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Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Is the Bladedancer Arc Blade special viable at all in harder difficulties? Seems like an easy way to die. Was doing a Heroic last night and sweet Jesus. I would not tempt fate trying to melee a Shank.

As long as the enemies aren't a higher level than you you should be fine. Going arc blade on a major or ultra is risky business since they will likely just pummel you while you are smashing them.

Arc blade should only be used to clear out all the minions. Helps a lot in strikes with bosses that spawn minions. Having a bladedancer on your team is amazing because they will slice through all the small (but dangerous) minions so you guys can keep doing damage to a boss.

Now that I think about it, in PvE, its best to have a Warlock who can do his long range nova bomb super, a bladedancer to kill the little dudes, and a Defender titan for when you need that shield.

Then again, you can also switch it up, having the Warlock be a sunsinger for general support and revives, the hunter will have Golden Gun to do big damage to the boss, and the Titan can still have his defender active.

Me and a friend were talking about this before, the Titans striker hulk smash ability is dangerous to use in PvE since it requires you getting close range. If lower level enemies happen to be bunched up its fine but that doesn't happen tha often. A blade dancer can cover more ground and slash all those enemies.

E92 M3

Man, it sucks how everything requires so many marks and high rank. Feel like this game is made for people that can dedicate hours upon hours a day. Unfortunately, if the time isn't put in then you fall behind. Bungie could lesson those requirements a bit. An item that needs 125 crucible marks will require about 41 crucible wins - that's insane! An overboard on the grinding. Maybe if I have gotten legendaries from drops, but that's not happening either.

Am I alone in thinking that the grind is TOO much?


That said, I absolutely love this game and if could play for hours on end I would.


And they made him a Lord of Cinder. Not for virtue, but for might. Such is a lord, I suppose. But here I ask. Do we have a sodding chance?

Legendary hype! (lol)

Been playing 50 hours+ now, 15 of those being pure farming, and only one legendary.
What is everyone's go-to for Primary and Secondary weapon??

I am using a hand cannon and a shot gun but around here it looks like everyone is going with an auto rifle and a sniper rifle.


Is the Bladedancer Arc Blade special viable at all in harder difficulties? Seems like an easy way to die. Was doing a Heroic last night and sweet Jesus. I would not tempt fate trying to melee a Shank.

Get the perk that makes you vanish after a melee attack and vanish after crouch. Jump in stealthed and activate, hack shit up and while you're mashing melee, you'll stab someone and vanish again.

Other way is, while you take a fuck load of damage while the super is out, run away while you still have some bar left. It's best used to take out the mobs during bosses.


Ready to Raid :)



Saint Nic
I know right? I don't even touch the regular bounty that needs 15 headshots with a sniper rifle in pvp. I'll do everything else except that nonsense.

I've done 1 PvP bounty - 5 matches of Control. I didn't even have to do anything but run around like a piece of garbage, and I STILL hated it. I can't stand PvP in this game (or any FPS for that mater, as it's not my thing).

Hopefully I don't get an exotic bounty that ever requires PvP. I'd venture to say that it's somewhat unfair for an exotic bounty to require a mode that some folks won't enjoy playing. It should have been a split bounty; give the choice of a PvE or PvP related task.

E: And don't even bother making the task easy...Make it so it WILL take a while (1000 Vex kills or something, I don't know). It's not that I'd ever want it handed to me, but if it requires me to engage in a mode that I absolutely despise, it's really not something I can be excited baout.


Stronger armor.
It's based on amount of light, stronger armor has more light.

So just finding better armor will bring you to a better level? That's it? Hmm

I take it that the armor to take you 20+ are rare drops?

Also, the raid that unlocks tomorrow; is that only for players that are level 26? I really wanna try it but Im nowhere near that level.


What is everyone's go-to for Primary and Secondary weapon??

I am using a hand cannon and a shot gun but around here it looks like everyone is going with an auto rifle and a sniper rifle.

PvE? Handcannon/Auto-Rifle/Pulse-Rifle/Scout Rifle + Sniper Rifle. Any weapon works for PvE as long as its strong enough. I prefer Handcannon though.

PvP? Auto-Rifle + Shotgun/Fusion Rifle


So just finding better armor will bring you to a better level? That's it? Hmm

I take it that the armor to take you 20+ are rare drops?

Also, the raid that unlocks tomorrow; is that only for players that are level 26? I really wanna try it but Im nowhere near that level.

Yeah the armor needs to be rare or better to be more specific.


At the start of the game I played some crucible matches while leveling to grind out some bounties just for fun really and it put me 2 levels over every zone until the end of the game.

Seems if you do anything outside of the story missions in sequence, you get thrown off the curve. I want to go and explore places on the moon I missed, and see if I can kill some of those ??? guys on earth. But that might further throw me off when I turn to Venus. I really don't like having to make that choice.


I've done 1 PvP bounty - 5 matches of Control. I didn't even have to do anything but run around like a piece of garbage, and I STILL hated it. I can't stand PvP in this game (or any FPS for that mater, as it's not my thing).

I had that one too! I only made two rounds before I just said 'fuck it". Ive never been a fan of competitve shooters. I much prefer co op. Love the co op in this.


So just finding better armor will bring you to a better level? That's it? Hmm

I take it that the armor to take you 20+ are rare drops?

Also, the raid that unlocks tomorrow; is that only for players that are level 26? I really wanna try it but Im nowhere near that level.

The raid wont be going anywhere. It's not a temporary thing. You'll get to it.

Seems if you do anything outside of the story missions in sequence, you get thrown off the curve. I want to go and explore places on the moon I missed, and see if I can kill some of those ??? guys on earth. But that might further throw me off when I turn to Venus. I really don't like having to make that choice.

Man I had the best revenge on those fuckers on Earth. They're level 18. I came back at level 23 and blew their heads off.

The best part: They're the best way to farm for that Hive Major/Ultra bounty.
There's something I keep thinking of when as I play. Back in 2010, when Bungie was doing podcasts about Reach, they were talking about one of Bungie's design philosophies: "Diamonds aren't polished. They're cut."

I look at this game and every bit of it is finished, polished, but there are a lot of questionable choices. A lot of things that are smaller than I think they could have been. Only 5 strikes (6 for PS). Most of them are short. Very limited boss mechanics. Only 2 vehicles. Short campaign. Etc.

For example: It's kind of amazing that a game that's designed to be a social, multiplayer game from the ground up doesn't have 2+ person vehicles, especially given that this is Bungie.

The silver lining is that Bungie has an incredible base to build from and add to here on out. It's just a little disappointing how limited things are right now.


Dust palace and the multiplayer map might as well be the only exclusives on playstaion because I'm never gonna be lucky enough to get the armor and weapons to drop.


What is everyone's go-to for Primary and Secondary weapon??

I am using a hand cannon and a shot gun but around here it looks like everyone is going with an auto rifle and a sniper rifle.

PVE - Pulse Rifle and Fusion Rifle

PVP - Auto Rifle and Shotgun (sometimes Fusion Rifle).


What is the point of Vanguard and Crucible rep? Whats the point of increasing them? Should I be increasing both?

Sorry for all the questions!


The Titan Striker is useless for high level PvE. That said, the Titan Defender is pretty garbage for PvP as well.

Best combo for PvE is seemingly two Warlocks with Sunsinger and one Defender.

Edit: Accidentally had PvE in second sentence.


I wish either the level scaling were slower, or the level requirements on the moon higher. When I was playing at the right level for the missions, the game was a decent challenge. I did one session of patrol missions on Old Russia and it put me over the recommended level for all of the moon missions. I didn't die once as I went through them solo. Some close calls and a few crazy moments, but for the most part I seldom feel in danger. The giant Knight at the end of the moon missions took around 10 sniper rounds to kill.

I'm right around the same level as you and that dude was a huge pain for me. He was super aggressive for some reason and did crazy damage. Probably the hardest fight I've had in the game thus far.


Seems if you do anything outside of the story missions in sequence, you get thrown off the curve. I want to go and explore places on the moon I missed, and see if I can kill some of those ??? guys on earth. But that might further throw me off when I turn to Venus. I really don't like having to make that choice.

Go ahead and explore and play some crucible and strikes.

You do realize you can up the difficulty and level for story missions right?

Also, blade dancer!



Man, it sucks how everything requires so many marks and high rank. Feel like this game is made for people that can dedicate hours upon hours a day. Unfortunately, if the time isn't put in then you fall behind. Bungie could lesson those requirements a bit. An item that needs 125 crucible marks will require about 41 crucible wins - that's insane! An overboard on the grinding. Maybe if I have gotten legendaries from drops, but that's not happening either.

Am I alone in thinking that the grind is TOO much?


That said, I absolutely love this game and if could play for hours on end I would.

I get what you're saying but I have to say I disagree. If they make things too easy to get then it waters down the game for those people who do play hundreds of hours. As it is I think they've been careful to offer something for everyone. Higher end gear is mostly normalized in vanilla PvP and the strikes are selectable by difficulty depending on where you're at. If you do play enough to get the best gear, there will be the Iron Banner events and high level strikes for you to play. Basically something for everyone.
Seems if you do anything outside of the story missions in sequence, you get thrown off the curve. I want to go and explore places on the moon I missed, and see if I can kill some of those ??? guys on earth. But that might further throw me off when I turn to Venus. I really don't like having to make that choice.

Yeah, that is frustrating. There is at least one difficulty setting for each story mission. I really do recommend Hard, especially to another Halo campaign veteran.

I had the same problem as you, and the over-leveling problem slowed down on Venus and I hit parity on Mars. It wouldn't be such a problem if there were more scaling options, for both enemies and loot. Like Golden Chests are scaled to the zone they're in. So the mood in level 8 -10. But if you go hunting for them, you'll level past them.


I got the exotic bounty for the Depleted Hand Cannon. It wanted me to do a strike. OK. Next it wanted 500 hive souls. Done. Now it wants 500 guardians from the crucible killed only with void damage. Seriously. It's a hand cannon. It's not even a good weapon type! :(

Dude... I'm working on that part right now. 250/500. It's really annoying because the only void weapon I have is a Fusion Rifle and I never really liked how they felt. Now I'm basically forced to use it every game cause every death takes away from my progress and the only way to keep building it is to use Void damage.

I wish I was a Warlock so I could use a subclass that deals void damage with melee or super. Instead I'm awkwardly doing it on Hunter. I hope I like the weapon when I'm done.


Yeah, you're right. And really, it would be shit if one gun was so much better than all the others, anyway. Guns are always balanced with trade-offs in online shooters. And for me personally, stability is just more important than range.

I agree, for me stability > range in most situations. I was surprised when I tried out the Hushwind though as there was barely any recoil. Statwise the Shingen has it beat in that department but in combat I couldn't tell much of a difference.

Hopefully we will all be using exotics soon :)


slept with Malkin
What is the point of Vanguard and Crucible rep? Whats the point of increasing them? Should I be increasing both?

To buy vanguard and crucible legendary gear. You increase crucible by playing crucible. Vanguard is increased by bounties, strike playlist, or patrol missions. Or you could join a faction by buying their class item, equipping it, and then doing those things.
The Titan Striker is useless for high level PvE. That said, the Titan Defender is pretty garbage for PvE as well.

Best combo for PvE is seemingly two Warlocks with Sunsinger and one Defender.

That dome shield can save lives. It's just useless without the higher level abilities.
Man, it sucks how everything requires so many marks and high rank. Feel like this game is made for people that can dedicate hours upon hours a day. Unfortunately, if the time isn't put in then you fall behind. Bungie could lesson those requirements a bit. An item that needs 125 crucible marks will require about 41 crucible wins - that's insane! An overboard on the grinding. Maybe if I have gotten legendaries from drops, but that's not happening either.

Am I alone in thinking that the grind is TOO much?


That said, I absolutely love this game and if could play for hours on end I would.

I feel like right now there's a bottleneck race that everyone is in. It's the first week and matchmaking hasn't caught up so it's soooo easy to feel like you've fallen behind when you end up in PVP with a 27. I feel like in a few weeks, the people like you and me, hovering between 22 and 23, will be matched with people in the same boat and we'll have our own little version of Destiny.

Sure, we might not be raid-ready until like October (lol), but that happens with so many games I love. Hearthstone, Marvel Puzzle Quest, Bornerland 2, WipEout. There will always be tiers of those games I just can't compete in, but they've provided a space where someone at my level of engagement (and skill lol) can play and enjoy themselves whenever they want.

Destiny, honestly, is almost overwhelming in catering to this space. As someone who wants to level up every Class and Subclass, being able to get very close to the limit in a week is incredible. I wanted to do the same for Bornerland 2 and after like 80 hours playing (IIRC) I'd only gotten my Siren to 36, and hadn't even come close to anywhere good for the other classes. I'll easily (and FUNly) be able to get all 6 of those Class/Subclasses filled at a very reasonable level of time and engagement.

I think the people who are in that elevated space of play; more time, better skill, more commitment; are hitting very large and imposing walls. Dudes like us might get left behind, but I don't think we'll ever be wanting for stuff to do or ways to have more and more fun with this game.

I do think Bungie can (and will) do more to cater to all levels of play, but I honestly don't think they expected the sheer fun of this game to lead people to play so much and get so far in such short a time.

Remember, they pushed UP the time for the Raid Launch and it's STILL too far away for some.
I really need a group now that I'm level 24 and need to manually assemble a fireteam for Nightfall and Weekly strikes.

I'm in GAF NA East 5, but there isn't much activity.

If anyone is down, my tag on X1 is Ash and Blood. I typically play around 9pm EST on weekdays and whenever on weekends.


Wow so yesterday I had a really productive(read lucky) day.

Maxed out my Vanguard marks for the week mainly doing events and turning in materials, bought an epic body piece which I kinda didn't want to buy because the stats weren't what i was going for. I did anyways, because you know, chasing that light level. Ended up hating it a lot when i lost all the discipline points as well as the buff to my pulse rifle ammo.

So fast forward to doing some Patrol stuff on Mars for a few hours, got a few legendary engrams. First one decodes into Exotic rocket launcher (part of my setup). 2 went into random blues, then back to back I got a legendary helm and body, both with the stats i'm going for on my build. Praise the sun!

Rounded out the evening by buying the Vanguard sunsinger class item for that flame look. Also got 2 Rare ship blueprints from chests on Mars. Loving my character a lot right now.

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