Formerly Gizmowned
Is there somewhere to see how man vanguard/crucible marks you've earned this week? There is a 100 mark limit per week, right?
Go into orbit then head to Strikes, you will see left bottom corner.
Is there somewhere to see how man vanguard/crucible marks you've earned this week? There is a 100 mark limit per week, right?
I like the game, but I'm incredibly dissappointed by the fact that you can barely level above 20 by playing PvP only. It's like they don't even recognize your efforts.....poor design. Poor design.
You have to hit use now. There's no advantage in waiting as far as i can tell. If you haven't hit use now on the collector's cards and you've been getting kills then you're probably losing out on some grimoire score.
I like the game, but I'm incredibly dissappointed by the fact that you can barely level above 20 by playing PvP only. It's like they don't even recognize your efforts.....poor design. Poor design.
How do exotic engrams from Xur work? Are they guaranteed exotic or can you get lesser stuff/gear for other classes just like legendaries?
I have enough motes of light, but if it's the same bullshit as the legendaries I might not buy one.
!!!!!! Completely inaccurate, you could get all the way at least to 26 that way if you chose.I like the game, but I'm incredibly dissappointed by the fact that you can barely level above 20 by playing PvP only. It's like they don't even recognize your efforts.....poor design. Poor design.
No. Please somebody put this in the next OT: the Cryptarch level has no effect on the RNG.
Wait, the Bungie bounty is ps4 only?
Wow. Those Legendary Engram stats are shocking. I have no idea how someone would think that's a good idea. If you want purples to be rare, just make them drop less, not some roll of the dice nonsense that makes everyone hate you.
If they were trying to do something like TF2/Dota2 crates, they learned the wrong lessons.
No. No impact whatsoever (that has been demonstrated, anyway).
Leveling up the cryptarch gets you... more engrams to decode! Spin that wheel ladies and gents.
How do exotic engrams from Xur work? Are they guaranteed exotic or can you get lesser stuff/gear for other classes just like legendaries?
I have enough motes of light, but if it's the same bullshit as the legendaries I might not buy one.
No. No impact whatsoever (that has been demonstrated, anyway).
Leveling up the cryptarch gets you... more engrams to decode! Spin that wheel ladies and gents.
Need one more for the Nightfall.
PSN ID: SlenderBeans
Reddit decrypted hundreds of Engrams and collected some stats:
It would be nice if there was a way to positively change you RNG chance.
Seeing all the moaning anout legendary drop rates and such in this thread makes me wonder what kind of overlap there is between Destiny players and seasoned Monster Hunter folks. Enjoy mowing through the same monster countless times in the hopes of overcoming the infamous Desire Sensor and scoring that Rathalos mantle with a 2% drop rate.
Coming over from MH3 Ultimate, it's funny to me how right at home I feel with a lot of Destiny's common criticisms. Now...if only my internet service didn't mysteriously die on Monday I could actually be enjoying the game. Instead I'm stuck here doing research. Hopefully I can apply it later!
They are guaranteed exotics for that slot, but it can be an item for a different class.
Not just Vanguard Rep, but that is one way. There's Vanguard, Crucible, and Faction Reputation, you can go look at all the vendors and decide what you want to go after.So the only sure way to get better weapons is to up your vanguard rep cause I'm lvl 24 and when I play on a level 24 strike my "rare" auto rifle barley tickles them in the ass
Dude, fluke. Maybe you slightly missed? A regular occurrence (once per match at least) is this:This morning, I used my titan super on a bladedancer in his super mode, and apparently they lived through it lol.
I think this is officially the worst trophy/achievement I've ever seen.
What level do you need to be for Nightfall to unlock? Also, what is the minimum level you would recommend for attempting it?
WALLACH! Did you see what your rifle does man?
Still need one more? PSN: Daraman
Well, don't forget that when you see an engram on the ground, it has a chance of being an actual item as you pick it up. Who knows what that percentage is though.
Sorry, all full. But i'll still accept the FR.
I think this is officially the worst trophy/achievement I've ever seen.
I posted in that thread, the guy is just wrong. He's just wandering around finding items thinking his gun is leading him places. Shit is pretty funny to be honest.
Seems high for green engrams when you're high level. Almost all greens that I pick up do not need to be decoded.
YepI think this is officially the worst trophy/achievement I've ever seen.
So the only sure way to get better weapons is to up your vanguard rep cause I'm lvl 24 and when I play on a level 24 strike my "rare" auto rifle barley tickles them in the ass
Bah, been farming on the moon forever. These drops are horrendous. What's everyone else up to
The interceptor is a floating death trap now
Bah, been farming on the moon forever. These drops are horrendous. What's everyone else up to
Don't feel bad bro. I'm still using a *green* auto rifle at 24. I can't get a fucking blue to save my life. It's embarrassing, and it drags down groups. Had to be carried through the weekly because of it, and I'm always the lowest kills on every map, even when I'm higher level. It's really fucking aggravating, but I've decrypted hundreds of engrams and the only blue primary weapons I've gotten are hand cannons and pulse rifles, and the pulse rifles are never level 20. Even though I hate PRs, I'd still use one if it were level 20.
I've given up farming.
Grinding rep and marks is the way to go.
Don't feel bad bro. I'm still using a *green* auto rifle at 24. I can't get a fucking blue to save my life. It's embarrassing, and it drags down groups. Had to be carried through the weekly because of it, and I'm always the lowest kills on every map, even when I'm higher level. It's really fucking aggravating, but I've decrypted hundreds of engrams and the only blue primary weapons I've gotten are hand cannons and pulse rifles, and the pulse rifles are never level 20. Even though I hate PRs, I'd still use one if it were level 20.
How are Titans in PVP?
Like, are any of their subclass abilities fun in that mode?