lmao, this is the first time ive seen the radiance move work.
Icing on the cake is the guy that killed him was teabagging.
That was hilarious.
lmao, this is the first time ive seen the radiance move work.
Icing on the cake is the guy that killed him was teabagging.
I wish either the level scaling were slower, or the level requirements on the moon higher. When I was playing at the right level for the missions, the game was a decent challenge. I did one session of patrol missions on Old Russia and it put me over the recommended level for all of the moon missions. I didn't die once as I went through them solo. Some close calls and a few crazy moments, but for the most part I seldom feel in danger. The giant Knight at the end of the moon missions took around 10 sniper rounds to kill.
That dome shield can save lives. It's just useless without the higher level abilities.
What is everyone's go-to for Primary and Secondary weapon??
I am using a hand cannon and a shot gun but around here it looks like everyone is going with an auto rifle and a sniper rifle.
I get what you're saying but I have to say I disagree. If they make things to easy to get then it waters down the game for those people who do play hundreds of hours. As it is I think they've been careful to offer something for everyone. Higher end gear is mostly normalized in vanilla PvP and the strikes are selectable by difficulty depending on where you're at. If you do play enough to get the best gear, there will be the Iron Banner events and high level strikes for you to play. Basically something for everyone.
I have both the Galahad-E and the Shingen-E, will try them tonight. Thanks for the breakdown.
Any thoughts on Doctor Nope?
The Hushwind can be good but I can't roll with it consistently. The recoil is wild and the damage per shot is very low - making it hard to win 1 v 1s on a level playing field. You have to have the drop on everyone. The range is terrible too.
I'm not saying its bad, but I don't touch the thing.
Edit: thinking of that 67 clip rare AR my bad lol. Hushwind is legit
Dude... I'm working on that part right now. 250/500. It's really annoying because the only void weapon I have is a Fusion Rifle and I never really liked how they felt. Now I'm basically forced to use it every game cause every death takes away from my progress and the only way to keep building it is to use Void damage.
I wish I was a Warlock so I could use a subclass that deals void damage with melee or super. Instead I'm awkwardly doing it on Hunter. I hope I like the weapon when I'm done.
Holy shit thats stupid and I use Hand Cannons! The best weapons type btw.![]()
I have the same. As a Titan.... :-|
THankfully, it's not 500 kills, but "only"100, as each void kill nets you +5 to the counter. Deaths count for -2 though. So if you get a 1.0 void K/D ratio it'll take you about 150 kills to get there.
I've heard here on GAF that the next objective is a lv26 strike too...
I probably got lucky, as I upgraded the sniper rifle to do extra damage right before the fight. Headshots were doing ~1300 damage each.I'm right around the same level as you and that dude was a huge pain for me. He was super aggressive for some reason and did crazy damage. Probably the hardest fight I've had in the game thus far.
I'll try out the Hard seetting as I explore the moon.Yeah, that is frustrating. There is at least one difficulty setting for each story mission. I really do recommend Hard, especially to another Halo campaign veteran.
I had the same problem as you, and the over-leveling problem slowed down on Venus and I hit parity on Mars. It wouldn't be such a problem if there were more scaling options, for both enemies and loot. Like Golden Chests are scaled to the zone they're in. So the mood in level 8 -10. But if you go hunting for them, you'll level past them.
Gosh, Venus is massive. I've got lost numerous times.
I probably got lucky, as I upgraded the sniper rifle to do extra damage right before the fight. Headshots were doing ~1300 damage each.
I'll try out the Hard seetting as I explore the moon.
How did they balance the hard setting? Do enemies just do more/take more damage, or are the encounters actually larger?
Are you actually on Venus or something? B/C you can traverse that entire map in under 10 minutes.
Decided to start a Titan because why the hell not and was sad to see that Cryptarch levels aren't account wide. Thought it would be like diablo 3 and the crafters.![]()
Whilst doing it on hard the enemies you face are usually a level or two higher than on normal, it is manageable solo, it's more like a Halo heroic setting, you have to be constantly thinking and if you mess up you'll usually pay with a death...
Problem in PvP is the stuff like the Titan Smash that not only cancels out the bubble but the Afterdamage that fucks you up.
Any other Dead Orbit members on GAF?
In comparison with the Shingen-E, I found the blue Galahad E was just as good if not better. It had better range and impact in a trade for a slightly slower fire rate. Found that it makes it easier to control the gun in PvP. This is coming from a guy who idolised the Shingen C in the beta. Also anyone use the Silver Hushwind? High level Shingen E pretty much.
I probably got lucky, as I upgraded the sniper rifle to do extra damage right before the fight. Headshots were doing ~1300 damage each.
I'll try out the Hard seetting as I explore the moon.
How did they balance the hard setting? Do enemies just do more/take more damage, or are the encounters actually larger?
How is it for you? I was eyeballing that to purchase this coming week when I get the marks.
*stands up*
Dead Orbit has the coolest armor and emblems, my FWC buddy disagrees but to each their own.
*stands up*
Dead Orbit has the coolest armor and emblems, my FWC buddy disagrees but to each their own.
That's how I play now, and am beating missions without dying. I bump it up and see how it goes. Thanks.
Here is my hunter atm!
LTTP, but WOW:
Where does the heavy ammo come from?
I need to ask Gary. I think Gary probably knows.
I don't get why the third faction is called Vanguard when there already is a Vanguard quartermaster in the basement.
There are three factions in addition to Vanguard and Crucible, which are the two default factions.
I don't get why the third faction is called Vanguard when there already is a Vanguard quartermaster in the basement.
Did you get both your legendary weapons from engrams? It seems like to buy them with marks, the reputation requirements are a little crazy.
Any other Dead Orbit members on GAF?
Sometimes when Craig is in the office and I'm announcing he'll say something like "Zone B's lost? Better find it!"
Craig's an asshole.
Problem in PvP is the stuff like the Titan Smash that not only cancels out the bubble but the Afterdamage that fucks you up.
Decided to start a Titan because why the hell not and was sad to see that Cryptarch levels aren't account wide. Thought it would be like diablo 3 and the crafters.![]()
And it will soon be four with Iron Banner coming in October.
Does this mean it'll fire like an auto rifle?
No it just means you can hold down the trigger but it still bursts.
Here is my hunter atm!
Does this mean it'll fire like an auto rifle?
Does this mean it'll fire like an auto rifle?
Does this mean it'll fire like an auto rifle?
No it just means you can hold down the trigger but it still bursts.
Does this mean it'll fire like an auto rifle?
Titan smash kills the bubble? Hmm. I had been wondering how to deal with it. Right now I bravely run away.