Where can you check that stat?
I've done this a few times, lol. It's fun to see people behave with their silent space avatars.
Best engram farming route, y'all?
Something had to have happened with the narrative. There is no way they thought this through. It's not even bad, it's just not there. Like there is no real anything pushing you forward. It's one of the craziest things I have ever witnessed in gaming.
Bungie.net. Click on the "Legend" icon on the left after you sign in
Bubble shield fun! Watch fools get #rekt
Increased damage resistance when inside the shield. Who wants to have a fist fight? =p
Congrats I guess? Isn't dissuading the comments on it being broken for PvP.
No, Bungie was just lazy and did no changes to the cutscene dialogues. This ain't no Mass Effect!
(same with the robo-chick, everyone assumes you are a human character. Exo and Awoken are just visual changes unfortunately)
I think WE happened. Here me out. For those of you who played the Alpha and heard the infamous line "That wizard came from the moon." - it might have been cheesy, but it gave you context. Now that line wasn't the only one that got got. If you compare the Alpha and Beta footage, you'll notice that we lost about 75% (!!!) of dialogue. 75%. Who knows how much we lost in missions we didnt get to play?
Is it possible that Dinklage was that bad and his reception so poor that they decided to cut 75% of all his dialogue?
You know if you do the overshield one, you can strafe in and out of the bubble and it'll recharge instantly. You're essentially invincibleBubble shield fun! Watch fools get #rekt
Increased damage resistance when inside the shield. Who wants to have a fist fight? =p
So what faction should i join as hunter? I only play pve so i dont care about pvp stuff.
I'm 20 now. I'm normally a PvP guy, not that much into PvE, but it seems, loot in the Crucible isn't that great. How / where can i get Armor with Light-Stat or Exotic stuff? Are strikes the best way?
Wow just had 2 public events occur on Mars within maybe 2 minutes of each other. Both were to eliminate the target. First one got silver and 2nd gold. More please!
I mean how much context did "That wizard came from the moon" really give you?
If your theory is true, they culled that dialogue for a reason. 75% more bad Dinklage lines wouldn't have made any of Destiny's problems any better.
How is the rating done in these events? Calculating you're share on the kill or something? I had two events yesterday and both times it was me an one high level player. Both times I got gold but I don't know why.
But it's not only that line. There was more. More when you were crossing from the Steppes to the Mothyards, more during the Dark Within mission (Dinklebot explained a bit why it's bad and surprising that the Hive are on Earth) and so on. I don't remember it all. But it was there, maybe someone uploaded some Alpha footage to youtube, so we might make better comparisons.
Bubble shield fun! Watch fools get #rekt
Increased damage resistance when inside the shield. Who wants to have a fist fight? =p
too late againA blade dancer will own me, tho.
How is the rating done in these events? Calculating you're share on the kill or something? I had two events yesterday and both times it was me an one high level player. Both times I got gold but I don't know why.
From what I've played, I think as long as the event succeeds you get the gold. All the times I've gotten silver are for when it failed, usually because I was trying to solo it.
How is the rating done in these events? Calculating you're share on the kill or something? I had two events yesterday and both times it was me an one high level player. Both times I got gold but I don't know why.
I was about 2,000 points above the guy in 2nd place. THANKS BUNGIE.
I mean how much context did "That wizard came from the moon" really give you?
If your theory is true, they culled that dialogue for a reason. 75% more bad Dinklage lines wouldn't have made any of Destiny's problems any better.
Maybe it is because of the levels. The two 19's and the the 12 get great stuff probably because they were shooting players that were higher level than they were. Lazy way to make drops more unique for higher level peeps?
Or is it really random?
From what I've played, I think as long as the event succeeds you get the gold. All the times I've gotten silver are for when it failed, usually because I was trying to solve it on my own.
Gold means the event was completely successful. Target eliminated, no sacrifices made(for the one that they try to sacrifice themselves 10 times) and so on. Participating at all will get you credit, everyone participating gets the same rank.
I think it's just a completion rating. If you actually accomplish all the objectives, you get gold. If you get close to achieving but don't finish in the time limit or some other criteria isn't met, you get silver. If you burn out completely, bronze.
It's really random
I need some partners for nexus farming. I'm on right now, no mic since kids and wife are sleeping. ID is perineumlick if anyone is interested. PS4.
Something had to have happened with the narrative. There is no way they thought this through. It's not even bad, it's just not there. Like there is no real anything pushing you forward. It's one of the craziest things I have ever witnessed in gaming.
Part-time lurker, second-time poster here. If you're disappointed in Destiny's story, you should give this DBO thread a read. Especially note this post by Bungie writer General Battuta:
I don't know anything about the technical or design reasons, but I do know that if we'd had to have the Grimoire written to go on the disc with the game proper, it likely would've been cut. The Grimoire as it stands was mostly written and edited in one crazy sprint very close to launch.
So Destiny's backstory lore was not only an afterthought from a functional POV -- the Grimoire interface is both entirely outside the game and highly confusing to navigate -- but it had to be, just to avoid being cut entirely. No wonder what we see in the game is so bland and devoid of context.
Also, re:bosses, I'm wondering what happened to the Bungie that developed the thrilling Scarab battles of Halo 3. To go from that exhilarating, fist-pumping mechanic to Devil Walker-style "bullet sponges with weak points" is such a huge step backward.
The one thing that makes sense to me is that they worry on something like Control that players would focus even more on their own K/D than they already do rather than capturing zones and playing like a team if the only way to get legendaries was to be in the top two. This way, in theory, you are focused on the overall effort more than your own score.
Even though that's seldom true, from what I've seen.
I mean I'm not doubting you. But if they cut stuff nobody heard, they cut it because they felt the delivery or the writing was poor.
Even if it was decent, having Dinklage voice a few backstory explanations for things doesn't make for a compelling narrative.
Yea, if that were the case they probably would have removed KDR from the final screen completely.
I think the design decision to make it truly random stems from not wanting a "rich keep getting richer" scenario, where the top players are the ones getting the best loot, which would move to further separate them from those who aren't as good.
in order to get my third grenade do i have to be using my second grenade to level it up? or do i just unlock that grenade at a certain level.