Destiny |OT3| Oh sweet a Legen- wait never mind, it's a rare.

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:D Just soloed the weekly strike lvl26. I dunno if I could do the 28 solo though with all the shielding. It was fun but a bit slow on the boss. The rock on the back left side as you go in seems to be a good place. Clear out the adds, hide there, pick at boss. I had a gun that could pick up ammo if you shoot at it but I guess ammo comes back on it's own when you are fully out? I was out of ammo and just gonna use grenades for the rest of the fight but then my primary and special got ammo back!

LVL26 Sunsinger Warlock (capped skills). Fireborn is such a godly skill. I never use Radiance now unless I'm dead. In PVP it gives people a good scare when you come back for vengeance and in PVE it can save a run with a group or give you a second chance when soloing.


So I was trying out the Skywatch farming location, there were two other guys there, we had been there for about 20 minutes just as we came back from getting ammo & loot from the cave everything went crazy! All the fallen rushed our location, hive started spawning behind us from a door (including wizards and knights). They just kept spawning... it was so much fun and just carnage!

Not sure if other people have mentioned this but the thread moves so quickly!

Yeah happened to me yesterday twice. Seems it's just a random event, maybe it gets triggered more often if there are more players around. Shit is insane.

We managed to spawntrap the mobs in that little room to the left of the hill though. It was a superfest. We kinda broke the game too lol. One dude would super which would refill the other dudes super etc. It was madness haha.
So I was trying out the Skywatch farming location, there were two other guys there, we had been there for about 20 minutes just as we came back from getting ammo & loot from the cave everything went crazy! All the fallen rushed our location, hive started spawning behind us from a door (including wizards and knights). They just kept spawning... it was so much fun and just carnage!

Not sure if other people have mentioned this but the thread moves so quickly!

Yeah I went farming there by myself then all of a sudden I had a bunch of cursed thralls and servitors chasing me. At first I was so confused in the mayhem but it was awesome haha. I died several times as I kept running out of ammo and suddenly everything just slowed down again. Weird.


I did some farming earlier at the Skywatch and there were 3 others there (dunno if in a fireteam or what). I got about 3 Legendary engrams and they each got 1-2 in the time I was there. We couldn't talk but I danced and waves and pointed when they got Legendaries and I think we made a good farming team.

Then everything changed when the Fire Nation Fallen and Hive attacked.
When it did the mini event thingie where waves of them spawn something happened. I dunno if they just left or what but they were gone and I'd never felt so alone in Old Russia ;_;

Good Luck with your decodes farm buddies! May the Cryptarch not be a dick to you.


Just in case anyone was struggling with the "Exalted Hive" bounty (kill 10 hive ultras or majors) as it's on the bounty board right now. There's a spawn spot on Venus where a level 11 hive major spawns every 30 seconds. It took me about 10 minutes total to get the 10 kills.

Found the link here


Subete no aware
Why the hell do designers keep allowing parties to go against randoms in public games? If I don't have 3/6 people, suddenly the game is just completely tilted against me because I'm playing with randoms? Fuck that.


Formerly Gizmowned
Oh my, got my first Legendary Ingram. Gonna record me opening it up, prepare for tears.

Finally got to level 20 last night. Now it's time to try and level up the bladedancer subclass.

On another note, I'm really looking forward to seeing what Bungie does with PvP. There is just so much opportunity there - matches without supers, triple-team (or double), an equivalent to Team SWAT, etc.
My current Titan and two exotic weapons I got from the legendary engrams (Cryptarch likes me). Now I'm waiting for Xur to appear so I can buy exotic gear with my strange coins :)


Damn, you got that from an engram? I've been doing practically every mission with hand-cannons, nothing more satisfying that landing headshot after headshot with them. Wish I get as lucky as you when I get over level 20. Only level 17 at the moment, damned work and real life keep getting in the way...
My current Titan and two exotic weapons I got from the legendary engrams (Cryptarch likes me). Now I'm waiting for Xur to appear so I can buy exotic gear with my strange coins :)




I gotta say, the weapons and armor in this game are beautifully designed.

Why the hell do designers keep allowing parties to go against randoms in public games? If I don't have 3/6 people, suddenly the game is just completely tilted against me because I'm playing with randoms? Fuck that.

Splitting parties into their own playlist should be mandatory for every fps at this point.
So I was trying out the Skywatch farming location, there were two other guys there, we had been there for about 20 minutes just as we came back from getting ammo & loot from the cave everything went crazy! All the fallen rushed our location, hive started spawning behind us from a door (including wizards and knights). They just kept spawning... it was so much fun and just carnage!

Not sure if other people have mentioned this but the thread moves so quickly!

This seems to happen randomly in areas of the game while in Patrol mode. I have experienced it on Skywatch and the downed Fallen aircraft in the courtyard-like area (and farming) on Venus. It becomes a full-on war for about 10 minutes especially with all the Vex and Fallen from the grunts to leaders in one area doing battle with yourself thrown into the mix. Quite entertaining.


Neo Member
Invisibility + shotgun seems so broken, especially in rumble. Not showing on radar, sneaking up on people and insta killing them. Bonus invisibility when using escape artist and i'm practically a ghost.
I still need help with the Summoning Pits-strike (lvl 26) on the moon to obtain my exotic weapon bounty, anyone else who needs this or cares to help?

It's been a few minutes since you posted but I'm down to help if you still need it.

Lv 26 Titan. Finished the weekly strike on both lv22 and 26, for whatever that's worth.

PSN is DrDrizzay101, anyone can feel free to add (terrible name I know).


That's the war between the hive and the fallen which happens occasionally in that area :)

It was fantastic and got out of hand really quickly. When events like that happen with all amount of enemies on screen and things happening I'm pretty impressed by the engine and how solid the frame rate stays.

Glad a lot of you guys also experienced it!
What are golden chests? If you got to one of the maps in game it says you have "X / 5 Golden Chests"

Edit: Never mind, just didn't notice at the time I was opening them.
So... I have been reading this thread and I feel a bit out of the loop.

I hit level 20 on Monday and so far have been really enjoying the game and can't wait to play some more.

I am quite happy to just replay some missions with friends, jump into the crucible and just enjoy myself.

I got annoyed that the Vault of Glass was likely to be beyond my reach (getting 6 people together isn't likely), but I figured that is for the people who play 100's of hours, which I'm probably never going to have time for.

So... is all of the rage about loot drops and things just coming from people who don't have the time to play loads but want to be level 26 to do the vault?

Do you not enjoy just playing the game?

What's the rush to be level 26+? Outside of DLC packs which might add gear to get the light level much higher, this is pretty much it right?


Here we go. Dunno why the 'Bone didn't record sound.

3 strange coins isn't the worst I've seen from a blue and purple.

I'd be delighted if that happened to me more often. You're well on your way to the 13 coins you need for an exotic armor piece from Xur this weekend.

So... is all of the rage about loot drops and things just coming from people who don't have the time to play loads but want to be level 26 to do the vault?

Do you not enjoy just playing the game?

What's the rush to be level 26+? Outside of DLC packs which might add gear to get the light level much higher, this is pretty much it right?

TBH I'm probably in a similar position to you. I've managed to rack up 35 hours on Destiny this past week and that's an absolutely massive amount for me to play in a 7 days. I doubt I'll ever have time to seriously take a run at the big/long vaults so that's not really bothering me. I am enjoying the game immensly but it's getting a bit grindy for me at the minute trying to make sure my character is able to compete with the ones who are lucking out these random drops.

I think the thing that's pissing me off is the complete randomness of the leveling system. Because of the way the drops/cryptarch work it's perfectly plausible for someone who has only played 20-25 hours to have better gear/level than someone who have put in a lot more time.

Bungie clearly stated that these exotic/legendary weapons would have to be "earned" by players and used to show off when you complete a really hard strike or raid. Then they proceeded to just randomly drop them in people's laps who have just hit level 20 and played a hand full of games. Just kind of kicks sand in the face of the people who are not blessed by the RNG gods.

I think just making a legendary engram a guaranteed legendary item would solve the whole issue for me. Also no more exotic gifts. Surely they have to be something to strive for.


It was fantastic and got out of hand really quickly. When events like that happen with all amount of enemies on screen and things happening I'm pretty impressed by the engine and how solid the frame rate stays.

Glad a lot of you guys also experienced it!

Never experienced it. Its near the loot cave?


Is the First Blood bounty bugged for anyone else? I've gotten the first kill in my first two games and the bounty hasn't updated to reflect that.
3 strange coins isn't the worst I've seen from a blue and purple.

I'd be delighted if that happened to me more often. You're well on your way to the 13 coins you need for an exotic armor piece from Xur this weekend.

Yeah, that's why I didn't jump off the cliff. :lol My reaction was pretty much this:



The Cryptarch's Bane
So... I have been reading this thread and I feel a bit out of the loop.

I hit level 20 on Monday and so far have been really enjoying the game and can't wait to play some more.

I am quite happy to just replay some missions with friends, jump into the crucible and just enjoy myself.

I got annoyed that the Vault of Glass was likely to be beyond my reach (getting 6 people together isn't likely), but I figured that is for the people who play 100's of hours, which I'm probably never going to have time for.

So... is all of the rage about loot drops and things just coming from people who don't have the time to play loads but want to be level 26 to do the vault?

Do you not enjoy just playing the game?

What's the rush to be level 26+? Outside of DLC packs which might add gear to get the light level much higher, this is pretty much it right?

They seem to have PvE events planned, but we don't really know what the requirements will be to participate.

You've got the right attitude to get the most out of the game, and also actually, the Vault of Glass once it's totally "solved" might be well within your reach when you hit 26, look up the strategies, and join a group on or so.
3 strange coins isn't the worst I've seen from a blue and purple.

I'd be delighted if that happened to me more often. You're well on your way to the 13 coins you need for an exotic armor piece from Xur this weekend.
strange coins are a better roll from an engram than they seem.


What are golden chests? If you got to one of the maps in game it says you have "X / 5 Golden Chests"

Edit: Never mind, just didn't notice at the time I was opening them.

Its just a chest with some low use green item or a handful of resources....just like the other trash chests $(*#@*@(^$


Does the extra materials from a node grimoire bonus work. I have 5000 kills on old russia and still getting 1 with occassional 2 spin metal per node.
Just in case anyone was struggling with the "Exalted Hive" bounty (kill 10 hive ultras or majors) as it's on the bounty board right now. There's a spawn spot on Venus where a level 11 hive major spawns every 30 seconds. It took me about 10 minutes total to get the 10 kills.

Found the link here

Do the Sword of Crota mission. When you pick up the
a shit ton of them spawn and you can one shot them. Probably a lot more fun than waiting on spawns.


is there some sort of anti farming timer algorythms? I was farming those 3 ultra Hive dudes in Old Russia in the basement. musta got like 2000 coins from them in about 20 minutes they hardly spawn.

I sense a timer.


Do the Sword of Crota mission. When you pick up the
a shit ton of them spawn and you can one shot them. Probably a lot more fun than waiting on spawns.

I actually tried that mission the other day to complete the bounty and they didn't register as majors or ultras for me. Dunno if you have to play on a higher difficulty of something.


Best way to get ascendant shards anyone?

I need two more to upgrade my armour which will then push me over into rank 27. Which I'd like to reach before going into the Raid I think
Just decrypted 3 legendary engrams, got 2 crappy blues and a strange coin...


Best way to get ascendant shards anyone?

I need two more to upgrade my armour which will then push me over into rank 27. Which I'd like to reach before going into the Raid I think
Play the daily mission on a higher difficulty, it's how I got mine today
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