Well thank you for reading them!
I'm glad to hear there were others who perceived the intended design. I agree with many complaints about it not being communicated very obviously, but I also "got it" pretty intuitively and from there just wanted to learn more. The moment I understood something different was going on here was when, at level 22, I equipped a pair of level 20 boots to advance to level 23. This is a very unusual thing to do in any game, and it reflects a lot of the subtle differences Bungie has applied to the various formulas that brought Destiny together.
clans are worthless :'(
Add Hawkian on PSN!
Okay so...is it possible to get items/weapons during a match? I was just playing a match and someone found an exotic item (I think corrupted handgun or something) during the match. It showed up in the bottom left and wasn't shown in the results screen either.
35% x 3 is not really teeny tiny
Don't feel bad bro. I'm still using a *green* auto rifle at 24. I can't get a fucking blue to save my life. It's embarrassing, and it drags down groups. Had to be carried through the weekly because of it, and I'm always the lowest kills on every map, even when I'm higher level. It's really fucking aggravating, but I've decrypted hundreds of engrams and the only blue primary weapons I've gotten are hand cannons and pulse rifles, and the pulse rifles are never level 20. Even though I hate PRs, I'd still use one if it were level 20.
Odd, only 3 seem to show up when I do it...
That's a good point about the Public Events. You have perhaps swayed me. That said, I'm not farming anymore. I'm earning shit pursuant to Hawkian's guide.
Just to be clear, you actually have to to grind the THOUSANDS of necessary Vanguard/Crucible/Faction RANK points in ~10 point (matches/patrols/strikes) and 50-100 point (bounties) blocks? There is no other way to get rank points by, say, turning in the variety of collectables for example? If not, what exactly are these collectable trinkets for, strictly armor/weapon upgrade materials?
I am working on the same exotic bounty.
You need to play this special version of the strike:
Guide: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_giRtFw0cmU
It's probably from doing the Thorn exotic bounty from the sounds of it. The player likely completed a PvP step of the bounty during the match.
I disagree. You get 18 kills or so for every death on the moon. Way faster than waiting on groups of three to come out of the cave 6 times.
RNG doesn't work the way you think it does.
Is the female hitbox smaller?
I've heard about people getting engrams this way, I don't have an answer for you though. Mystery for now.
Where on earth are you getting that number?
Ok, just need a third member. Anyone else?Yeah it's a bitch to do. I'm online now not really doing anything so feel free to invite.
I agree that we need a reporting system, even if it's done solely through Bungie.net.
I've been getting that lately too, trying to do the 5 strikes without dying and it's annoying. Also been getting a lot of quitters. And it's not DC's because I can see them pull up their Ghost and then they are gone.
Just lvl up to faction lvl 3 for the legendary stuff and then switch back to the other stuff.Ok, so Dead Orbit or New Monarchy.
But hey, one question, is is worth to level up crucible/vanguard if you are looking for a faction?
You can turn the collectibles in for marks. Not sure about rep. Crucible rep you can IIRC
You can turn in materials for rep, but it is not all that rep efficient. It requires 50 pieces of material for +25 rep, +5 marks and +250 Glimmer.
Surely farming has been patched in some areas? These guys are on the 20th go or so and not one engram has fell for me.
I do actually understand how RNG works. I have a degree in math and studied probability theory at the graduate level. It's possible you just didn't understand my post though, which could be because I didn't write it clearly enough.
If you have 3 purple engrams, the chance of decrypting to a purple item is not "teeny tiny".
Yikes- that isn't what I was saying. a ~34% chance of the item being either purple or exotic is grand, but even succeeding at that ~1 in 3 roll...From the chart that was just posted all over the previous 2 pages, that shows that if you decrypt a purple engram, there is roughly a 35% chance that it decrypts to purple.
I thought I had seen people reference this, which is why I asked. Who/where are the NPC(s) that do this?
Okay so...is it possible to get items/weapons during a match? I was just playing a match and someone found an exotic item (I think corrupted handgun or something) during the match. It showed up in the bottom left and wasn't shown in the results screen either.
I do actually understand how RNG works. I have a degree in math and studied probability theory at the graduate level. It's possible you just didn't understand my post though, which could be because I didn't write it clearly enough.
If you have 3 purple engrams, the chance of decrypting to a purple item is not "teeny tiny".
rocking the chatterwhite shader. we should have took a group pic after the raid.
having no legendaries isn't an "issue" until level 24I'll get on your level someday :*(
right now, I don't even have any legendaries lol. (just turned level 20 a day ago)
Got this from a legendary engram just now. That magazine size.
That impact tho
We're at the final boss of Vault of Glass and need two more. Anyone 26+ want in?
Edit: One more
Yeah, I don't really like high fire rate and low impact but I'll level it and see.
What exactly is impact?