Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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Wish I was there.

So did you get any good loot?

RNGod decided to be kind and hear my prayers. I received an exotic Thunderlord heavy machine gun and the exotic Helm of Inmost Light for my Titan from two legendary engrams. One from farming, the other from the cryptarch. Still not a single purple though lol.


Just going to the Tower to decrypt engrams I got from sitting in front of the gates on moon. Hope theres something worth while in those :eek:

Edit: Nothing.


Whats the fastest way to get reputation (im with Dead Orbit)? Doing PvP and Bounties much, but i barely got the vendor to rank 1 in around 30 hours. Is there a faster way?


So I just noticed that some people like to hang around the cave right next to skywatch in Old Russia and spawn camp enemies in the patrol mission. I guess they're farming XP or boosting or whatever it's called.

I just hung around them, put the controller down for 15mins, and gained 2 levels. Also went inside the cave and picked up a whole bunch of engrams and weapons.

Sweet deal. Keep an eye out for that.


I got literally nothing yesterday from 15 blues and 1 legendary engram.

Although me and a couple of buddies did also manage to do the weekly in just under an hour!

I now have 20 strange coins ready for friday!


Also Jesus, I made that the cryptarch twitter yesterday expecting maybe 200 followers.

I now have just under 9k? Ridiculous.
Lv 23 and still rocking my damn Green Scout Rifle from Thursday. The game doesn't want to give me a rare Scout! It seems to be taking ages to upgrade Vanguard too, is the fastest way the Strike playlists? Patrol missions feel quite good too, depsite being boring!


Does anybody else feel the guns that the enemies shoot are more interesting than the ones we shoot?

I mean the Fallen get rocket-shotguns, and needler-plasma rifle hybrids. The vex get cool star wars blaster bolts with nice particle effects. The cabal shoot giant weighty projectiles with particle effects. The hive... Well, they're not too interesting other than the sword of croata.


I got literally nothing yesterday from 15 blues and 1 legendary engram.

Although me and a couple of buddies did also manage to do the weekly in just under an hour!

I now have 20 strange coins ready for friday!


Also Jesus, I made that the cryptarch twitter yesterday expecting maybe 200 followers.

I now have just under 9k? Ridiculous.

That's you?? Awesome! Your posts are hilarious! Even Bungie likes that account :)


Rare engram = Legendary Rocket Launcher

I love you again Destiny.

I got my first Exotic Weapon Bounty as well but have no idea what to do with it. It just says to find a loot cache on Mars or some noise for clues.


Unconfirmed Member
I wish we could get building materials as drops from killing enemies rather than having to search around for them.


The enemy density for this spot seems way lower than the The Dark Beyond spot. I'm skeptical.

Don't be. There's no resetting/respawning, you just stand there and fire. In the Dark Beyond I'd sometimes accidently kill the night and had to go back to orbit. Also, every so often there are events, such as faction wars or defend events. It helps being with more than one person though, if you don't kill them all and a few escape there will spawn less and less frequent.


Don't be. There's no resetting/respawning, you just stand there and fire. In the Dark Beyond I'd sometimes accidently kill the night and had to go back to orbit. Also, every so often there are events, such as faction wars or defend events. It helps being with more than one person though, if you don't kill them all and a few escape there will spawn less and less frequent.

I know what I'm going to do after work today then!


That's you?? Awesome! Your posts are hilarious! Even Bungie likes that account :)

Well thanks very much. I never expected any of this seriously, just made it as he is literally the biggest troll in the game, so he had to have a twitter.
It is indeed me, it is crazy dude, my phone and laptop locked up last night....

Absolutely amazing response!


Well got through the first 2 (easy) parts of my Exotic Weapon bounty for a hand cannon. I now have to kill 500 players with void damage. That is going to suck.

That is actually the easy part of the quest. I am lvl 25 and having a hell of a time trying the Phogoth strike to wrap the quest up.

When you're ready for the mission, hit me up. PSN sunvsthemoon


That is actually the easy part of the quest. I am lvl 25 and having a hell of a time trying the Phogoth strike to wrap the quest up.

When you're ready for the mission, hit me up. PSN sunvsthemoon

Do you have to do a special version of that strike? I have the same bounty too so I'm curious.
Does anybody else feel the guns that the enemies shoot are more interesting than the ones we shoot?.

so much this.
I want the alien weapons, shields and so on.
They are much more creative. Perhaps the darkness is an evolutionary step, sure feels like it looking at the weapons.


when im desperate i just make a Personal 3G Hotspot with my phone and remote play :D

That's what I thought about too, but my unfortunately I don't have an unlimited dataplan. Thinking about taking one just so I can always play (read: farm) whenever/whereever I want haha.
That's what I thought about too, but my unfortunately I don't have an unlimited dataplan. Thinking about taking one just so I can always play (read: farm) whenever/whereever I want haha.

damn, sorry :(

(consider getting a 4G/LTE wireless pocketwifi router!)


Formerly Gizmowned
Can anyone in the Tower quickly check when bounties refresh. I believe it's about 20 minutes. I don't want to look because I'm doing a Strike and I want to complete for the Marks so I can get my Legendary gear.
Is it weird that I'm level 23 and haven't even had a whiff of a legendary item yet? I feel like something is wrong.
I've been grinding and farming engrams to the point of exhaustion and I don't have a thing to show for it. I've only got one legendary engram from leveling up the cryptarch and it turned out to be a rare.



So I was doing some patrols on the moon and Venus last night as I did bounties. Level 23 and not a sniff of anything legendary at all. Picked up some blue engrams on the moon and went to decrypt them. I managed to get a legendary set of gauntlets! For a different class ... Doh.

Did the same on Venus and got a legendary chest piece from a blue again and it was for my class! Woot!

Don't loose heart guys, you'll get stuff when you least expect it.


Is it weird that I'm level 23 and haven't even had a whiff of a legendary item yet? I feel like something is wrong.
I've been grinding and farming engrams to the point of exhaustion and I don't have a thing to show for it. I've only got one legendary engram from leveling up the cryptarch and it turned out to be a rare.


Can we like sticky this at the top of every page for the next week or so? :D
The standard Crucible gear kind of sucks (int + str). Guess I'll go with a faction. Thinking dead orbit so I can get my knife and grenade back. Super isn't that big a deal and golden gun is basically useless in pve
The standard Crucible gear kind of sucks (int + str). Guess I'll go with a faction. Thinking dead orbit so I can get my knife and grenade back. Super isn't that big a deal and golden gun is basically useless in pve

Whaaaaat. Int + Str is amazing if your playstyle supports that. My Bladedancer eats that combination uuuuup.


Is it weird that I'm level 23 and haven't even had a whiff of a legendary item yet? I feel like something is wrong.
I've been grinding and farming engrams to the point of exhaustion and I don't have a thing to show for it. I've only got one legendary engram from leveling up the cryptarch and it turned out to be a rare.


Ha! That's nothing my friend. I've been stuck at level 24 for 2 days straight and decrypted 8-10 legendary engrams with not a single usable item in them.

It's starting to piss me off a little bit now. I'm 2 bounties away from vanguard level 2 so can just buy my own legendary armor but it was a bit of a grind.

I find it amusing that Bungie were so quick to dismiss the possibility of item exchange because "you have to earn that exotic weapon/armor" then they just gift the fuckers to random level 20s all the time.

Playing crucible last night and 4 out of 6 were running with exotic primary weapons. I very much doubt they all "earned" them.

Sorry for going off on a rant. It's just making the game less enjoyable for me that luck enters so much into how good your build is. Even if I wanted to just buy legendary weapons from a vendor it'll take me another week or more to grind the level up to 3 then the crucible/vanguard cap would fuck me over.



Whaaaaat. Int + Str is amazing if your playstyle supports that. My Bladedancer eats that combination uuuuup.

I don't do STR for Bladedancer because that sub-tree has a skill called "Fast Twitch," which regenerates your melee in 5 seconds. It's minimal gains to be investing in STR with that particular skill so I went FWC and did INT/DIS.
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