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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Cømet;130656203 said:
You can turn in the mats for rep and marks- 50 mats gives....3 marks iirc? and something like 150 rep. It can take a while though, I usually farm the mats necessary whilst doing the patrols.

It's 5 marks per turn, I can't recall exactly how much rep, but definitely 5 marks.

I find doing patrol stuff and public quests while grabbing whatever chest and resources I find is a great way to earn a bunch of rep and cap weekly marks. It's a nice way to be able to yack with anyone in the room with you and still accomplish a bunch.

Also just as a sort of PSA, you can do the same turn ins with the crucible guy and get rep+marks for that was well, same ratios as you do for Vanguard. I'm sure it's easier to actually PVP but if you are like me and aren't a huge fan of pvp it is a consistent and reliable way to build general crucible rep and marks.


So I just found out that this legendary shotgun I have called "Invisible Hand M7" gives my character a wind effect on my sprint when equipped. Pretty cool.
Yikes- that isn't what I was saying. a ~34% chance of the item being either purple or exotic is grand, but even succeeding at that ~1 in 3 roll...

Knowing the type of engram affects the probability of what I was talking about pretty dramatically. Without that info...

It could be a purple weapon (which won't raise your level)
It could be a class item
It could be an armor piece for another class (possibly another ~33% roll if there is no weighting)
It could be an armor piece for a slot you already have

Those odds taken into account, the odds of any individual legendary engram being an item that you can use to progress are, indeed, teeny tiny.

Might as well do the actual math. Let's assume that the engram you receive is equally likely to be any of the following:

[1/8] Primary Weapon
[1/8] Special Weapon
[1/8] Heavy Weapon
[1/8] Head
[1/8] Gauntlets
[1/8] Chest
[1/8] Feet
[1/8] Mark

Furthermore, if it's a Head, Gauntlets, Chest, or Feet, you're only interested if it's for your class. (not necessarily true, btw, I like the idea of getting to 20 on an alt and immediately powerlevelling him to 24-25 with banked legendaries). Also, assume you don't care about marks. Now the odds become:

[1/8] Primary Weapon
[1/8] Special Weapon
[1/8] Heavy Weapon
[1/24] Head
[1/24] Gauntlets
[1/24] Chest
[1/24] Feet

I think most people would be happy with a purple weapon even if it doesn't raise your level, so I'm leaving them there.. The odds of the engram decrypting to any of the above is 3/8 + 4/24 = 13/24, which is about 54.17%. The odds of being purple or yellow is about 37%, so the combined probability that it's a purple or yellow item that you can use is almost exactly 20%. So, the odds that it's a blue or green item, or an item that you can't use is 80%. The odds of getting 3 such items that you aren't interested in (since we're talking about a pack of 3 legendaries), is (.8)^3 = 51.2%, and finally the odds that you get at least 1 item that you find useful from this pack of 3 legendaries is 48.8%.

This is the best case scenario, assuming that any purple you get, as long as you can equip it, is useful. This is true for most people at 24, since they are probably decked out in all blues and don't have any legendaries yet. As you start filling slots with legendaries, this number starts going down.

In any case, with a number like 48.8%, I don't think it's fair to say that 3 random legendary engrams gives only a teeny tiny chance of yielding something you need. Granted, this all depends on what the odds of your package actually containing 3 legendaries as opposed to 3 blues is, which leads back to my original question of whether levelling your cryptarch increases *that* probability. I don't know if it does though, and maybe nobody else does either.


Got this from a legendary engram just now. That magazine size. :eek:
I'm using that while I level Gjallarhorn. Fun weapon. With my armor I have store 999 rounds of ammunition.

Does anyone know if Exotic Bounties have to be claimed immediately? If you skip claiming them the first time do you lose them? I hate wasting bounty space when I get to play. Lose that efficiency making an extra trip to the tower.


Do you know how percentages and probability theory works?

You can't call bullshit on a 30% chance with a pathetically small sample of 12 engrams.

of course i do so i apologize for not being more clear in stating that my personal experience says bullshit. and that people on my friends list are having similar experiences of very long dry runs of purples yielding shit. so my experience of going 0-12 doesn't matter? something's very clearly wrong.

it seems that some people don't have much trouble with engrams giving decent results and others are clearly having horrible results. i've talked with people decrypting upwards of 25-30 purples with nothing but shit blues and greens to show for it.

for christ's sake, no need to talk down to me and ignore the actual issue.


This sucks. I have 2 exotic bounties shitting up my inventory. I should have taken the Weekly Nightstrike one instead...

Aw yiss, fully leveled Striker. Gonna level up Defender too, be versatile and shit.

Also got out of that 24 pit, 26 here I come!

What worries me is most of these exotic and legendary weapons I swear I have already seen in previews and what not. Surely there are several exotic auto rifles, launchers, etc. Seems very low so far though. Has anyone got a list of exotic weapons known so far to see how much variation there is?


Quoting because this has helped me so much.

I sort of figure all of this out on my own once I learned about the factions. I figured, why deal with RNG and get frustrated when I can just work towards something that's guaranteed?

So I'm just ranking up in FWC and getting marks. Grabbing as many strange coins and motes of light as I can. But I'm not trying to rush.


Ok? A lot of people still haven't gotten them...
Yeah I know I got a couple raid friends that haven't gotten either I don't understand how you're supposed to even obtain one I just randomly got mine after turning in a bounty so I'm thinking after every bounty you have a percentage chance of getting it.
Okay so...is it possible to get items/weapons during a match? I was just playing a match and someone found an exotic item (I think corrupted handgun or something) during the match. It showed up in the bottom left and wasn't shown in the results screen either.

I picked up a legendary engram a few seconds before the end of a crucible match. Really caught me by surprise. Ended up decoding to a blue, sadly. =/


The Cryptarch's Bane

I think most people would be happy with a purple weapon even if it doesn't raise your level,
so I'm leaving them there..
They might be happy with it (as would I), but it's not what I'm talking about. Since you have the relevant variables in front of you, could you calculate the odds that it will be an item with light on it?


Passing metallic gas
Finally full legendary. Is this woman ever going to get more than 4 of the most hideous shaders in the game? I would kill for a black and gold one.


formerly Oynox Slider
I think this is officially the worst trophy/achievement I've ever seen.

Yup. I was gonna try for the platinum. Not any more.

So much useful info in the grimoire! Not a bad read either. Its all a bit overcooked but I do like the idea that hive ogres get tortured into being abominations like Phogoth. The Servitors have funny names too. They're just funny, actually. And the idea of vex precursors and descendants is interesting too. Oh dear. I think I actually like the plot of Destiny. And to think I studied literature.


If you are player who abuse Devil's Lairs matchmaking to get some chest farm done while 2 others try do strike you are worst, should be ashamed of yourself and stop it!

Yes, experienced few of these kind players while doing exotic bounty and even if we can 2 man this strike it's so annoying to have 3rd running circles for chests.
They might be happy with it (as would I), but it's not what I'm talking about. Since you have the relevant variables in front of you, could you calculate the odds that it will be an item with light on it?

I assume you mean an item with light on it *for your class*, so if that's the case then the odds of any one random purple engram decrypting to any purple or yellow item with light for your class should be (1/6) x (37%) = 6.17%. If you do this three time, the odds that none of them will be purple or yellow items with light are (1 - .0617)^3 = 82.62%, and finally the odds that at least 1 of them will be a purple or yellow item with light that you can equip are 100% - 82.62% = 17.34%.

Again, this only analyzes the percentages from the package you get by ranking up your cryptarch, assuming that package has 3 random legendaries in it. To get a bigger picture about farming, you would need to have a really large sample size of kills to estimate how many blue / purple engrams per hour you would be expected to get, and what the odds of your level up package having purples in it as opposed to blues.


It's 5 marks per turn, I can't recall exactly how much rep, but definitely 5 marks.

I find doing patrol stuff and public quests while grabbing whatever chest and resources I find is a great way to earn a bunch of rep and cap weekly marks. It's a nice way to be able to yack with anyone in the room with you and still accomplish a bunch.

Also just as a sort of PSA, you can do the same turn ins with the crucible guy and get rep+marks for that was well, same ratios as you do for Vanguard. I'm sure it's easier to actually PVP but if you are like me and aren't a huge fan of pvp it is a consistent and reliable way to build general crucible rep and marks.

Ah that's right, spot on. Couldn't remember, haven't been able to do them for a few days as doing what you've said max'd my marks out early Tuesday!

I can only really enjoy four or five games of crucible at any one time before it starts dragging, so yeah I do tend to give my mats to the crucible guy.

Finally full legendary. Is this woman ever going to get more than 4 of the most hideous shaders in the game? I would kill for a black and gold one.

I was so disappointed by that woman. She should be sacked. Bring someone in with better/more shaders!

P. Fembot

I'm not understanding the mediocre reviews.

Is it because of the hype? This game, to me, is better than any Halo, and they got great reviews. This is one of the first times I really disagree with most reviewers.

9/10 at least!


Finally found a legendary engram for the first time. Decrypted it and what do you know. Rare gauntlets.

I've been loyal since Halo 1 Bungie. What the fuck dude.


I get the feeling we're going to be WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELL into OT5 by the time the time these threads drop off the front page.

For being a "mediocre" game, everyone's playing it.
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