Formerly Gizmowned
Not sure if posted but another farming technique. 1-3 Legendary every 2 hours.
I think it would be fairer if the RNG was weighted toward the top two, but those outside of that are assured an even chance at one drop. In either case, the people at the top are there by score, not kills or k/d.
Again, we can only speculate if and what got cut out. My tinfoil hat theory is that they cut a lot of dialogue because people thought it was cheesy/phoned in, but they didn't have the time (or Dinklage) to re-recorded those lines. And that's the version of the game we got. That's why some things seem to just... cut of.
I don't no if the uncut version would be better or worse, but IMO i'd rather have cheese on a plate than nothing![]()
I think WE happened. Here me out. For those of you who played the Alpha and heard the infamous line "That wizard came from the moon." - it might have been cheesy, but it gave you context. Now that line wasn't the only one that got got. If you compare the Alpha and Beta footage, you'll notice that we lost about 75% (!!!) of dialogue. 75%. Who knows how much we lost in missions we didnt get to play?
Is it possible that Dinklage was that bad and his reception so poor that they decided to cut 75% of all his dialogue?
save me this type of reply, its juvenile. I've played this for nearly 3 days straight and had countless legendary engrams all turning into rare items, now the amount of time i invested in such a short period of time may be unhealthy and that is my damage, it however doesn't take from the fact the game needs sorting out on the engram attribution/success conversion rate.
and i don't mind grinding, it gets tiring when the strike playlist gets you to do the same strike twice in a row though.
also needs map voting in the crucible, same map twice is another gripe.
game getting increasingly frustrating with the legendary engram = rare lame drop. and the lack of content is starting to wear me down, having to do the same strikes over and over for like 6 marks when most of the stuff costs like 100 marks. ranking up on reputation is tiresome too.
Sunsinger Warlock? My dude. God I love Sunsinger in PvP. Sticky grenades everywhere.
Also, you picked Future War faction? May I ask why? I'm thinking about them, but I decided to go for regular vanguard and crucible for the Auto Rifle/Sniper bonuses and Discipline/Intelligence boosts.
So after 25 strikes for the exotic weapon, I have to do 10k crucible kills?
does it count them retroactively?
Going by posts from other boards like Reddit, it's not actually 10k kills. It's some kind of points system (perhaps Crucible score from kills).
Well, I made it to 26 tonight. Is 26 or 28 the raid level requirement?
The loot system isn't perfect and neither is the matchmaking but that will get better over the coming weeks/months. What's juvenile about pointing out the obvious fact that you want instant gratification on a game that is meant for the long haul? I've found well over 20 legendary engrams so far and only 1 legendary and 1 exotic. Considering you can get any reputation to rank 2 and easily hit the 100 mark cap within the first week of the game being out I don't think theres too much to complain about loot wise.
Sounds to me like this game just isn't for you.
The story was a last minute thing. The codex itself was so last minute it couldn't be put on disk.
If you have a surplus of glimmer, the cryptarch is selling primary weapon engrams. He's given me 3 rares so far
Not sure if posted but another farming technique. 1-3 Legendary every 2 hours.
. What's juvenile about pointing out the obvious fact that you want instant gratification on a game that is meant for the long haul? I've found well over 20 legendary engrams so far and only 1 legendary and 1 exotic. Considering you can get any reputation to rank 2 and easily hit the 100 mark cap within the first week of the game being out I don't think theres too much to complain about loot wise.
one could think that a team the size and value of Bungie could have a few dedicated people working on lore/codex/dialogue stuff all separately?![]()
one could think that a team the size and value of Bungie could have a few dedicated people working on lore/codex/dialogue stuff all separately?![]()
There's not going to be a long haul with this game unless Bungie has a crazy content pipeline in place.
There's not enough game here to justify putting hundreds of hours in. People want their instant gratification now because this is when they're going to spend the most time with the game. How many people are going to be running the same six strikes and one raid a month from now to grind out a chest piece?
How much did you spend? I spent 10k glimmer on those things and didn't get a single rare :/.
Yea it's the bladedancer upgrade that took it away. Keep it on Path Forgotten rather than Path Forbidden. Also I think you need blue gear across the board. I haven't tested that part just yet.I don't know if it is my OCD or not but I noticed that my Hunter had a "sprint effect" (like a small contrail) before and now it is gone. I tried changing my gear, abilities and subclass but its gone. Have you experienced anything like this?
Do we know what kind of content to expect in the expansions yet?
I'm thinking New Patrol Area + Story Missions Strikes + Crucible maps + Raid + increased level cap by 5/10 Light Levels. A new subclass would be amazing.
It will probably just be a Strike and some Crucible maps.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they said there's going to be a new raid every expansion.
Fingers crossed for that, if raids are the big endgame content all PvE leads toward, there needs to be a new one every few months or so.
What is the patch tomorrow going to address?
What is the patch tomorrow going to address?
there's gonna be a patch?
Anyone want to join me for some nexus farming on ps4? no mic as its late at night, i'll wait a bit before heading in. PSN: jacob_armitage
Anyone want to join me for some nexus farming on ps4? no mic as its late at night, i'll wait a bit before heading in. PSN: jacob_armitage
It will probably just be a Strike and some Crucible maps.
The new raid will get patched in on Teusday right? To enter it, is it lvl 24, 25 or 26?
What is the patch tomorrow going to address?
How is the rating done in these events? Calculating you're share on the kill or something? I had two events yesterday and both times it was me an one high level player. Both times I got gold but I don't know why.
Anyone else feel that Crucible is rage inducing? [...]I literally threw my controller one match! I don't think a video game has ever gotten me to act in that way before this one. I love the game, but getting constantly fusion rifled and golden gunned has taken its toll.