How many strange coins should I have ready for the weekend?
It's 13 for the available class armors, and 23 for the available weapons. There is also a (presumably random slot for the weekend) Exotic engram that costs 23 Motes of Light.
How many strange coins should I have ready for the weekend?
So I was trying out the Skywatch farming location, there were two other guys there, we had been there for about 20 minutes just as we came back from getting ammo & loot from the cave everything went crazy! All the fallen rushed our location, hive started spawning behind us from a door (including wizards and knights). They just kept spawning... it was so much fun and just carnage!
Not sure if other people have mentioned this but the thread moves so quickly!
How do you get Strange Coins? Is there a surefire way to do it?
So I was trying out the Skywatch farming location, there were two other guys there, we had been there for about 20 minutes just as we came back from getting ammo & loot from the cave everything went crazy! All the fallen rushed our location, hive started spawning behind us from a door (including wizards and knights). They just kept spawning... it was so much fun and just carnage!
Not sure if other people have mentioned this but the thread moves so quickly!
Is the speaker the only one that accepts Motes of Light?
How do you get Strange Coins? Is there a surefire way to do it?
Thanks. I'll check it out.The only guaranteed way is the weekly strikes. Everything else is pot luck.
Patrols give you 10 or 20 rep don't they? So I don't think you have to do 20.
Oh my, got my first Legendary Ingram. Gonna record me opening it up, prepare for tears.
My current Titan and two exotic weapons I got from the legendary engrams (Cryptarch likes me). Now I'm waiting for Xur to appear so I can buy exotic gear with my strange coins
My current Titan and two exotic weapons I got from the legendary engrams (Cryptarch likes me). Now I'm waiting for Xur to appear so I can buy exotic gear with my strange coins
Why the hell do designers keep allowing parties to go against randoms in public games? If I don't have 3/6 people, suddenly the game is just completely tilted against me because I'm playing with randoms? Fuck that.
So I was trying out the Skywatch farming location, there were two other guys there, we had been there for about 20 minutes just as we came back from getting ammo & loot from the cave everything went crazy! All the fallen rushed our location, hive started spawning behind us from a door (including wizards and knights). They just kept spawning... it was so much fun and just carnage!
Not sure if other people have mentioned this but the thread moves so quickly!
I still need help with the Summoning Pits-strike (lvl 26) on the moon to obtain my exotic weapon bounty, anyone else who needs this or cares to help?
That's the war between the hive and the fallen which happens occasionally in that area![]()
Finally got 4 legendary engrams today and one was an exotic fusion rifle! Plan C.
I still need help with the Summoning Pits-strike (lvl 26) on the moon to obtain my exotic weapon bounty, anyone else who needs this or cares to help?
Here we go. Dunno why the 'Bone didn't record sound.
So... is all of the rage about loot drops and things just coming from people who don't have the time to play loads but want to be level 26 to do the vault?
Do you not enjoy just playing the game?
What's the rush to be level 26+? Outside of DLC packs which might add gear to get the light level much higher, this is pretty much it right?
It was fantastic and got out of hand really quickly. When events like that happen with all amount of enemies on screen and things happening I'm pretty impressed by the engine and how solid the frame rate stays.
Glad a lot of you guys also experienced it!
3 strange coins isn't the worst I've seen from a blue and purple.
I'd be delighted if that happened to me more often. You're well on your way to the 13 coins you need for an exotic armor piece from Xur this weekend.
So... I have been reading this thread and I feel a bit out of the loop.
I hit level 20 on Monday and so far have been really enjoying the game and can't wait to play some more.
I am quite happy to just replay some missions with friends, jump into the crucible and just enjoy myself.
I got annoyed that the Vault of Glass was likely to be beyond my reach (getting 6 people together isn't likely), but I figured that is for the people who play 100's of hours, which I'm probably never going to have time for.
So... is all of the rage about loot drops and things just coming from people who don't have the time to play loads but want to be level 26 to do the vault?
Do you not enjoy just playing the game?
What's the rush to be level 26+? Outside of DLC packs which might add gear to get the light level much higher, this is pretty much it right?
strange coins are a better roll from an engram than they seem.3 strange coins isn't the worst I've seen from a blue and purple.
I'd be delighted if that happened to me more often. You're well on your way to the 13 coins you need for an exotic armor piece from Xur this weekend.
Here we go. Dunno why the 'Bone didn't record sound.
What are golden chests? If you got to one of the maps in game it says you have "X / 5 Golden Chests"
Edit: Never mind, just didn't notice at the time I was opening them.
The exotic dealer Xur also takes them , he's there on weekends. I'd save em till then.
Here we go. Dunno why the 'Bone didn't record sound.
Who the hell is Xur
Just in case anyone was struggling with the "Exalted Hive" bounty (kill 10 hive ultras or majors) as it's on the bounty board right now. There's a spawn spot on Venus where a level 11 hive major spawns every 30 seconds. It took me about 10 minutes total to get the 10 kills.
Found the link here
Do the Sword of Crota mission. When you pick up thea shit ton of them spawn and you can one shot them. Probably a lot more fun than waiting on spawns.sword
I actually tried that mission the other day to complete the bounty and they didn't register as majors or ultras for me. Dunno if you have to play on a higher difficulty of something.
Play the daily mission on a higher difficulty, it's how I got mine todayBest way to get ascendant shards anyone?
I need two more to upgrade my armour which will then push me over into rank 27. Which I'd like to reach before going into the Raid I think
Never experienced it. Its near the loot cave?
Are you sure you weren't mixing up Hive Majors with Fallen Majors?