I got a ship from a blueprint I found. The Fangs of Nyx. Its gold and looks bad ass!
People complain about the game because some of problems are so dumb that it's hard to why they are in the game.I fucking love this game.
People just like to act like kids sometimes. They love the game too or they wouldn't compain so loud.
what? never heard of that
Exotic AR. Mid high end level 26.
And sure, I'll do that. During the wait, I'll most likely end up doing bounties.
I got a ship from a blueprint I found. The Fangs of Nyx. Its gold and looks bad ass!
When that happens, set your fire team to invite only so any drops are yours.You know what really rustles my jimmies, the loot drops in this game - or lack thereof. I jumped into a Vanguard Strike mission last night with some randoms and the mission we we're assigned was thething on Venus. Both of the rother players dropped within 5 minutes of the mission start, so I forged on alone. Made it to the boss and found a spot where I could chip away at his health, then with a sliver of life left the servers decide to add 2 more players - boss dead with me having down 99% of the work.Cortex/Robot
So what do our winners receive?! Well, the randoms that joined in the last 2 minutes got armor shaders and blue encrypted engrams. And I? I got a helmet that was several grades below what I already have. bungie pls
I got a ship from a blueprint I found. The Fangs of Nyx. Its gold and looks bad ass!
Just did some bounties and a mote of light and the ship blueprint "The Fangs of Nyx" that's cool. Didn't know I could get stuff from handing in bounties. Haven't before.
Managed to obtain a legendary engram weapon while doing Moon patrol. Turned out to be a blue item >.> Anyway, reached Rank 2 with the FWC faction and finally got my first legendary gear. Gonna be interesting to see how long it would take for me to fully upgrade since I would need to get ascendents motes and those are mostly found in Raids
I wish Strikes allowed 4 players. The bosses become such a grind. One extra player can make a huge difference.
Raids are actually going to drop good gear
It's bungie's baby
I fucking love this game.
People just like to act like kids sometimes. They love the game too or they wouldn't compain so loud.
Charged us like it was a finished game... I guess as long as they don't charge us more... Lol nm.
Impact is huge.How can I tell if a weapon with a lower attack but higher impact (or vice versa) will do more damage than my current, all else being equal?
So much of this game is opaque.
I need a Shingen-E for pvp
Someone said it was at the gunsmith then I realised I was 20 pages behind...
So is anyone else really enjoying the Patrols?
I know it is a bit pointless, but I love just tooling around the environment picking up some small tasks/quests and then just exploring. The worlds are beautiful and do seem pretty large.
I just wish I had a map so I could sort of track the spots I have been and set waypoints and such.
Destiny hasn't blown my mind, but I am really enjoying it still!
Pretty happy with my Titan so far. once I get my legendary helmet on Tuesday or Wednesday I will be even happier.
This is so dumb to say.I fucking love this game.
People just like to act like kids sometimes. They love the game too or they wouldn't compain so loud.
You know what really rustles my jimmies, the loot drops in this game - or lack thereof. I jumped into a Vanguard Strike mission last night with some randoms and the mission we we're assigned was thething on Venus. Both of the rother players dropped within 5 minutes of the mission start, so I forged on alone. Made it to the boss and found a spot where I could chip away at his health, then with a sliver of life left the servers decide to add 2 more players - boss dead with me having down 99% of the work.Cortex/Robot
So what do our winners receive?! Well, the randoms that joined in the last 2 minutes got armor shaders and blue encrypted engrams. And I? I got a helmet that was several grades below what I already have. bungie pls
When that happens, set your fire team to invite only so any drops are yours.
Has anyone raised their sensitivity level? the default level feels a little slow, which makes it easy to aim for head shots, but a bitch for CQC. i feel like i can't turn around fast enough when im in crucible. I raised mine to 6. I'm thinking about going back to default tho. seems aim is more important than mobility in this game.
That would be a HUGE quality of life change. A positive one at that. Going into the weekly heroic for the first time yesterday was a rude shock. Bring Arc weapons next time I guess.
I realized that I may have screwed myself in the short term by choosing a Faction right off the bat.
I can only buy their items with Crucible marks, once a week -- but if I ignored the factions at this point I'd be able to buy a piece of gear from the Crucible handler and the Vanguard handler.
Even though their stats are not what I want in the end, at this point just getting Light levels matters a lot more to be able to participate in higher level events.
Oh well.
People say that PvP is completely random in regards to loot drops but I don't think this is true. I think they are weighted towards the players at the bottom.
Yesterday I watched several players at the bottom of the table, constantly dragging down the team get rewarded with legendary engrams. Meanwhile I was working my ass off for the team getting top. I'm the one that gets absolutely nothing. I have to say, if this happens once, twice or even a few times it's ok, but for it to happen pretty much every time I play? It's quite infuriating and demoralising. Also my last game if the day I did really bad and was at the bottom of the table. That time I got a legendary (which turned out to be a crap blue handgun). I think bungie really needs to reward the people at the top with more XP or at least something like that.
And to someone asking about loot chests, it's usually around 50 glimmer and one or two materials from wherever you get the chest. You also get some green items from time to time. Howver, very rarely you do get other things like blue engrams and/or ship blueprints. Honestly I got much better stuff from loot chest farming then from golden loot chests.
Pretty happy with my Titan so far. once I get my legendary helmet on Tuesday or Wednesday I will be even happier.
It's cool with me.Good, are you cool with 5pm PDT/8PM EDT?
Shoot me a PM. It'll make things A LOT easier to organize.
Had to watch that a couple times before I realised that I actually did hit with the knife. And that's the infamous Shingen-E in action, btw.
As someone who is thoroughly hating this game and powering through it for the sake of friends/writing something on the game, you shouldn't pay any mind to people disliking a game you like.I feel so awkward when it seems like a vast majority act like the game is atrocious, yet I'm having tons of fun soloing the story missions, and even going back to Old Russia and just dicking around doing nothing in particular.
How did you get a level that high and that many Legendaries/exotics?
How did you get a level that high and that many Legendaries/exotics?
Pretty happy with my Titan so far. once I get my legendary helmet on Tuesday or Wednesday I will be even happier.
If that person is anything like me, then it's a bit of luck. I actually received two of my legendaries from legendary engrams. And the exotic I bought from Xur. Mind you, I've been playing the game a lot, with my time almost evenly split between Story, Strikes, and PvP.How did you get a level that high and that many Legendaries/exotics?
87? WTF
So is anyone else really enjoying the Patrols?
I know it is a bit pointless, but I love just tooling around the environment picking up some small tasks/quests and then just exploring. The worlds are beautiful and do seem pretty large.
I just wish I had a map so I could sort of track the spots I have been and set waypoints and such.
Destiny hasn't blown my mind, but I am really enjoying it still!
If sucking gave more loot, people would just afk the whole match.
Very nice. Just to be a creepy ass stalker I checked out your bungie account and noticed you've hardly touched the PVP. Were your legendary's gotten from vendors in the tower or from strikes?
I have gotten a few legendary armors for other classes. when you break them down they give 3 ascendant shards which I used to upgrade my chest plates light level.