Vincent Alexander
The Earth cave farming has yielded me no legendaries in 2 hours time . . Sticking with Hawkian and just getting up my rep and marks.
I guess I'll buy some stuff.
Buy heavy ammo synthesis
They were killing the infinite respawning enemies and you have 250+ kills?
Anyone got a good farming spot for Relic Iron? Need a bunch for my Rocket Launcher
Has a few good spots listed![]()
Found this guy on the moon. He didn't make it. There's actually a ghost just above him as well.
Also found another legendary while doing patrols on the moon. Haven't turned it in yet.
And, when I stopped over in Skywatch earlier, I wasn't paying attention and the damn Warsat landed right on my head and killed me. Didn't know that could happen.
I didn't make any forward progress in tonight's play session. (Made enough progress on my workbench to call it a night early, so I got to play after all.)
I'm still at the first Vex encounter. They're difficult, made more so by the fact that I'm playing on hard so they're level 14 while I'm 11. But with caution, patience and a methodical approach I can work through them well enough. I like a stiff challenge and this is about right. As it is, a sniper, chest shot kills the base enemies in one shot. My scout rifle takes about a clip of bulls eye shots to take them down, but ammo is plentiful. I work through the first wave. And the second. And the third.
Wave three was a bitch. That's when the shielded dudes who can teleport drop in. It takes a very long time to work them down - three shots with my Golden Gun just strips the shields. But I finally clear wave three.
And then wave four starts.
It's pretty much the same as wave three, but I'm short on resources and so it takes a lot longer. But once again, I outlast a pair of those shielded dudes. Took a Golden Gun chased with a pair of rockets, but it does the trick. Finally, Dinklebot says...
Oh wait, he doesn't say anything. Instead, round five teleports in. I whittle them down for a bit and then turn the PS4 off for the night. I can't do it any longer.
Bungie, you spent five Halo games learning how to, and how not to, make these kind of wave-based encounters. This is worse than anything in any of the Halo games. It's rock-bottom encounter design to just drop five waves of the same enemies, on the same location, on the first mission of a new planet. I don't even know if it's the last wave. Right now I'm not sure I want to find out. :\
Sure, I'll be good to go.
You know, tonight's the first time I ever went to Bungie's site seriously for this game.
It has a lot of cool and useful stuff.
Oh yeah I remember seeing some there and a chest or two. Also good amount of enemies to level up gear.Go to the Buried City and look into the spawning rooms and while you running from one to another you see Relic Iron all over the place.
Anyone else having connection issues? I haven't been able to find people for Vanguards and after waiting awhile to find people for PvP I get dc'd mid match.
I have no idea how the flawless raider achievement could ever be done.
is there supposed to be impulse triggers on the XBONE version?
Anyways, here's a video that I recorded of myself exploring the Seraphim Vault and activating the dead Ghost.
I followed this guide. Also had someone with me to make it a bit easier.
Also you can do patrols and grab spinmetal while you wait for some of the spawns
I don't understand why Bungie didn't include the Grimoire cards in-game. I find the lore to be fascinating, and it would have been great to read about this stuff in the pause menu or something.
Real missed opportunity.
Part-time lurker, second-time poster here. If you're disappointed in Destiny's story, you should give this DBO thread a read. Especially note this post by Bungie writer General Battuta:
I don't know anything about the technical or design reasons, but I do know that if we'd had to have the Grimoire written to go on the disc with the game proper, it likely would've been cut. The Grimoire as it stands was mostly written and edited in one crazy sprint very close to launch.
So Destiny's backstory lore was not only an afterthought from a functional POV -- the Grimoire interface is both entirely outside the game and highly confusing to navigate -- but it had to be, just to avoid being cut entirely. No wonder what we see in the game is so bland and devoid of context.
what is that ? never saw that location
I don't understand why Bungie didn't include the Grimoire cards in-game. I find the lore to be fascinating, and it would have been great to read about this stuff in the pause menu or something.
Real missed opportunity.
Anybody know if you get anything special for finding all the dead ghosts?
OK, so during Skywatch farming yesterday something strange happened. I assume that it has happened for lots of people but I have no idea WHY it happened? All of a sudden, tons of enemies spawned, and we're not talking level 5-6 but much higher levels. It was crazy, but fun.
Wow. Made it to Phogath in the Nightfall strike and the game glitched us out.
Anybody know if you get anything special for finding all the dead ghosts?
Anybody know if you get anything special for finding all the dead ghosts?