Does the regular Vanguard class vendor sell them for Marks? I've only ever seen him selling armor pieces.
Ooh baby I like it rare. Yeah baby I like it raaaaare.
I don't think any of the patrols or strikes I've done give you Vanguard Marks.
us hawks gotta look out for each otherHawkian, our resident Destiny Yoda/Mr.Miyagi.
Correct fuuuck I should've mentioned that in the guide. Thank you!What level are you? You can't start earning marks until 18 maybe?
I'm up for it but I don't tend to get online until about 9PM.
Does the regular Vanguard class vendor sell them for Marks? I've only ever seen him selling armor pieces.
Sorry, forgot the timezone: US Eastern.9pm in what time zone? I'll be on for a while tonight so, if you're on and still up for it, I'll hit you up.
I can't believe people keep getting these exotic bounties. The only one Iv gotten disappeared. Pissing me off.
I don't think they earn marks at all but they earn reputation.I don't think any of the patrols or strikes I've done give you Vanguard Marks.
What are Xurs prices? I have 16 motes right now.
Think I should try and get something from him this weekend. Don't really like the class items from the speaker.
23 motes for the exotic engram.What are Xurs prices? I have 16 motes right now.
Think I should try and get something from him this weekend. Don't really like the class items from the speaker.
I can't believe people keep getting these exotic bounties. The only one Iv gotten disappeared. Pissing me off.
What are Xurs prices? I have 16 motes right now.
Think I should try and get something from him this weekend. Don't really like the class items from the speaker.
I haven't gotten any either so you're not the only one. Seems like everyone is getting super lucky and I'm getting nothing, but that's just the perception. I've had my small share of luck with two legendaries, but no exotic bounties or exotics gifted to me randomly.
Noobie or question, sorry guys.
What's the best way to upload pics to here from a ps4? Can you do it direct?
23 motes for the exotic engram.
13 strange coins for armor, 23 strange coins for weppin
The Strike playlists are primarily for earning marks. The 24 playlist gets you 6 marks and 25 rep. Bounties are much better for rep (along with the Daily and Weekly Heroics).I don't think they earn marks at all but they earn reputation.
Questions: I've heard that up until 20 it's pointless decrypting the engrams I find. Is this true or have I been hoarding for no reason? I don't even understand how my level would affect its contents. Is it like a lottery everytime you visit the guy?
Noobie or question, sorry guys.
What's the best way to upload pics to here from a ps4? Can you do it direct?
Just a few random gameplay tips from harmless fun to clutch fireteam maneuvers.
Arc, Void, and Fire
Suros Regime. I got the upgrade that reduces its rate of fire but ups its damage. It's an absolute beast in PVE but too slow in PVP :/
Yeah. Against my better efforts, both
have been fully adopted and are really active. I wish the community had stuck with one, but hey *shrug* They work.
Shit, never seen that happen. Was farming Spinmetal when it said "the enemies are closing in on each other" then it all kicked off. Hive and Fallen sent out some pretty high level for the area captains and Knights and fucked shit up. Some poor level 5 got caught in the crossfire multiple times.
Sorry, forgot the timezone: US Eastern.
Could someone refresh my memory...did Xur only have a weapon on one day and not the other (I remember the handgun on one day, but don't remember if there was another weapon available at some point)?
Yeah, I need both reps and marks at the moment. Sitting midway between rank 1 and rank 2. I need to get serious with the strike playlist. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll make much headway until next week-- won't get to play much this weekend.The Strike playlists are primarily for earning marks. The 24 playlist gets you 6 marks and 25 rep. Bounties are much better for rep (along with the Daily and Weekly Heroics).
For marks, to put in perspective, 11 strikes on the 24 playlist earns you a legendary gauntlets, boots, or chest- and that's if you haven't earned a single mark from anywhere else that week.
It's been working great in PvP for me. Rapid fire single shots absolutely maul people.
Could someone refresh my memory...did Xur only have a weapon on one day and not the other (I remember the handgun on one day, but don't remember if there was another weapon available at some point)?
Could someone refresh my memory...did Xur only have a weapon on one day and not the other (I remember the handgun on one day, but don't remember if there was another weapon available at some point)?
13 strange coins for class exotic. 23 motes for the engram.
So annoying (IMO). The twitter compression is asstastic, and finagling a USB drive just to move an image every so often is like 2005 stuff. Where's my "Upload to Imgur" feature Sony?!You can upload directly to Twitter or Facebook, but that compresses the image and makes it look much worse. The best method I know of is to copy it from the PS4 onto a USB Drive, copy from the drive to your computer, and upload it from there to an image sharing site ( is my favorite) then posting the image here.
You are entirely correct, I will add this! Makes a huge damage with the Element Burn modifiers too, but that's outside the scope of this first post. Thanks!Hawkian, great stuff as usual! I'd like to add a little lesser known tidbit to your weapons damage types.... Supers/abilities!
As you're probably aware (many likely arent) supers are directly tied to the various types of damages. Match the color to the foe's shield color like you would with weapons for best results. Make sure while in a 3 man fireteam one of each is represented.
The Bladedancer and Striker subclasses focus on Arc damage.
The Gunslinger and Sunsinger subclasses focus on Solar Damage.
The Defender and Voidwalker subclasses focus on Void damage.
Can't you just revert the upgrade for PvP if you don't like it?Think the upgrade to the slower rate of fire with more damage might have screwed it up for normalized pvp though.
Couple of random questions:
2) What's the best way to get a blue or purple level 20 weapon? I'm going crazy, I'm level 24 and I have maxed out blues on everything else, and a purple Fusion Rifle, but I'm still using green Auto / Scout Rifles because I cannot get a blue one. I've checked every vendor restock, farmed engrams for 4 hours, done weeklies and dailies, everything.
have you tried trading a motes for an engram and if so what did you get?23 motes for the exotic engram.
13 strange coins for armor, 23 strange coins for weppin
most people just call me toda :|us hawks gotta look out for each other
I just got an exotic weapon bounty for the Thorn handcannon. I have to get 500 void kills. That's gonna take fucking forever as a hunter. The only weapon I even have that does void damage is a rocket launcher. Argh this fucking game. Is the Thorn even worth it?