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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Loot is so sporadic than you can get lucky like me and already have a majority of purps. (Though I have already bought PVP gear and a Xur item)


Sunsinger Warlock? My dude. God I love Sunsinger in PvP. Sticky grenades everywhere.

Also, you picked Future War faction? May I ask why? I'm thinking about them, but I decided to go for regular vanguard and crucible for the Auto Rifle/Sniper bonuses and Discipline/Intelligence boosts.
So, doing the Rocketyards farm, got my first Legendary! I've been reading this thread so I knew the odds, but I let myself get excited anyway. "This, this will be different!" I assured myself, all the way back to the tower to decrypt my shiny new Legendary Helmet.

3 guesses what happened next. This fucking game.


Passing metallic gas
I could build a house out of all the rare auto rifles i have gotten. I have had to disassembled at least 40. During that whole time i got only one. ONE scout rifle. That isnt random. That is trolling.
Sunsinger Warlock? My dude. God I love Sunsinger in PvP. Sticky grenades everywhere.

Also, you picked Future War faction? May I ask why? I'm thinking about them, but I decided to go for regular vanguard and crucible for the Auto Rifle/Sniper bonuses and Discipline/Intelligence boosts.

Praise the sun, M8!

No idea why I picked Future War Cult in retrospect. I guess it's just the name. Something about "Cult" really does it for me. Is there another faction that confers better stat allocation for us sunbros?
I sincerely hope what you say is what Bungie has planned. If that's the case, I am on board.

I don't have anymore information that anyone else but that's my guess given the events announcement.


If you look at the sections.. they seem to be color themed. Salvage, Combined Arms and Iron Banner are all Red.. which I think indicates Crucible. Vault of Glass is Blue for Raid and Queen's Wrath (which is labeled as coming in September) is Orange.. so I'm guessing that means Vanguard.. which would be some kind of PvE.

And in the last thread Urk confirmed that everything listed on that graphic is free.


Now I have 865 Grim..shouldn't I get that 777 achievement?
Yup, the logging trick worked.

I am terrible. Right now I am 21, about to visit the Reef and have 865 marks.
Maxed Crucible and done some bounties. Best way to boost Grim?
Wooo hit level 15 cryptarch, 2 legendaries and a rare engram...get 3 rares..

How is everyone leveling up the guy so quickly? Is everyone just running strikes and getting engrams?
I am just doing PvP and I hardly get nonencoded items unless its a legendary which means it is either a rare or not for my class...
I don't have anymore information that anyone else but that's my guess given the events announcement.

If you look at the sections.. they seem to be color themed. Salvage, Combined Arms and Iron Banner are all Red.. which I think indicates Crucible. Vault of Glass is Blue for Raid and Queen's Wrath (which is labeled as coming in September) is Orange.. so I'm guessing that means Vanguard.. which would be some kind of PvE.

And in the last thread Urk confirmed that everything listed on that graphic is free.

Looking at that graph again, it'd be funny if the rewards it lists are only received when you finish the raid, and everything else uses the random loot system they have in place haha. It'd be so funny I'd be laughing as I walked into gamestop to trade this game in if that were the case.
If the raids are hard as Bungie claims out of the gate, there are going to be a lot of disillusioned people, especially those already frustrated with the loot drops.

The headache of coordinating 6 people without matchmaking that then have to run into progression walls is going to be interesting to watch unfold. Especially to those holding out hope that it'll be the savior of Destiny's endgame.

Don't get me wrong, some people will enjoy it I'm sure, but I imagine this is going to be the straw that breaks the backs of a lot of people currently running endgame content.
If the raids are hard as Bungie claims out of the gate, there are going to be a lot of disillusioned people, especially those already frustrated with the loot drops.

The headache of coordinating 6 people without matchmaking that then have to run into progression walls is going to be interesting to watch unfold. Especially to those holding out hope that it'll be the savior of Destiny's endgame.

Don't get me wrong, some people will enjoy it I'm sure, but I imagine this is going to be the straw that breaks the backs of a lot of people currently running endgame content.

Well, we have the clan stuff going so hopefully that will do well for those of us without 6 solid friends in the wings to coordinate with. It will have its difficulties, but most of us here should get by fine in at least getting 6 people together.

The random folks out there though aren't going to be happy about it though probably.

By this rate though half of you will have already ran through the Raid a dozen times before my own copy gets here. Should have just went digital.
Wow guys, just came back in here after playing Destiny for the last 6 Days. Are you serious, OT3 and already Page 66.

There seems much to talk about.

So my opinion for the game, overall pretty much fun. Love the gunplay, the strikes, the enemies, the complete environments are awesome, especially Venus and Mars. Just love those two. Love to play with my fellow Gaffers in Coop and the Crucible. The Artwork and Design of the Game looks really good as well.

What I don't like is the Story, it is told way too fast, after just a few Missions i'm done and saved the earth and galaxy. In my opinion it would be much better if Bungie had focused the story in Destiny(1) on only one of the Enemies, say the Hive and in Destiny 2 on the Fallen and so on. Because what Enemy is there in Destiny 2 to defeat?

The worst thing in the Game is the Lootsystem, wtf, I hate this freakin' Bastard of an Cryptarch, may his greedy soul rott in hell!!! You give him your hard earned Legendary Engram, and he, he gives you shit. It's not okay, that when a thing like a Legendary Engram which has such a little chance to drop, that the chance of getting an actual Legendary Item for your class out of it, is even less. When I find a Legendary Engram give me a Legendary Item my Class can use. Or give me the opportunity to give it to someone who can use it.

But overall I just love this game.

So back to work and dreaming of my Guardian.

See you this Evening and hail to the Traveler.
So after 25 strikes for the exotic weapon, I have to do 10k crucible kills?

does it count them retroactively?

Going by posts from other boards like Reddit, it's not actually 10k kills. It's some kind of points system (perhaps Crucible score from kills).


I was just completing a bounty killing Sepkus Prime and in the middle of the fight, my HDMI splitter dies. I had to jump up and quickly disconnect it and plug the ps4 in directly.


Doing really well in pvp but I waited till I was lvl 23 to start. Even though they say everything is leveled out in pvp it really isn't. Gun, armor, and class perks still make life a lot easier. Larger mags on guns, faster reloads, faster supers and cooldowns.

If you are having trouble and are below 20, just give it up. In fact give it up till you get some blue weapons with double perks.


Lots of people complaining about loot. I wonder if you guys played other mmo (i know destiny is not an mmo but the gear grind is very similar to wow). 2 currency (vanguard and crucible) weekly resource cap, random loot. It's all there to hook you up and make you play longer.

Strike should drop gear. I'm not entirely convinced PvP should always reward the best player. (I'm pretty horrible) I'm often around 1-1.3 kd in my game and sometime I get destroyed and get like 0.38 but I'm getting better (I never really played console fps before) but if I had no chance of getting loot I would be discouraged by people that are on a completely different field of level (saw people with 5-10kd ratio)

I would be OK with loot based on merit in PvP if there was some sort of match making so I play versus opponent in the same spectrum as myself to have a chance.


Praise the sun, M8!

No idea why I picked Future War Cult in retrospect. I guess it's just the name. Something about "Cult" really does it for me. Is there another faction that confers better stat allocation for us sunbros?

I liked they fact they actually appeared to have an office, instead of just standing around in random places in the tower. They have chairs and everything. Dead space kind of makes sense to be just somewhere, since they wanna gtfo the planet, but the new monarchy? A king standing off in a corner just does not strike me as a guy to pledge my sword too.


Going by posts from other boards like Reddit, it's not actually 10k kills. It's some kind of points system (perhaps Crucible score from kills).

Yeah I was just poking around and apparently its some weird points accumulation system.


There's no way they want you to get 10k crucible kills. That's the equivalent of Gears' Seriously achievement.

I already have 1433 from 61 matches. Which is 23.5 average kills a match.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?
I've slept for 12 hours. Anything happened while I was gone?
19 hours in the clock, "finished" the storymode yesterday.
Been having fun, but only with friends/gaffers. Playing this alone is quite boring :p Not sure if i want the DLC expansion pass as i'm not sure if i will have buddies to play them with anymore at that point.

Still at light lvl 22 so, ways to go before thinking about any raids. I chose the PRAISE TEH LORD -party at the beginning to gain xp towards, gotta get that chaingun.

I already have 1433 from 61 matches. Which is 23.5 average kills a match.

I mean kills come quicker in Destiny than Gears, but even at the rate you're currently going, you're looking at almost 70 hours worth of Crucible to finish that bounty if that were the case.


It sucks the max spree is 15 kills.

I mean kills come quicker in Destiny than Gears, but even at the rate you're currently going, you're looking at almost 70 hours worth of Crucible to finish that bounty if that were the case.

I maxed Crucible marks already for the week, I don't have much incentive to continue until the caps refresh. And yeah, I agree its a bit much if it were the case of getting 10k kills. Seeing how people AFKing in Crucible matches can get random anagrams.


tagged by Blackace
TBH I'm not looking forward to doing strikes and raids and missions over and over. I wish they would have leveraged the open-world/patrol stuff more. Or at least I hope they still do.


Perhaps it's because your character has been dead for centuries and she doesn't really know him/her?

I assumed either:

A) since she knows your a guardian, you might as well be a total stranger since your loyal to earth and likely been dead for a while.


B) Multiple races weren't orginally planned on, but a much later addition so they could pretend more its an mmo, so the default assumption is your a human.
Wow just had 2 public events occur on Mars within maybe 2 minutes of each other. Both were to eliminate the target. First one got silver and 2nd gold. More please!
Man the last few hours were great. After 2 days at level 20+ and the few purple became blues today I got one legendary arm first (wrong class though) then maybe an hour later I get two purples from the mail. One is a leg sniper rifle and the other the last word exotic hand cannon. Hope you guys the same luck.


Unconfirmed Member
I'm replaying the story and just got to the Reef, and god damn, I really don't want to sit through these cinematics again. The dialogue is so terrible. The Queen is whatever, but her brother is SO BAD. Comic book villain quality dialogue. The music feels far too sinister for the corny ass laughable dialogue.
Am I the only one that finds it really odd that the queen ignores the fact that I am awoken?

Perhaps it's because your character has been dead for centuries and she doesn't really know him/her?

No, Bungie was just lazy and did no changes to the cutscene dialogues. This ain't no Mass Effect! :D

(same with the robo-chick, everyone assumes you are a human character. Exo and Awoken are just visual changes unfortunately)
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