Titans are fine.
Titans are fine.
That is what full auto means lol. Hold trigger for auto fire.
My Strangers Rifle has full auto mode as well. I am having lots of fun with it even now. 230 overall damage. So not bad at all.
I've gotten 3 Legendary Engram drops. The first was a rare, and the second two ended up being a Legendary helmet and Legendary gauntlets. Both were equippable. All obtained by PCP farming.
I've gotten 3 Legendary Engram drops. The first was a rare, and the second two ended up being a Legendary helmet and Legendary gauntlets. Both were equippable. All obtained by PCP farming.
That is what full auto means lol. Hold trigger for auto fire.
My Strangers Rifle has full auto mode as well. I am having lots of fun with it even now. 230 overall damage. So not bad at all.
Then you are extremely lucky. my success rate with legendary engrams has been in the 10-20% range and I have gotten over 20.
The only thing that needs a nerf are Hunters cloaks. Those things are way too cool, at least compared to my "warlock's bond". So jelly![]()
Titan shield is amazing. The upgrade that hands out overshields is not only good for capping points, but can be used a recharge point when pushing forward.
Of course it isn't invincible. A super can trade with it. No super and the Titan inside has a huge advantage and can lock down an area.
Titans are fine.
I've had the same, glad to hear it's not a problem my end coming off of several weeks of internet trouble!God, what's going on with Destiny on PS4 tonight? It keeps giving me server errors and connecting sooo slow.
Bladedancer is the most annoying, OP subclass in this game. Super commando melee lunges with super speed and a shield on top of all this? Ugh...
yeah the shield is what I have a problem with, too much
Mhm. Bladedancer itself is somewhat OP, but I've had so many times where I absolutely should have killed one but they barely survive due to the shield. Without it they wouldn't be a problem.
Finally got a shader that looks cool and isn't two weird colors slapped together.
Got it from the mail robot in one of the cryptarch level up packs, called Thunderdevil.
Yes, the shield is too much but necessary to get the bladedance to a equal level with titan-smash and void-bomb.
You almost cant kill a titan that uses his smash (you certainly cant with bladedance) and you will absolutely die to the voidbomb even if you somehow manage to kill the warlock.
At least you can kill a bladedancer if he is stupid and you are smart about it, something that does not apply to the panic button titan-smash.
Supers are almost all free kills (with the exception of the defender bubble but that thing makes it imposible for the enemy to cap a point if he doesnt have his super up and the golden gun which is still the most balanced imo).
Titans are fine for the most part, grenade is not really on par with the heatseeker bs the other two classes get but thats alright, as more people gear up and play pvp the weaknesses will come through and the balancing will begin.
Whats the best way to obtain Shards? I need some to upgrade my Legendary armor.
Whats the best way to obtain Shards? I need some to upgrade my Legendary armor.
Yesterday was a good day for me in Destiny. New ship and exotic bounty (I went for the shotgun), looking forward to playing tonight!
Sticky grenade is great if you have good aim. Also putting the dot inside a bubble shield can be incredibly effective.
Suppressor grenade is very useful too when capping a point and sitting in your ward.
Again, the grenades all feel useful enough to me.
How do you get the exotic weapon bounties?
How do you get the exotic weapon bounties?
Whats the best way to obtain Shards? I need some to upgrade my Legendary armor.
LoL, can't tell if serious.What engram debacle?
So out of a grand total of nine purples, I got one legendary scout rifle, a cloak I already have and the rest was crap. Its starting to feel like buying a lottery ticket for a chance to win a lottery ticket.
So out of a grand total of nine purples, I got one legendary scout rifle, a cloak I already have and the rest was crap. Its starting to feel like buying a lottery ticket for a chance to win a lottery ticket.
How do you get the exotic weapon bounties?
Just picked up the game yesterday. Played about 90 minutes total, but it was broken up a bit as I was getting dinner and doing stuff.
Enjoyed my first couple of missions. My friend (Level 18) helped me out on the second mission, which was fun to do stuff with him, but sucked because he is so much stronger than me that he would just run in and kill everything, removing basically all strategy.
I'm going to have to figure out how to catch up or just play on my own (which I'm okay with).
LoL, can't tell if serious.
39 coins and 69 motes. My body is ready. I will buy all the exotic shit and dismantle it for materials lol.
I got 10 and 8, can I even get anything with that
I got 10 and 8, can I even get anything with that
Yup! This is the weapon I made a video of and posted in the thread earlier. I love it!
the bat is coming for you bro, I'm sorry. The "panic button" titan smash might seem like that at times but with so many ways to be one hit killed in this game there isn't often any time to panic and then get off the super. I have been killed several times mid smash, that second it leaves you hanging in the air is an opportune time to get blasted by a shotgun or two.
let your friend start the missions and do it on a higher level. It will be a bit tougher for you but at least your friend won't one shot everything. you will also get bonus XP making you catch up faster.
How many Titan Defenders use Weapons of Light? When is it the most viable and a better option compared to the other options?
Just got this from a blue Engram...
Legendary engrams are still turning to crap items, as usual.
This may be my MMO-ish problem coming into it. I don't like riding coattails. I want to play the game, you know? It's not necessarily all about just being a higher level, it's about the experience of earning that level and how I got there. I don't think I'll improve as a player by simply getting higher levels. But at the same time, I don't necessarily want to be alone while having this experience.
I'm caught! Rock and hard place, no!!!!
This may be my MMO-ish problem coming into it. I don't like riding coattails. I want to play the game, you know? It's not necessarily all about just being a higher level, it's about the experience of earning that level and how I got there. I don't think I'll improve as a player by simply getting higher levels. But at the same time, I don't necessarily want to be alone while having this experience.
I'm caught! Rock and hard place, no!!!!