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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Nori Chan


Time warner cable shits the bed in the LA area in the middle of the last boss in the raid after we take half of his health down. I feel so shitty :/


Well my destiny mono has run less than dry. Been level 26 for 3 days now and 18 hours of game time. Haven't seen 1 legendary besides the cloak/sash one. Good thing I enjoy just playing the game lol.

Good news is I'm going to cash in with xur. 26 motes of light and 16 strange coins. So come Friday things will get going.


GAF, what is the best way to level the other subclass? I'm almost done with Gunslinger and I'd really like to lvl up Bladedancer. What is the quickest way? Doing story missions on hard difficulty? Something else?
So I am sitting watching some team do a shootout at the emgram harvesting spot in Old Russia. I noticed my Grimoire score for Hive and Old Russia kills is increasing despite not doing any shooting myself.

On X1 if that matters.


OK, so during Skywatch farming yesterday something strange happened. I assume that it has happened for lots of people but I have no idea WHY it happened? All of a sudden, tons of enemies spawned, and we're not talking level 5-6 but much higher levels. It was crazy, but fun.

This is just my observation, but in certain maps these all-out battle seem to replace normal public events on occasion. In Skywatch, since the recent patch, an event should happen every 30 minutes around x:00 and x:30. Generally this is a Warsat event, however it will sometimes be a Hive vs Fallen battle instead.

There may be a better explanation or some variables I'm missing, but this is how it's looked to me.


Issue #1: We have long loading times when traveling.
Issue #2: Grimoire Cards can only be read on website.

Suggestion: Random or most recent Grimoire Cards are shown during travel.


Not sure what you mean exactly but you just need light on your gear to go past level 20. You don't gain more levels from XP after 20.

So I just have to find gear with light in em? I bought the Future War arm band so that I can start collecting light as well, so the gear ie Future War vendor is end game gear then? Also what's the best way to get legendary loot?


pip pip cheerio you slags!
GAF, what is the best way to level the other subclass? I'm almost done with Gunslinger and I'd really like to lvl up Bladedancer. What is the quickest way? Doing story missions on hard difficulty? Something else?

Just play with it honestly, use your maxed out class when you feel you actually need it.


GAF, what is the best way to level the other subclass? I'm almost done with Gunslinger and I'd really like to lvl up Bladedancer. What is the quickest way? Doing story missions on hard difficulty? Something else?

As I prefer playing with my maxed Bladedancer, I tend to swap over to Gunslinger when I turn in bounties so the XP isn't wasted. However, if I were really focusing on getting it leveled, I would just use it normally.
No idea, I'm currently missing 2. The one in Bunker RAS-2 is bugged (sometimes it'll appear, sometimes it won't), and there's another one in Freehold Station on Mars that won't appear for me or can't be picked up by others.

Same by me, got all except three, the one in Bunker RAS-2 and the one in Freehold Station on Mars are glitched and the last one in the Event Area at the Tower is only accessible at an Event and that would be in October when the Iron Banner starts.

So Bungie make that shit work.


GAF, what is the best way to level the other subclass? I'm almost done with Gunslinger and I'd really like to lvl up Bladedancer. What is the quickest way? Doing story missions on hard difficulty? Something else?

Do bounties with your maxed out class, and when you go turn them in switch to bladedancer.


So I just have to find gear with light in em? I bought the Future War arm band so that I can start collecting light as well, so the gear ie Future War vendor is end game gear then? Also what's the best way to get legendary loot?

Yep just find gear with the light stat on it. You'll find it on blue gear once you're level 20 but legendary has it in higher amounts.

There are many different ways to get legendary gear. You can try the farming spots to get engrams but you will have to pray to the RNG gods. Also you can farm rep and marks by doing patrols, bounties, dailies, PvP, etc. I prefer this method because there's no RNG involved and you get to buy the legendary you want.

I do both methods though because I like a change of pace once in a while. Farming especially gets monotonous.

Good luck!
just got another exotic bounty after turning in majority of the pvp ones for the day. I had the same three choices as last time. handcannon, pulse rifle, and shotgun. Got the handcannon(thorn) the first time, so I decided to do the shotgun this time.


After checking out all the weapons of all the vendors at the tower I've come to the conclusion that none of them give any meaningful advantage to PVP.

Which is bullshit because some exotics that some people luck into are totally ridiculous.


When someone finds a legendary engram in pvp do they have to pick it up or does it just say that when the game decides to give them one as a reward at the end?
Just got booted from the game on PS4 and when I try to sign in it tells me it failed to download configuration files from Bungie servers. This happening to anyone else?


Soloing the daily on very hard at the last boss but in dire need of help, the modifier is enemies do 1 shot melee damage

Just run back to the entrance to the room. Most of the enemies will just hide behind cover near the entrance and you can pick them off one by one. Then shoot the boss from the door way, back off when he shoots, rinse, repeat.


Just play with it honestly, use your maxed out class when you feel you actually need it.

As I prefer playing with my maxed Bladedancer, I tend to swap over to Gunslinger when I turn in bounties so the XP isn't wasted. However, if I were really focusing on getting it leveled, I would just use it normally.

Do bounties with your maxed out class, and when you go turn them in switch to bladedancer.

Thx guys, I'll probably stick with bounties and switch to Bladedancer when I turn the in. The worst part of leveling Hunter is until I unlock regen/armor buffs. I can really feel the difference in the amount of damage I can take with or without them.
18 hours?

I'm at 70 hours and nearly 27.


Yeah, hope that I get some Ascended Shards or a pair of nice Gauntlets for my Huntress when we finish that Raid tonight. That should push me finally to Level 27.

Edit: 80 Hours played, tons of Bounties collected and still no Legendary Bounty for me. That makes me sad.


I'm a little overwhelmed by the amount of endgame stuff I can do with the little time I have... Do I focus on bounties to get my faction and Vanguard rep to where I want it so I can buy legendaries? Do I do the daylies because they are on a timer? Do I farm for engrams to level up the cryptarch?
I'm torn. Leveling up rep seems to be the smart thing to do but I know it takes quite a while to get there so there's no possibility for instant gratification.

I think I have to man up and just focus on that for now. I can possibly get drops while doing the bounties so there's always a chance to get something cool while doing the rep grind.


Hit 26 tonight! Got a pair of legendary boots that were basically junk for me, so I turned them into mats and was able to upgrade my chest again.

Spent a few hours with that exotic auto rifle I found and I'm warming up to it. One of it's abilities is a slowed rate of fire for increased damage when zoomed, makes it feel a bit more scout rifle-ish. It also doesn't have crazy mat requirements to star, so I'll mess with it a bit more before likely going back to my scout rifle.
Anyways, here's a video that I recorded of myself exploring the Seraphim Vault and activating the dead Ghost.

Nice. I saw a similar vid a day or two ago and was crawling around that place as well as the "outside" of Bunker RAS-2 looking for my dead ghost that's glitched out of the map :( Couldn't find it though.

Also, I didn't pay attention when i activated that Seraphim Vault ghost; what was the card it added? Was it
a Ghost Fragment re: Earth?

what is that ? never saw that location

Had to glitch my way in there by going through some walls on the Forgotten Shore and then carefully making my way through a whole mess of unfinished geometry. Seems likely that this location will be future DLC.

I would be really surprised if this was tied to some sort of paid DLC. Given that
Bunker RAS-2 is the entrance to the Seraphim Vault
, I could see it being a future story mission (or perhaps the entrance to a raid location?) that is rolled out as a free update down the road, but before The Dark Below (the first expansion) hits in December. There are also a couple of other areas in Old Russia that haven't been opened yet either such as the Jovian Complex and King's Watch. I know from reading that Destiny DB that leaked that
the Jovian Complex is supposed to be the site of a future Strike.
We've also got that special Hive faction, The Hidden Swarm, hanging out in the Grottos between the Forgotten Shore and The Refinery. It's possible they play a more prominent role down the line.


I'm a little overwhelmed by the amount of endgame stuff I can do with the little time I have... Do I focus on bounties to get my faction and Vanguard rep to where I want it so I can buy legendaries? Do I do the daylies because they are on a timer? Do I farm for engrams to level up the cryptarch?
I'm torn. Leveling up rep seems to be the smart thing to do but I know it takes quite a while to get there so there's no possibility for instant gratification.

I think I have to man up and just focus on that for now. I can possibly get drops while doing the bounties so there's always a chance to get something cool while doing the rep grind.

Don't farm man, just play the game straight. Farming is like playing the lottery, except you have to work through a really dull fucking job for hours before you get your inevitably losing ticket.

Just up your faction level and your marks.


I'm a little overwhelmed by the amount of endgame stuff I can do with the little time I have... Do I focus on bounties to get my faction and Vanguard rep to where I want it so I can buy legendaries? Do I do the daylies because they are on a timer? Do I farm for engrams to level up the cryptarch?
I'm torn. Leveling up rep seems to be the smart thing to do but I know it takes quite a while to get there so there's no possibility for instant gratification.

I think I have to man up and just focus on that for now. I can possibly get drops while doing the bounties so there's always a chance to get something cool while doing the rep grind.

Yes focus on vanguard and crucible rep and marks


After 2 hours of farming, finally got a legendary weapon and armor. They really need to find a better way to get legendary engrams/gear. I have been stuck at lvl 24 for the last three days :/.


After 2 hours of farming, finally got a legendary weapon and armor. They really need to find a better way to get legendary engrams/gear. I have been stuck at lvl 24 for the last three days :/.

There is. Get Vanguard/Crucible rank 2 and get Marks. Buy the stuff you want with the stats that fit you.

Chitown B

I have had a full legendary/exotic setup since yesterday, I bought a couple of the pieces. But I have been doing the dark beyond mission for hours and hours just farming engrams. My cryptarch is lvl 15, and I still have the stuff that I started farming with. I cannot get anything better. I think I am done farming and I am just going to start a new character or something. I dont have anyone to play the raid with on 360, so there is really nothing left to do on this titan I guess.

Only thing I really want anymore is a better primary, because the thorn is a piece of shit

just found out about the dark beyond farming spot. Seems legit.
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