times and locations for public events. This is the first thing I do each day now to try and get a strange coin.
Here's what's going to happen to everyone complaining about loot:

You want legendary engrams to yield more legendary items? I can almost guarantee this will happen, but to compensate, legendary engrams then drop less.

So then the complaint will turn to, the legendary engrams don't drop enough. Round and round we go.
I'll take that. Right now the legendary emgram is just basically a rare engram with a different coat of color most of the time.


Last night we had one person drop off at the last boss for the weekly heroic strike on the moon. We had to improvise and found a real easy method of killing the boss, by exploiting the room. It just takes some repetitive grinding to bring boss down, but effective nonetheless.

Just do damage at him from the room you start the last boss encounter in. Eventually the room will spawn a chandelier (shire?) with some wizards...etc. When that happens run towards the back of the room where you first started and exit it. Hang around just outside of it, waiting till the enemies and the chandelier thing dissappears. Once they do, just rush back to the entrance of the section and give everything you got on the boss. Rinse and repeat until the boss is dead, which will finish the mission.


Lets do a little experiment.

Post your level, your grimoire score, and how many legendary items and/or engrams you've gotten.

I have a feeling the higher the grimoire the more legendary drops you get.

I'm 1355, Level 24 and I've only ever gotten ONE legendary engram. Haven't seen anything purple before or after
Score: 1000
Level: 25
Play time: 1d 8h

I got one purple Engram from PvP and it did turn out to be a Legendary Rocket Launcher. I bought two purple armor pieces myself since fuck drops.
Lets do a little experiment.

Post your level, your grimoire score, and how many legendary items and/or engrams you've gotten.

I have a feeling the higher the grimoire the more legendary drops you get.

I'm 1355, Level 24 and I've only ever gotten ONE legendary engram. Haven't seen anything purple before or after
Grimoire 1820 and have only gotten 4 legendaries from the wild that I could use.

I am at 24 lv, blue stuff now gives me 16 blue stuff and legendary gives me green stuff while my friends gets random legendaries, ships and exotics weapons in patrols........
Farmed for countless hours, turned in about 15 legendary engrams.

Mostly blues, one shit scout rifle, gloves for another class and then...

That's exotic tho.

Very nice, better than legendary, but still.

Edit...saw someone else say they found one, so I guess it's possible. The overall rarity compounded with the possibility of 3 classes must make it just feel impossible.


Neo Member
Really feeling the legendary drought, been 24 for 4 days. Have gotten 5 legendary armour pieces and none for my class.

To my surprise the last legendary come from a blue engram and was even more disappointed to see I couldn't use it. RNG is constantly looking down on me.


Anyone know what the fuck "VIP Kills" are? The Grimoire lists them as needed to complete the "Patrols Introduction" and get more materials from doing all city quests, but I don't know what they are. I have 24 of them, apparently.
Lets do a little experiment.

Post your level, your grimoire score, and how many legendary items and/or engrams you've gotten.

I have a feeling the higher the grimoire the more legendary drops you get.

I'm 1355, Level 24 and I've only ever gotten ONE legendary engram. Haven't seen anything purple before or after

25, 1540, found 1 legendary ( Rare engrem upgraded ), purchased the other 2 legendaries from Vanguard. Legendary Cape and Chest piece.
Level 20
1205 Grim score,
No legendary drops or gear bought in 20 hrs of gametime.

I am gonna give up on stupid farming runs because they are ruining my enthusiasm for the game. I think I am going to replay the campaign on harder difficulties and do patrols at each location to learn more about the maps and shit.

I have a feeling that once I give up TRYING to find shit and go back to what I enjoy, RNGesus may smile upon me and shower me in purple drops. Or not...
Here's what's going to happen to everyone complaining about loot:

You want legendary engrams to yield more legendary items? I can almost guarantee this will happen, but to compensate, legendary engrams then drop less.

So then the complaint will turn to, the legendary engrams don't drop enough. Round and round we go.
It worked for Diablo 3, no reason it wouldn't work with Destiny.


Does anyone else think the strike playlists should reward more vanguard rep/marks? The highest one only gives 15 rep, while a vanguard bounty to do a story mission on hard nets you 100

Yep, you can earn the same amount from an assassination mission from the patrol on planets then you can from the 24 strike in the playlist.

The mission takes about 1-2 minutes and the strike is like what, 45?

They need to up the amount of rep you can earn cause it is so damn slow.


Anyone know what the fuck "VIP Kills" are? The Grimoire lists them as needed to complete the "Patrols Introduction" and get more materials from doing all city quests, but I don't know what they are. I have 24 of them, apparently.

Eliminate the Target ones, I believe.


Got a legendary hand cannon from a rare engram this morning. Now I have 2 legendaries one being a chest. Finally hit 24 too so I can do the tiger strikes easily now.


23 (almost 24). 18h. 1125 Grim. One legendary second weapon from crucible (RL). Endless rare engrams but no luck here. 3 legendary engrams turned out to be rares...
Not enough marks to buy stuff either.
Last night we had one person drop off at the last boss for the weekly heroic strike on the moon. We had to improvise and found a real easy method of killing the boss, by exploiting the room. It just takes some repetitive grinding to bring boss down, but effective nonetheless.

Just do damage at him from the room you start the last boss encounter in. Eventually the room will spawn a chandelier (shire?) with some wizards...etc. When that happens run towards the back of the room where you first started and exit it. Hang around just outside of it, waiting till the enemies and the chandelier thing dissappears. Once they do, just rush back to the entrance of the section and give everything you got on the boss. Rinse and repeat until the boss is dead, which will finish the mission.

everydaymath and i did this strike yesterday, but all we had to do was hide behind a small rock on the far side of the arena. we left enough adds to prevent anymore from spawning, but they didn't leave their tethers so we were effectively untouchable while pelting shrek with bullets.
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