Is the Bladedancer Arc Blade special viable at all in harder difficulties? Seems like an easy way to die. Was doing a Heroic last night and sweet Jesus. I would not tempt fate trying to melee a Shank.
Do all legendaries require level 20 to use?
I don't want to get a legendary, waste materials leveling it up, and then get the same legendary but at a higher level.
so, the latter?
Someone give me tips to play PvP with a controller please.
It's been since CoD4 since the last time I played a shooter competitively on a console.
The Destiny companion app. Download it now! (IOS)
If the strike playlist is the best way to get marks they need to give more than 2 or 3
I got the exotic bounty for the Depleted Hand Cannon. It wanted me to do a strike. OK. Next it wanted 500 hive souls. Done. Now it wants 500 guardians from the crucible killed only with void damage. Seriously. It's a hand cannon. It's not ever a good weapon type!![]()
hehe it was a leg pulse rifle
Damn, man! Watching your enthusiasm for the game wane has been like seeing Robert DeNiro's love of acting disappear. Your posts now are like the commercial for Limitless lol
Feels sad, man.
Oh, well, see you in Horizon!
I'm not even sure it's the last one! I'm a Warlock though and it seems to count super and grenade kills as void so I'll soldier through it.Holy shit that last request is insane.
Yeah, they're obviously different games, and I think SM64 is outstanding in almost every way and a substantially better overall package, but the point remains, these are primarily action games. You can't concede their brilliance in that regard with a couple of sentences and then proceed to roast the game on its dressings.I'm not going to defend anyone here but those comments are not that great.
SM64 had you constantly progressing up to the end, every visit to a stage usually varied enough to get each star and yes you do repeat things and run around the same areas a lot, that's not the bad bit here.
Destiny has you reach the 'end' and then expect you to replay what you have already completed, just on a harder mode where enemies have more hit points, there is less variation and no branching paths in missions to mix things up.
Having little story in a game like SM64 for a basic plot works a lot better then trying to have an epic story told in a handful of broken pieces with no real resolve.
WTF. I'm on Mars taking out the Goliath on Strike and I used my sniper and the damage which popped up said 26,000. That can't be right?
I got the exotic bounty for the Depleted Hand Cannon. It wanted me to do a strike. OK. Next it wanted 500 hive souls. Done. Now it wants 500 guardians from the crucible killed only with void damage. Seriously. It's a hand cannon. It's not even a good weapon type!![]()
The Destiny companion app. Download it now! (IOS)
Agreed, but if you them both fully upgraded I believe you will find they are very close in stats, one edging out the other in either range or stability. Even your fully upgraded Shingen has less attack than the Hushwind in the pic, and the Huswind isn't fully upgraded.
My point was the Hushwind is a legit alternative to the Shingen, and it is.
I wish either the level scaling were slower, or the level requirements on the moon higher. When I was playing at the right level for the missions, the game was a decent challenge. I did one session of patrol missions on Old Russia and it put me over the recommended level for all of the moon missions. I didn't die once as I went through them solo. Some close calls and a few crazy moments, but for the most part I seldom feel in danger. The giant Knight at the end of the moon missions took around 10 sniper rounds to kill.
Holy shit that last request is insane.
That's all I've seen. I wish I'd gotten fewer motes and more strange coins; I picked up my 13th just as the exotic merchant left the Tower.Are motes of light only spent on cosmetic items?
On launch night I pounded my head against the screen trying to beat the shard encounter when I was a few levels below it. This game really gives the player the agency to make things too hard and too easy without exactly understanding how or why.I wish either the level scaling were slower, or the level requirements on the moon higher. When I was playing at the right level for the missions, the game was a decent challenge. I did one session of patrol missions on Old Russia and it put me over the recommended level for all of the moon missions. I didn't die once as I went through them solo. Some close calls and a few crazy moments, but for the most part I seldom feel in danger. The giant Knight at the end of the moon missions took around 10 sniper rounds to kill.
Not sure if posted, but apparently Destiny on Xbox One outsold PS4...
...on Amazon, while PS4 Destiny bundle and regular PS4 outsold Xbox One.
I couldn't do it. Had to lower it back down, I think the default is 3, I'm now at 5 and it feels good.
Probably a later addition/expansion. It seems like every class should have a subclass for each element type Arc/Void/Light but so far everyone only has 2.I have a question though, I'm at 24 and I only have 2 subclasses. Is there a third? How do I unlock it? There is space for a third...
Holy shit that last request is insane.
Is the Bladedancer Arc Blade special viable at all in harder difficulties? Seems like an easy way to die. Was doing a Heroic last night and sweet Jesus. I would not tempt fate trying to melee a Shank.
Weekly strike todayShingen E is sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet Love using it
I got the exotic bounty for the Depleted Hand Cannon. It wanted me to do a strike. OK. Next it wanted 500 hive souls. Done. Now it wants 500 guardians from the crucible killed only with void damage. Seriously. It's a hand cannon. It's not even a good weapon type!![]()
Salvage was temporary? WTF, it was my favorite mode
look what just dropped...
Salvage was temporary? WTF, it was my favorite mode
That last request...Holy shit.
E: Exotic bounty or not, that's just silly.
WTF. I'm on Mars taking out the Goliath on Strike and I used my sniper and the damage which popped up said 26,000. That can't be right?
Planet Venus. Here I come.
I wana finish the game today!
Now it wants 500 guardians from the crucible killed only with void damage.
Saw this on the iPhone app today:
That's a lot of bosses.
I got the exotic bounty for the Depleted Hand Cannon. It wanted me to do a strike. OK. Next it wanted 500 hive souls. Done. Now it wants 500 guardians from the crucible killed only with void damage. Seriously. It's a hand cannon. It's not even a good weapon type!![]()