it takes 8 days to get guaranteed 3 legendaries and 1 exotic. just saying.
Would you please be so kind to tell us this gaurenteed way of getting 3 legendaries and 1 exotic ??
it takes 8 days to get guaranteed 3 legendaries and 1 exotic. just saying.
This describes PVP pretty well. Do all of the exotic weapon bounties require multiplayer? Shame, if so. They could have been much more creative.Oh. Well fuck. That's just soul-crushingly boring.
I have a bounty that says "Kill 3 or more enemies with one super use 20 times", and I can't get any progress on it as a Sunsinger. Is it even possible? Or do I need to switch to Voidwalker to get it down. Not really sure what counts as killing with the super as sunbro.
So, i got a total of 6 legendary engrams so far (41 hours of playtime), and except for one (which was an armor for a warlock and i have a titan ¬¬), the others gave me nothing.
And yesterday i got my fist legendary armor piece, from a blue engram.
The cryptarch is drunk.
God damn that recoil. Now if we only had a comparison with the non auto version of it....
How did you come by that number? Cause I've been playing 9 now and not a single legendary.
ok -8 this round, I think i'll hit 0 before I hit 500ok another negative gain, I should just drop this shitty bounty
How did you get 28 strange coins? Weekly strikes?
you can make 100 vanguard marks each week. 100 vanguard marks buys you 1 65 mark legendary. that leaves you with 35 marks. next week comes around and the moment your marks reset you can get another 100 bringing you to 135. that buys you two 65 legendaries (or,in case you may have found gauntlets/legarmor/chest already, you could theoretically buy the helmet for 120). you now have leg armor, chest piece and gauntlets legendaries guaranteed. this does not even factor in crucible where you could get one 65 piece in one week 2.
Then on the weekend you can use your strange coins which you inevitably get to buy an exotic from Xur.
I have a bounty that says "Kill 3 or more enemies with one super use 20 times", and I can't get any progress on it as a Sunsinger. Is it even possible? Or do I need to switch to Voidwalker to get it down. Not really sure what counts as killing with the super as sunbro.
Engrams/PVP/Weekly Strikes (up to 9 depending on the difficulty, I did this weeks 26 solo for 6 coins)/Chance reward from first public event gold each day.
Got it, thought kills while the super is activated would do it but guess not. Not sure which subclass I like better at the moment.Well your super doesn't kill so yeah you need to do it as Voidwalker.
Yeah, i know. I'm actually waiting for Xûr to reappear so i can buy something with the strange coins i have.Like others and me have said, don't rely on engrams to get your first legendary gear going. It will just be an exercise in frustration.
Well your super doesn't kill so yeah you need to do it as a a Voidwalker
7 days to get the 100 mark limit on pve and pvp each, then 1 day after the weekly reset to again get 100 marks each.Would you please be so kind to tell us this gaurenteed way of getting 3 legendaries and 1 exotic ??
I thought that any kill while in Sun Bro mode would count? Especially one with grenades?
7 days to get the 100 mark limit on pve and pvp each, then 1 day after the weekly reset to again get 100 marks each.
200 marks per type means 3x 65 from one vendor, and 1x 140 for a helmet from the other. exotic is from strange coins I think?
It's not guaranteed in 8 days. It depends if you have time to max rep/marks for vanguard/crucible and have time to farm motes/coins which still have an element of RNG.
However, if you do have time it is very likely if you focus your playtime as required.
Is grinding rep putting anyone else off of leveling up an alt? My Warlock is 20 with an exotic chest, but I just can't get into her without the rep of my Titan.
That one day after reset will need some serious playtime...
Switch back to voidwalker and play the temple of croda (sp?) mission on the moon. At the end just spam the wave of enemies that come out of the door then die and it starts you when they come out again. Keep doing that for around 30 mins using your super as soon as it's charged and you'll get your bounty easily.
What level were you when you soloed the level 26 strike?
I really hope that Xur is selling the Titan's "Helm of Inmost Light" tomorrow.
Is grinding rep putting anyone else off of leveling up an alt? My Warlock is 20 with an exotic chest, but I just can't get into her without the rep of my Titan.
Bladedancer is the most annoying, OP subclass in this game. Super commando melee lunges with super speed and a shield on top of all this? Ugh...
annnnd I've gone from 89 of 500 to 67 of 100. this has been a good 3 and a half hours well spent.ok -8 this round, I think i'll hit 0 before I hit 500
Mhm. Bladedancer itself is somewhat OP, but I've had so many times where I absolutely should have killed one but they barely survive due to the shield. Without it they wouldn't be a problem.yeah the shield is what I have a problem with, too much
Unless you got them from the postmaster/special order person, no. Just store them in your vault.If I delete emblems to make space for new ones, can I get them back again if I want to?
yes very balanced compared to the titan defender who gets a shield that kills nothing but is killed by any other classes super.Mhm. Bladedancer itself is somewhat OP, but I've had so many times where I absolutely should have killed one but they barely survive due to the shield. Without it they wouldn't be a problem.
Ah OK, didn't realise I could move the over. Thanks.Unless you got them from the postmaster/special order person, no. Just store them in your vault.
Is grinding rep putting anyone else off of leveling up an alt? My Warlock is 20 with an exotic chest, but I just can't get into her without the rep of my Titan.
Did Bungie officially addressed the whole engram debacle? Is it a bug or by design?
yeah the shield is what I have a problem with, too much
I hate defender titans with a passion. That damn bubble shield lasts way too long.yes very balanced compared to the titan defender who gets a shield that kills nothing but is killed by any other classes super.
yes very balanced compared to the titan defender who gets a shield that kills nothing but is killed by any other classes super.
26 (fully maxed out Sunsinger Warlock so I had Radiance Fireborn to bring myself back if I died. Hardest bit is the room with the locked door. I cleared out the end part of the previous room (got rid of the Knight and Wizard) to give me some back tracking room for wave 3 (with the named wizard and 3 or 4 of his wizard buddies). Once you get the door open though it's a straight run to the boss just jumping over everything, running past the ogre etc. In boss room clear out as many adds as you can from just before the boss room then run to the left and hide behind the rock right at the back and it should stop other things spawning and provide cover to whittle down the boss. You will get one Tomb ship dropping some guys in though. When out of ammo don't run out for a pickup wait for like 30 seconds and you'll get given a bunch.
yes very balanced compared to the titan defender who gets a shield that kills nothing but is killed by any other classes super.
Probably just means you can hold the trigger down and it keeps firing, but the fire rate isn't any better.